
The First Love

At their humble abode, Marie was at her room, dressing up and preparing her makeup in front of the mirror. Lita came inside and brushed her daughter's hair.

"You look beautiful," Lita remarked

"Thank you mama," Marie smiled, "I'm so excited for the party."

"Just remember, behave yourself," Lita reminded her daughter, "The visitors around that place are members of the high society."

"I will," Marie assured as she wore the powdered blue cocktail dress that Nenotchka lent her.

"I see that the Old Man Mang Caloy helped you," said Lita.

"He saved me from those drunkards who tried to harass me," Marie answered.

"That's the first time I heard him go out in that place and helped someone," Lita stated "Just be very careful with that old man, he is mysterious."

Lita left the room, leaving a curious Marie wondering about the mysterious identity of Mang Caloy.

It was six in the evening, when Marie arrived at the at the Serrano Estate, the place was like a palace in the eyes of those who live there.

She entered the lobby where the guests were staring at her from head to foot. Lucky for her, she is the winner of the beauty pageant and not just any ordinary daughter of a farmer.

Doña Agatha was so busy accommodating her guests, food was flowing both from the table and the trays that the maids are serving, it was a lavish party fit for a King or a queen, after all, her prized guest were scions of the powerful Marino clan.

Rina, Emi and Riho sat in front of the long table, beside the most influential lady in the province, the three enjoyed the night full of food and entertainment, Rina was browsing on her phone, checking for text messages when she noticed Marie walking down.

"Oh, here you are!" Rina exclaimed, offering a seat to the lass, "Come sit with me."

Marie stared at Rina, hesitant to take the seat. The lass was nervous. Her forehead started to sweat.

"Don't be shy," Rina smiled as Marie reluctantly sat beside her.

"Are Muro and Charee coming over?" Emi asked her almost step-daughter.

"No, they're busy," Rina answered, turning her head and staring at Marie "So, I heard you joined the contest to sustain your college degree?"

"Yes, my parents couldn't afford to send me to college, so I have to work hard," Marie explained, lowering her head.

"Well, I can offer you a scholarship for work if you want one" Rina offered, prompting Emi and Riho to raise their eyebrows

"Your not the mayor of this town, so why would you offer one?" Riho asked.

"Why not?" Rina responded, "I can do anything even if I am not a mayor of this town?"

Riho and Emi just stared at Rina, bewildered by her usual carefree attitude. As the dinner and conversation went on, one of the townsmen was also conversing with Agatha..

"You invited some of the richest men in the province, Madam, but we noticed you didn't invite that old man living near the plaza," Domeng, the town councilor said.

"Who?" A curious Agatha asked.

"That man named Mang Caloy," Domeng answered, "He arrived at our town six months ago, he has been helping people, he has two bodyguards and he is rich."

"I don't know him, so why would I invite him?" Agatha responded, sipping wine from her chalice.

"Mang Caloy helped me with all my expenses in the beauty pageant," Marie interrupted, raising eyebrows from the socialites.

"He came in six months ago, and Karl went missing also six months ago," Riho murmured, staring at Rina, "Do you really know where your father had gone to?"

"That's for me to find out," Rina bluntly responded.

"You're the daughter, you should know," said Emi.

"The wife whose here doesn't even know where her husband is, how much more the daughter," Rina answered with a grin, "He went missing because he doesn't want to cause havoc, that what he said right?"

That moment, Emi, Riho, Marie and so were the guest were left silent while Rina continued to feast on the sumptuous meal.

"If you don't mind, your father helped the farmers here, he made sure that we can farm with freedom, away from the hands of the rebels and the warlords," Domeng said.

"Good for him," Riho murmured, looking at her meal, gasping a sigh.

"Madam Marino, Madam Takahashi, Ms. Rina, I want you to meet my son, Edward" the host introduced, the guy, a typical man, long hair, tall, fair skin, his face was common, and he studied at Yale University, but the Marino clan weren't impressed, but plasticity sake, they were forced to be amazed.

Edward approached Rina and kissed her hand as a sign of respect, not just to a daughter of a legendary statesman, but also to a beautiful lady.

"It's my honor to meet such beautiful ladies," Edward greeted

"Oh, nice to meet you too," Rina responded, placing her hand slightly at Marie's shoulder, "This is Marie, she is the new Miss Nueva Vizcaya."

"I didn't know that there is a beautiful lass in this place" Edward remarked, kissing Marie's hand, the lass was speechless and shaking, visibly astonished by the guy's aura.

"Anyway, let's talk about the Santacruzan," Doña Agatha suggested.

