
Arc 2 Ch6 The Ulquiorra Chapter Finale


Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes at Harribel, even as he heard the Time Traveller curse from the other side.

"That was uncalled for," He remarked, quieting his voice in the process.

She flinched the slightest, before her eyes immediately narrowed, her body tensing as she concentrated her reiatsu. "I was caught off-guard,'

Ulquiorra nodded his head, turning his gaze towards the group of Shinigamis in the distance. "He seems to have a habit of doing that to us,"

Harribel didn't react, instead focusing on the distance.

"Hey Ulquiorra!" The infuriating voice echoed out.

"Perhaps a compromise is in order," Ulquiorra offered, his body turning to face the direction of the echo. "What say we work together again,"

"Do you believe in mercy!?" The voice continued. His own advanced sight giving a crystal clear image of the aforementioned captain. The dead man currently had his sword pointed towards him.

Harribel, a tick in place, simply sighed and agreed to his offer. "Don't miss."

Ulquiorra without skipping a beat got into position, both hands on his blade as he crouched, his sword to the side. "I couldn't even if I tried," He remarked, an amused quirk to his face at the thought.

"If you're saying something, just know I can't hear you!"

For whatever reason, the words earned another sigh out of Harribel, the female espada merely raising her hands to the sky, Ulquiorra momentarily noticing a look of confusion sweeping over her face.

"No, Time-traveller-san, I do not believe in offering mercy." He stated, earning silence in return, his reiatsu coursing through his blade, a cloak made of millions of tiny specks of reiatsu forming over it. Harribel's own reiatsu on the other hand merely rushed out of her outstretched hands. The wave of reiatsu immediately dissipating into nothingness, or as he truly knew into the sea below, as a soft blue glow shined out of the Shark Empress's eyes.

He watched as walls of water slowly rose out of the sea, finally breaking the rest of the shinigami's entourage silence.

He, momentarily, found his focus fascinated by the sheer anger pouring out of Urahara Kisuke.

"What did I just warn-" Though whatever the blonde haired man had been about to let slip vanished as the Time-traveler spoke over him.

"... I wasn't requesting mercy, Ulquiorra-kun,"

Ulquiorra stopped wasting time the moment he felt the sudden building pressure. Aizen Sosuke's figure momentarily shrouding in a thick cloud of chaos, as the man's eyes glinted.

The cloak of reiatsu surrounding his sword immediately started descending towards his blade, space and time contorting as Ulquiorra reached out to grab onto a piece of every offending intruder in Huaco Mundo. Or more plainly put, a piece of the souls of each shinigami before him. The cloak of reiatsu was now a vortex of swirling energy surrounding his sword. The space around it contorting as he pulled the blade back. Harribell's wall of Reiatsu, now surrounding every being in her Inner Realm, closed them out from the rest of her world, and more importantly, significantly reducing the coming after-shock. And while he could try to limit such a thing, he couldn't risk losing too much focus, lest their realm started unravelling.

With that in mind, Ulquiorra took aim, his eyes closing as his reiatsu hummed. The warping space escalating as it covered him completely. Harribel's form slowly pushing itself away, even as she held the bubble surrounding them.

"I was offering it," Aizen continued unhindered, his sword now somehow directly pointed towards him. "Reflect, Kyoka Suigetsu,"

Ulquiorra never even got the chance to fire as his sword fell free from his hand. His attack fizzling out as his fail-safe kicked into place. His body echoeing out as it crashed into the suddenly reverting sea. When he reopened his eyes, he found himself in a grand hall, the colour white covering every speck of dust, the sight a sore for his eyes as he instinctively covered his face with a hand. In the centre, his gaze landed on a throne occupied by-

"Hello there, Ulquiorra-kun." The brown-haired captain from before, a distinctively different look to his face and vastly different presence, remarked casually. Even as, for whatever reason, his own body shuddered in his presence.

"Who are you?" He questioned, his eyes narrowing as he realised his voice as no longer being amplified.

"If we're going to get along, I am going to have make a few rules for you,"

"Excuse me?" Ulquiorra remarked calmly, even as mind ran a thousand miles a second. His hand twitching at the lack of his sword.

"Rule number one," The strange spirit? Continued unhindered, his body slowly rising from the seat. "Never, ever, hide anything from me again."

Ulquiorra blinked at the demand, his brow furrowing. "I have no reason to oblige you," He replied, his body tensing as his reiatsu failed to respond.

"Rule number two," Aizen continued, his footsteps hardly slowing.

"Why can't I use my reiatsu!?"

Aizen raised a single eyebrow, "I am sure, given what I've witnessed so far, you know what an Inner Realm is, Or do Hollows have a different word for it?"

And Ulquiorra froze, for that was without a doubt "Impossible!"

Aizen tilted his head the slightest. "Rule Number Two," He repeated.

"That's not possible! You're a Shinigami's spirit!" Ulquiorra spoke one rhim, this time earning a twitch, one that sent chills down his spine- He briefly took a step back at the sensation. "Shinigami's only have one soul! They cannot hope to hold-" The wave of killing intent covered every speck of dust surrounding the captain, for a moment, seemed to paint the world in red,

"Rule. Number two." Aizen repeated for the third time, "Never Insult my name again."

"There's that damn word, again," Ulquiorra remarked through grit teeth, his senses screaming at him to run, even as he stared down (up) the Soul Spirit? Before him.

"My my, it seems I have my work cut out for me," The spirit smiled, reaching a hand out towards him, though it would never reach as the world started shifting again, his mind blanking out as Harribel's familiar feel of hollow reiatsu washed over him, a tell-tale sign the espada herself was once again conscious, bringing his own senses back to his world.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!