
Ryoma and Rio

The clock struck nine in the morning. The tranquil, usually serene neighborhood of upscale mansions was interrupted by the low grumble of a high-powered engine as a sleek and shiny black convertible smoothly drew itself to park right in front of the gorgeous Marino mansion.

Standing majestically against its backdrop, an imposing guard ambled over from his post. There were hardly any outsiders here at this exclusive estate ever - making this unannounced visitor rather intriguing.

With professionalism etched into every line on his face, he deftly opened car's door under watchful eyes hiding behind satin curtain drapes witnessing this rare occurrence.

From within that luxury vehicle emerged an attractive figure who made hearts flutter instantaneously with just one sweeping gaze—a tall young man marked out for greatness by not only his distinctive attire but also how comfortably he wore it – elegant suit tailored to perfection caressing each muscle beneath. His jet-black hair carefully parted gave him an air of mysterious sophistication, flickers playfully while metallic gray orbs underneath sparkled with confidence and charisma beyond measure—undoubtedly designed to make any girl fall head over heels instantly

Closely trailing him was a woman of considerable presence. She had hair of the darkest obsidian, which cascaded down her back in voluptuous waves and shimmered under the faint glow from overhead lights. Her complexion was fair as if she bathed in moonlit milk; it held an ethereal contrast to her ebon locks.

Her face bore a perfect roundness - highlighting symmetry that added to her celestial beauty more than detracting anything from it. Eyes shaped like almonds flickered with seductive promises –reminding onlookers of dreamy Mediterranean escapes in their depth and allure– demanding attention without seeking them deliberately so.

She possessed a petite body; albeit small, it flowed harmoniously right through slender arms smoothly rounding at shoulders towards tapered waistline only finally merging into delicate hips- all meticulously wrapped up within diminutive features drawing involuntary praises for its fragile beauty yet potent magnetism The two walked towards the living room and sat at one of the couch, waiting for someone from the Marino family to come out.

The two looked at the meeting room, they saw Karl sitting at the head of the table, together with the Marino patriarch was Arianna, Rafael, Eugene, Kyoko, Jasmine, Rina and Kazuki. seemingly curious, they eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Dad, we haven't found out who tried to kill you, you musn't go all out at this situation," a concerned Arianna told his father.

"I don't even have an idea on who tried to do that, but certainly I wouldn't want to wait to go out, just because you are all afraid," Karl calmly replied.

"Dad, what we mean is the killer is still on the loose, you should hide," Rafael further explained.

"Until when?" Karl asked, "Until they kill all of you?"

Everyone turned silent and stared at one another, confused and anxious as the Marino patriarch is sipping a cup of tea.

"If I continued these stint of running away, all of you are in danger including your kids and I don't want that to happened," he remarked.

"At least that is your saving grace for the years of trouble," Rafael murmured.

Arianna heard the what her younger brother murmured and glared at him, "You better shut your mouth if you don't have nothing nice to say"

"Whatever," Rafael murmured, "Now when will you find my daughter whom Kanna took away?"

"I am on it, don't worry," Rina interrupted, "You just shut your mouth and let me do the work,"

Rafael, utterly humiliated in front of his siblings, looked at the window overlooking the garden, gasping for air.

"Uncle, there is a gathering tonight at Renaissance hotel, still the socialites," Eugene informed the Don, "It might help us identify who tried to kill you, Emilio Senari, Maxi Bougs, Pixie will also be there."

"Eugene, that is a lion's convention," Karl quipped, "But I wanna send them a message,"

"Dad!" Rina raised her voice,

"Come on! I just wanna give them a scare," Karl reasoned out.

As the meeting continued, the couple outside continued to eavesdrop when some came and stood behind her.

"Ryoma, Rio," the lady uttered "You're not supposed to be here!"

"Why Karen?" Ryoma asked, "I am a Marino, my grandfather and father is here, Rio's father is here,"

"This is an exclusive meeting, you are not allowed here, even in this mansion," Karen reminded them.

"But this is not your home," Ryoma reminded, "This is my grandparent's house, Karl and Riko Marino's house,"

Ryoma, Rio and Karen stood firm in front of the meeting room, not one of them refuses to give in to each other.


Rafael's eldest offspring, Ryoma was a child born out of wedlock. His conception came about in the aftermath of a harrowing incident involving abduction based in less-traveled islands at the southernmost parts Philippines. Under extraordinary circumstances revolving around that event, his mother Emily earned her freedom through parole.

It wasn't an individual decision but rather one made on behalf of their entire family unit - with essential inputs from Jiena and Kyoko who wielded considerable influence within familial matters as they agreed to consent terms under which such conditions were met. The intricate complexities associated with these events still hold significant importance even till today, reflecting Rafael's complex past and affecting decisions pertaining to future courses of action.

At the early age of two, he suffered a severe fever prompting his mother to turn him over to the Marino clan, as a result, Emily was banished and young Ryoma was raised by his grandfather and his aunts Kyoko, Jasmine and Rina whom she had a close bond because of their close age.

Two years after Ryoma was born, Karl had Rafael chose whether he will raise the kid together with the rest of the siblings or the child still be under his custody, though Sachiko agreed to raise the child, Karl and Riko decided otherwise. Later on, Rafael and Sachiko's kids often visit him in the Mansion.