"Madam Serrano, the three of us couldn't assure that we could stay here more than three days," Rina regretfully informed her "My siblings, and I haven been called to a meeting in Tokyo, with regards to the same issue about my Dad."

"It's so sad to hear that one," Doña Agatha responded.

"But Marie could make a good Queen Helena and your son will be the Constantine," Rina suggested

"That could be arranged" Doña Agatha responded to Rina's suggestion. "Right, Marie?"

"Uh... I guess," Marie stuttered, Agatha looks at her from head to foot. The lass couldn't look at the Hermana Mayor straight in the eye because of fear.

"I better go," she said, rushing towards the exit when she accidentally bumped into Edward, knocking her out on the floor.

"Are you alright," Edward knelt and offered her hand to Marie.

Upon looking at Edward's eyes, Marie was speechless, struck awe by the young man's good looks, she quickly stood up and ran away from the mansion, just like Cinderella did.


The next morning, Rina and her aunts left Nueva Vizcaya. Meanwhile, at their home, Marie lay down in her bed, happy and excited of the upcoming Santacruzan.

"He is so handsome!" Marie cheerfully exclaimed.

"Flirty and giggling, aren't you?" Lita asked, popping out of nowhere.

"No, I'm not!" Marie vehemently denied, to which her mother quickly gave her a teasing look.

"Okay, that Edward is so handsome," Marie said "But the problem is he's rich and I am just a poor province girl."

"Oh" Lita laughed shortly, "My daughter has a crush on someone."

"Well, he is handsome after all," Marie reasoned out, "I'm sure he has a girlfriend already."

Lita caressed her daughter's hair and beamed a smile.

"It's okay to be in love, but remember, we are here and they are in that mansion." Lita reminded her daughter once more, "It's better to evade to be hurt."


Before going to the cathedral, Marie decided to take a bath in a river near their hut, wearing only a kamison, a thin silk-sleeveless shirt. The water slowly ran through her hair, through her body and towards her thigh. Edward, who passes by at the river, saw the lass bathing, her breast was so exposed, so as her underwear, the lad was so stunned and stared like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh my God, that body is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Her face is so angelic," Edward murmured, looking at Marie who emerged out of the river, leaving the area.


At the cathedral, the participants of the Santacruzan had assembled inside for the rehearsal, Maria stood beside Edward, visibly nervous and chilling, closing her eyes once in a while.

"Is there something wrong?" Edward asked.

"Nothing much," Marie responded, but deep inside her mind she was saying, "Oh dear, he's so handsome, look at his face and his body."

"After our practice, can I take you to your home?" Edward volunteered, Marie felt butterflies in her stomach upon hearing the guy.

"He's taking me home!" Marie exclaimed deep inside her and the two walked briskly from the cathedral toward the Rafaras hut, while talking to each other.

"Do you have any boyfriend?" Edward asked.

"No, I don't have one," Marie grasped.

"You're so beautiful, I'm sure men are longing for you to be their girlfriend."

"As for now, I'm don't have plans on having one, I want to finish my college degree as for the moment."

"But what if it comes?"

"Then it will, it's destiny that will bring you to that guy," Marie quipped, finally arrived at their hut "Thank you for walking with me down here."

"My pleasure" Edward gentlemanly responded.

"Would you like to have some water or coffee?" Marie offered.

"No thanks, It's getting late, I better go home," Edward responded, walking away from the lass.


Marie lay down at her bed, closing her eyes, visibly giggled to the fact that Edward walked with her towards her house. She was inconsolable that she went out to take a walk when he saw Mang Caloy sitting on a bench outside her hut.

"It's late," Mang Caloy asked when Marie sat beside him.

"I couldn't go top sleep," Marie answered, smiling, "I am so happy, there was this guy, he is so handsome."

"Oh?" Mang Caloy murmured.

"He is Edward Serrano," Marie further expounded, "He is the son of the haciendera, Madam Agatha, I am trying not to fall in love with him."

"Kids these days," Mang Caloy murmured. "That's good, you're looking forward to the Santa Cruzan, right? I will be there to watch you."

Marie smiled and embraced the old man, "Thank you so much for helping me, I couldn't do this without you."

"Oh, how sweet of you," Mang Caloy, "Keep up the good work and I think it's late at night so you go home now."

"I will" Marie happily exclaimed, walking towards her hut while Mang Caloy watches from afar.


The next night was the moment that everyone was waiting for, it was the Santacruzan, Lita and Tomas went into the church to see their beautiful daughter, dressed in a blue gown, visibly confident, but a bit nervous.

"Look at our daughter, so lovely" Lita remarked, visibly happy at her daughter.

"Oh, Mama, I'm so embarrassed," Marie responded.

