
Arc 2 Ch5


I wasn't entirely sure what to think of the fact I'd had a run in with the Clown Prince of Crime... My hand minutely shook as I tried to stop it, somewhat in vai- My thoughts froze the moment I felt reiatsu suddenly encompass said hand, stopping it's shaking in the process.


Aizen of course said nothing.

Still, the fact was... Joker being real, worse, showing up in this world? That was a lot to take in... Aizen wasn't all too worried, given he'd lost his powers, but... I still couldn't help the feeling that it didn't matter if he'd lost those powers... He was in a world omnipotent power was likely even closer compared to his own.

I knew he'd come back.

Characters like him don't make a one off appearance- Hey Aizen how do you cope with fact you're a manga character? I suddenly questioned earning a minor shock to my reiatsu covered hand.

It does not change anything.

I blinked at the answer before realising that yes... It didn't matter. With that lovely breakthrough, I turned my focus back towards the two gingers in the room. Orihime was on the ground, resting, though her gaze was sharper then I'd ever seen it. She was watching herself use her ability.

Funnily enough, this wasn't one of my memories. It was in fact Aizen's... Abridgement of it, which thanks to his Shikai ability meant he could effectively create and showcase any 'future' he wants...

He's like a budget Huya right now-

I held in the urge to spit the drink out as Aizen used thunderstrike.

It was super effective.

I turned my attention back towards the girl, watching as she nodded to herself for he 80th time so far and promptly got up to try and learn her ability again. Which of course meant Shunsui was still here. Yamamoto had disappeared from the room not long after the Joker incident, intent on finding anymore hidden passages. Which there was a lot of. Like hundreds. And Aizen's only responsible for like two thirds of them- Uh, right... Back to Shunsui... The man was currently trying to teach Ichigo how to talk to his Zanpakuto spirit. His real one while Rukia was currently in front of me trying to practise one of the Kido spells Aizen had propped up on a screen.

Meanwhile I was relaxing against the sofa, waiting for Orihime to figure out what ever the hell she's supposed to do.

It's not like I actually remembered. I showed Aizen a few scenes of her using said ability and let him take it from there.

Surprisingly enough, underneath all of the major signs of insanity, past his destructive tendencies and... This is taking too long.

Beneath all the Aizenness that makes up Aizen, like really deep down and past all the Aizenic traits that make him such an... Aizen, like so far down even Gin's Shikai would have trouble reaching it-

You understand that if I truly wanted, I could use Kyoka Suigetsu to replace you-

You can't release yourself.

...Aizen? Anyway... Where I was- Am I channelling Yoda? Why am I channelling Yoda? Aizen are you watching Star Wars again!?

Deal with it.

... I sighed, there was no winning this argument. Now you might be wondering why... Well, apparently the force, like chakra, and haki of all things, have some similarities between each other. Similarities that can be replicated, not that it was going to happen anytime soon. To my own disappointment, Aizen had said it would likely take centuries before anyone ever figured out how to connect the pieces, not that it's stopped him from working on it... And the fact he'd somehow already stumbled on it even before I'd shown up here?

I briefly shivered, no doubt due to Aizen. Even my reiatsu, as high as it was, had limits... three simultaneous screens with another larger one in the inner world... All showcasing entirely different things.

Needles to say, I could barely do anymore than sit still.

"Aizen-taichou," Rukia's voice suddenly broke me out of my stupor as I turned towards her, raising a single eyebrow as I eyed her hand, a smile slowly growing on my face as I watched Ichigo pale.

Rukia's hand was outstretched towards me, a white glow emanating out of it.

"Tanma Otoshi!" Rukia cried out as the reiatsu imploded out of her hand showering the air and me with a white glow. I found myself instinctively covering a single eye at the sudden brightness, completely ignoring though still feeling the attempted effects.

I, of course had Aizen show everyone the original canon scene, where Shinji used it on Ichigo... And well, the fact it showed Ichigo completely blacking out was likely the only reason Rukia had agreed to learn it.

Ichigo rubbed the back of his head, a worried expression on his face as he lost his focus from his own lesson, and turned towards me, a betrayed look replacing the previous.

"She insisted," I shrugged, "Plus I figured the next time Shunsui and Pals-" Rukia held in the urge to snort, Orihime and Ichigo failed. Shunsui twitched, though he didn't rise to the bait. "Decide to have another crack at politics, she can knock em all out and save everyone-"

"I think he get's it, Aizen-taichou," Shunsui remarked with a strained smile.

I blinked before flashing him a grin and turned towards Ichigo. "Do you get it Ichigo?" I questioned.

Ichigo seemed to stare between me and the other captain for a second before grinning, while Rukia sighed beside me. "No I think I'll take the full explanation,"

I obliged.

Shunsui wasn't happy, though from the way his expression seemed to settle on Rukia's own laughter, I don't think he was as angry as he was letting on. If anything he looked content...

It didn't take long before we fell back into the earlier mood. Judging from the way Orihime's resolve seemed to harden at the fact Rukia had completed her job first, I figured it wouldn't be long before she figured out... Whatever Aizen was trying to teach her. Once Shunsui's arm was healed, I figured Yamamoto was likely to have me go back straight to my captains duties...

At least until we invaded Huaco Mundo with a pseudo-nazi, a teenage boxer and two gingers.

Yeah, I don't like our odds either.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!