
Forge In Shadow

"Follow Aelar Dayan's journey in 'Forged in Shadows' as he returns to the desolate Ravendale shattered by a mysterious force. Armed with weathered weapons, Aelar, alongside his father Rioran, seeks not only to forge powerful symbols but also to unravel the mysteries veiled in the remnants of their village. Through craftsmanship and connection, they set sail into the unknown, not just to Padas but to discover the enigmatic truths hidden in the world they navigate."

Pepotchi · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Whispers of Padas

The boat glided smoothly along the calm river, propelled by Rioran's steady rowing. Aelar sat beside him, eagerly scanning the greenery on both sides, uncertain of how they'd recognize Padas.

"Father," Aelar asked, "how will we know when we've reached Padas? Everything looks the same here."

Rioran smiled confidently. "Trust me, son," he said. "We'll know when we see it."

As they continued, Aelar found solace in the peaceful sounds of nature—the gentle splash of water, the birds' chirping. Eventually, Rioran guided the boat to shore.

"We've arrived," Rioran announced, securing the boat.

Aelar followed his father onto land, marveling at the towering archway ahead. "Is this Padas?" he wondered aloud.

Rioran nodded proudly. "Yes, son. We've found it."

In the heart of an ancient realm lies Padas, a hidden sanctuary where skilled swordsmen seek refuge from a chaotic world. Surrounded by towering trees and serene waters, Padas emanates tranquility. Its rustic cottages, adorned with tales of bravery, blend seamlessly with the natural beauty.

Within Padas, people of all ages are trained in swordsmanship under ancient trees, fostering a strong sense of community. As night falls, residents gather to share stories and laughter, strengthening their bonds.

For Aelar and his father, Rioran, approaching Padas brings a mix of nerves and excitement. As they are greeted by a vigilant guard, Aelar wonders about the adventures and challenges that await them within the sanctuary's walls.

The guard's stern inquiries triggered an unfamiliar tension within Aelar, hidden beneath his stoic exterior. "Hey, you, kid with the tattoo on your forehead, and you, man! What the hell are you doing here? Reveal yourselves!"

Sensing Aelar's discomfort, Rioran nudged him discreetly, urging caution. Despite his son's unease, Rioran intervened with confidence, "Don't worry, my son. I've got this."

While Rioran engaged the guard in conversation, Aelar sought refuge beneath a nearby tree, its leaves forming a natural canopy. Unexpectedly, the seemingly sturdy trunk snapped, and Aelar found himself sprawled on the ground. The mishap caught the attention of a fellow resident, a young woman skilled in the art of the sword.

"Get out of there, you might get hit!" she warned, prompting Aelar to scramble away just in time. As the tree crashed to the ground, the woman approached, expressing concern. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

In that moment, Aelar's world shifted. The woman's beauty captivated him, leaving him momentarily speechless. "It's a good thing you moved. If not, I would've been in trouble again with my father. But I'm happy you're safe," she said with a warm smile.

Aelar, still recovering from the unexpected encounter with the falling tree, managed a shy smile in return. As the conversation between Rioran and the guard concluded, Aelar couldn't shake the lingering effects of the woman's presence.

Rioran, noticing his son's distraction, approached with a curious expression. "Aelar, what's on your mind? You seem lost in thought."

Aelar, hesitating at first, decided to share his experience. "Father, when I saw that woman with the long hair, something strange happened to me. My heart started racing, and my chest hurt."

Rioran, initially taken aback, burst into laughter. "Well, my boy, it seems you've encountered the unpredictability of the heart. Love has a way of finding us when we least expect it."

Aelar, bewildered by his father's response, tried to comprehend the concept of love. Rioran, realizing his son's confusion, decided to weave a tale from their family's past.

"You know, Aelar, long ago, in the very heart of Padas, your grandfather met your grandmother under circumstances not too different from yours. She was a skilled swordswoman, much like the woman you encountered. Their meeting, too, was marked by a mishap, a shared laughter, and, eventually, a connection that withstood the test of time."

As Rioran recounted the tale of love and camaraderie that blossomed in Padas, Aelar found himself enchanted by the idea. The sanctuary, once a place of solitude, now seemed to hold the promise of unexpected connections and the stirrings of the heart.

"Lets go, let's enter so you can see what I'm talking about," Aelar said. Upon entering, he was amazed by what he saw—people practicing, merchants going about their lives, and happy children running around. As he observed the bustling scene before him, he couldn't help but wonder how the same could happen in his own village, which had suffered from constant attacks. Aelar felt a pang of sadness, but his thoughts were interrupted when a group of swordsmen approached them.

"Both of you need to come with us. The lord is summoning you," one of the swordsmen said.

"Alright, we'll come. What will be our mode of transportation?" Rioran asked.

"Crid! Where's the horse?!" another swordsman shouted.

"Here it is," came the reply.

"Excellent. Rioran mounted the horse. Aelar, what are you doing there? Get on."

"Father, I don't know what's happening, but okay."

They finally rode on horses with the swordsmen and headed to the place where the lord stayed. While on the horse, Aelar noticed that the people they passed, both adults and children, seemed afraid of the accompanying swordsmen. However, they were also afraid to ask questions, so Aelar decided to remain silent. After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination.

There, a man with a shiny black sword and a white uniform welcomed them—the lord of Padas, Rodel.

"Welcome to Padas! Welcome, welcome," he exclaimed.

"I am pleased, sir," Rioran responded.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, my friend Rioran. Why, aren't you happy to see me?" the lord asked.

"I am, but please, it's too hot here for my son," Rioran replied.

"Oh, your son? I just found out now that you have a child," Aelar overheard. "But never mind that. Welcome to my home."

"Father, what's happening?" Aelar questioned.

"Don't worry, Aelar. We've been summoned by the lord. It seems important," Rioran reassured.

"Summoned? But why?" Aelar inquired.

"We're about to find out. Just follow my lead, and everything will be okay," Rioran replied.

"Hurry up! The lord is waiting," urged a swordsman.

Aelar muttered to himself, "This is so strange."

"Stay close, Aelar. Let me do the talking," Rioran advised as they entered the lord's residence.

Whispering to his father, Aelar asked, "Father, do you think we're in trouble?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out together," Rioran whispered back.

Lord Rodel greeted them, saying, "Welcome! What brings you to my home, Rioran?"

"We were summoned, my lord. What do you require of us?" Rioran inquired.

"All in good time. But first, who is this young one with you?" the lord asked, eyeing Aelar.

"I'm Aelar, sir. What is the reason for our summons?" Aelar nervously questioned.

"Ah, Aelar. You'll find out soon enough. But for now, make yourselves comfortable. We have much to discuss," Lord Rodel stated with a smirk.

They exchanged uneasy glances as they awaited the lord's explanation.

Whispering to Rioran, Aelar commented, "Father, this place is incredible. Look at all the activity."

"It's different from what we know, Aelar. Just observe for now," Rioran whispered back.

They continued their journey, intrigued and apprehensive about what awaited them in the heart of Padas and the lord's abode.