"Oh, you shouldn't, be proud of it," Tomas added, "You're the most beautiful woman in this province."

"Thank you so much for the support, I love you Mama, Papa," Marie said, embracing her parents.

The procession started by going out of the cathedral, walking past towards the Serrano estates and the town plaza.

"You look beautiful tonight" Edward told Marie.

"Oh, thank you, you look nice in your costume."

"Marie, if you would mind, can I talk to you after this?"

"Oh, sure"

Marie saw Mang Caloy at the benches and smiled, then continued walking. After the procession, the whole caravan proceeded to the cathedral to watch the fireworks display. Edward and Marie went near the fountain while everyone was enjoying the fireworks display.

"Marie, I have something to say" Edward said, "It's been three weeks since we first met, I was smitten by your beauty, you're an exceptional woman I must say"

"Why don't you get to the point?" Marie suggested.

"I want to court you" Edward straightforwardly told Marie, holding her hand staring her, eye to eye, "I like you and if you would, I want you to be my girlfriend"

"We just met" Marie answered "Just because I'm a province girl, doesn't mean I easy to get"

"I know, but I'm definitely serious about this," Edward explained "The moment I saw you, I just fell in love like it was magic, but if you want to, I will prove to you how much I am serious with you"

"Well, let's give it a shot," Marie uttered. "I want you to court me traditionally."

"I will," Edward replied, holding the lass' hand.


The next morning, Marie woke up and rose out of her bed upon hearing a commotion outside their hut, Edward was helping Tomas in the rice fields, much to the surprise of their neighbors.

"What are you doing?" Marie asked, standing in the paddies.

"Just as what I've said, I want to prove to you that I am serious in courting you," Edward answered "If you want to get the heart of the girl you love, you have to get the heart of her parents."

"Win their heart, you mean," Marie corrected him "anyway, good luck."

While Edward continued to help Tomas, Marie returned to her room. She couldn't help but show her joy and excitement, her crush really meant it and took effort in winning her heart.

"Oh yeah, the hermit is right, give him more time in order to prove that he is really worthy of my heart" Marie reminded herself and went out of her room to observe Edward once again, after which she went into the kitchen and cooked lunch for him and for her father.

It was nine past twelve when Marie finished cooking their lunch, Tomas and Edward went into the hut to join Marie for the scrumptious lunch. She cooked Milkfish stew, swamp cabbage salad, and dried fish.

"That's all we can afford," Marie told Edward "So dig in."

"That's okay," Edward answered, eating the salad and the dried fish "This is delicious, you're really are a good cook."

"Thank you for the compliment," a flattered Marie responded, but deep inside her mind it was more than flattery.

That night, Marie contemplated on what would be the next thing that she would do with Edward. She walked on the street again and sat at the bench.

"Looks like you're thinking of something deep?" Mang Caloy said, popping out of nowhere, as usual, "I heard about the commotion in your farm. Maybe you might do a second thought about it."

"You're right, you're really right, hermit!" Marie responded, turning her back towards him, Mang Caloy nodded, staring at the stars, breathing deeply.


Edward made the same routine, but gave Marie some surprises that she wouldn't expect. One month later, Edward was busy carrying sacks of rice towards the storage when Marie approached her. The lass was speechless upon seeing the lad's body; it was as hard as stone, hardly formed chest, those six-packed abs.

"Is there something wrong?" Edward asked Marie, who was stunned upon seeing his body.

"Yeah, I want to invite you to go to church this afternoon," Marie responded, visibly sweating.

"Okay, no problem" Edward responded.


It was five in the afternoon, Marie and Edward went to the church to hear the mass, and afterwards they walked at the park, eating fish balls and cotton candy, and then sat on the bench, overlooking the fountain.

"Marie, It's been one month since I started courting you and yet I didn't have any answer," Edward complained.

"Don't you want to hear the answer?" Marie asked him, "Well if you don't want then I wouldn't tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"I asked you to come with me here at the church because I want to know the answer and I want to say that it's a yes."

Edward was completely surprised of the answer. It took him five minutes to absorb that he was finally Marie's boyfriend, because of his overwhelming joy; he embraced the lass so tight.

"All those hard work was worth working for," Edward told the lass "I promise that I will be the best boyfriend that you will have."

"We're still on the adjustment phase, so there will never be any kiss for a while," Marie cautioned him.


Marie arrived at their house just past six in the evening. It was a great timing that the news just started, Tomas and Lita sat down, seriously watching the headlines.

"There was an attempt on the life of Senator Jiena Marino at the Continental Hotel just this afternoon when a group of men peppered his car with bullets, the two senators is unhurt, the assailants was quickly arrested, Innovare CEO Jasmine Marino condemned the attack and vowed retaliation once she finds out who the perpetrators are," The news reader stated.

"What is going on with that family, just last week Jessica will marry a Japanese politician who is ten years older than her," Lita reacted "Bianca Marino had the most expensive divorce ever"

"It's their life, we shouldn't meddle with them," Tomas said "It's the media who keeps a nose at them"

"Let's just leave them alone, it's their life," Marie intervened, "It's not for us to mingle with."

"Say, what happened to your date with Edward?" Tomas asked.

"We're already a couple." Marie frankly answered, visibly joyful while talking to her parents, after which she went to her room. Tomas and Lita were looking at each other, visibly anxious; their hearts were pounding fast while grasping air.

"Now we have to prepare this kind of things," Tomas told his wife "I don't know what Doña Agatha will do once she finds out that her son is dating our daughter."

"Let's just hope that everything will be fine," Lita added.


Marie couldn't help but be thankful and happy after she felt relief when she answered Edward's prayer to be his girlfriend. She sat down at the rice paddies, staring at the sky wondering what will be the next for them, Mang Caloy happened to pass by and sat beside her.

"You look so happy," Mang Caloy said.

"I said yes to Edward," Marie said, smiling that there is no tomorrow.

"I know what it feels like to have a first love," said Mang Caloy, "I still remember when I fell in love with my wife."

"What happened?" Marie asked.

"It was like lying down in the bed full of flowers, it was paradise. When you wake up each morning and you will see her face, it was always a good day," Mang Caloy said, "It was the happiest days of my life."

"I hope I would have the same feeling as you had," Marie replied, "I could feel what you have already felt before."

"Of course, you will feel it soon."

"Thank you for being here for me, Mang Caloy." Marie thanked him

"I will always be here for you" Mang Caloy smiled, leaving the lass alone.


The next morning, Marie did the same routine, going down and cooked breakfast, but much to her surprise, Edward was already in the rice fields, planting rice. The lass went out and wiped the lad's face full of sweat.

"Wow, you're really are a hard worker," Marie told him "I'm so happy that you're still doing this one."

"Anything just for you," Edward said suddenly kissing the lass in her cheeks.

"You're really are a cheater," Marie yelled when suddenly the lad pulled her, plunging her and the lad on the mudpit, instead of rage, the two enjoyed playing at the mud like kids, wiping each other's face with mud.

"Stop it!" a giggled Marie told Edward, who eventually stopped tickling her, the two were drenched in mud, visibly looking like a pauper asking for alms in the street, so they went into a well to remove the mud using water, while Marie splashed herself with water, Edward was amazed and stunned, the fact that the lass was just wearing a see-through shirt, her body was seen, it was demonic, she had the most perfect body a man would ever want to see.

"What are you looking at?" Marie asked "Are you like a pervert of something."

"Nothing," Edward answered "I'm just so lucky that I have you as my girlfriend."

"You've always said that now and then," Marie said.

"I mean it."

Slowly Edward leaned his face at Marie, caressing her cheeks, smelling her fragrant hair. Slowly he locked his lips into the lass's lips, Marie closed her eyes, feeling the softness of the lad's lips sticking into hers, and Edward placed his hand into the lass' waist, while Marie caressed the lad's stone-hard chest and abs, slowly pouring water over his head.

"Looks like it's getting hot in here" Marie said, walking away at Edward. Suddenly one of Doña Agatha's messengers rushed in, panting.

"Sir Edward, your mother is looking for you," the messenger said.

"Why, why would he look for me?" Edward asked

"She wants you to meet some investors in the province," the messenger responded.

"I wonder what she is up to now," Edward wondered and left the place, prompting Marie to feel something unusual.


At the Serrano estate, Doña Agatha was drinking coffee at her garden when Edward arrived, she quickly noticed her son's feet soaked to the mud.

"Where have you been?" the landlady asked.

"I fell into a mud pit," Edward tried to reason out.

"No, you were working in the rice fields" his mother interrupted "And it seems you are smitten by that farmer's daughter."

"No, I'm not, I was just helping them," Edward reasoned out

"If I found out you're having an affair with that low-class lady, the two of you will really see my wrath," Doña Agatha warned "You know, I didn't let you go abroad just to marry a hapless girl, I want her to be one of us."

"Mom, I wouldn't, If it would disappoint you, I wouldn't do that," Edward reasoned out.

"Now you better change your clothes and tomorrow Jasmine Marino will finally be here," the landlady said.

Unfortunately, Edward kept the relationship between him and Marie to his mother, fearing that the landlady might do something to the lass.