Being raised by his grandfather, Ryoma never got close to his father, and despite Rina's closeness to Sachiko, he regarded his stepmother as a guardian, instead he looked to his grandfather and his aunts especially Rina as his moral compass.

His childhood wasn't even as smooth as everyone thinks, he was a very delinquent student and a child, causing his grandfather to discipline him by hitting his thighs with a meter stick, his Aunt Rina would come into rescue by tending his wounds.

Despite his stubborn and delinquent attitude, he shows a huge concern for his grandparents and aunt; he was also part of the football club to which he excelled much, and even at his grandfather's prodding to join the company business, he became a part-time model and law enforcement officer for the National Bureau of Investigation.


Rio Ojeda, emerging as the eldest offspring and exclusive female child of Eugene Ojeda and his wife Casey — two individuals who share in Rafael's educational journey as classmates— holds an attractive allure. Possessing a charismatic charm that is beyond comparison, she has effortlessly become every young boy's fantasy. She embodies all qualities they would ideally seek out for their romantic partner or more specifically, girlfriend.

Born into a world of affluence, cradled by luxury right from the start, Rio lived her life elevated above most. She was likened to a precious gem in her father's eyes—a brilliant jewel that held his heart captive with sheer adoration—as she stood as the subsequent heir to their sprawling sugar plantation.

Vivacious and sparkling like champagne bubbles at a soiree—that described Rio's personality to perfection. There existed an infectious joy within her that never failed to captivate those around her. Her outgoing nature served as a magnet for people from all walks of life; it attracted friends like honey attracts bees—an aura impossible not to be swarmed by!

Her fulgent proclivities belied expectations set upon birthright—her parents' vision of raising an elegant damsel quintessential of high society only went half met, considering how much thrill ran through Rio's every vein! Unpredictable yet fearless, refining norms was less significant compared than embracing wild experiences—and this manifested expressly in her fondness towards extreme sports.

Since Rio is also a granddaughter of the Prime Minister of the Philippines and one of the most powerful man in the nation, she was given body guards and was trained with various martial arts to protect herself. At eleven, she learned how to fire a pistol, just like how the Marino's trained Ryoma and like his beau, she works as a part-time model.


Ryoma and Rio were childhood friends, perhaps sweethearts, owing to their parents' close relationship. At an early age, they were always the fixture of their grandparent's offices often playing around the halls of the senate.

As Karl wanted Ryoma to live a normal life and away from the stress of being a Marino, Gustav and Eugene agreed Rio will also be at the same school as the young Ryoma, a proposal that the Rafael agreed.

Both of them went to St. George's Academy, the same school where their parents graduated, the two dependent at each other whenever their parents were busy or out of town. Ryoma and Rio took care of each, frequently got each other's back whenever one of them gets into trouble.

Both kids excelled in their respective passions. Ryoma entered the soccer team, while Rio entered the modelling contests, winning the annual modelling contest where her mom once took part.

By the time they both turned eighteen, Rio had a grand debut at one of the most expensive hotels in the country. Various political leaders, socialites and businessmen attended it, of course the Ojeda's number one political ally, the Marino clan was also present with Ryoma being Rio's last dance and 18th rose.

Rio was dressed in a red gown designed by the House of Peng, one of the elite fashion designers in the world and wore a Cartier tiara given by Jessica Marino. Ryoma arrived wearing a black suit from the same designer and both danced the night away.

While the two were dancing like no one was watching them, Ryoma cleared his throat and gazed at Rio.

"Why are you looking at me?" Rio blushed.

"I am looking at the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen," Ryoma replied as the debutant leaned her face into his shoulders.

"I love you," Ryoma whispered into Rio's ears, turning her face red again.

"I love you too," Rio answered.

As the moon shined bright, Ryoma and Rio went into the side of the ballroom, the young man took out a necklace out from his pocket and presented it to the love of his life.

"I want you to take this," said Ryoma "This is my present for you and my promise that no matter what happens, I will be your side no matter what, I want spend my days, years and even a lifetime with you."

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Rio blushingly asked

"Will you be my girlfriend?" The young Ryoma popped the question, prompting the lady to nod and embrace him tightly.


Back at the Marino mansion, Karen stood firm, blocking the door of the meeting hall where the Marino siblings and Karl were having a meeting.

"Let me remind you that you are not a Marino, not yet and will never be," Ryoma reminded Karen whose face turned red as a tomato, clinching her fist.

"And you are not even legitimate Marino," Karen answered back when Ryoma and Rio noticed a familiar face behind her.

"Aunt Jessica," Rio murmured seeing the pop idol behind Karen.

"I also raised Ryoma like my own son, though he is older than me," Jessica uttered pointing her fingers towards Karen's chest, "You don't have the right to tell him whether or not he is legitimate? It's up to us to tell, not you,"

"But Jessica..." Karen tried to pacify the situation.

"I don't know where the hell my brother picked you but do not act like you are a Marino or his wife because you cannot replace Sachiko" Jessica reminded the feisty lady before opening the meeting room, much to the surprise of the rest of the Marino siblings.

"What brings you here?" Arianna asked

"You are asking me that question Eonnie?" Jessica answered back

"I thought you have left for Seoul," Arianna explained.

"With Dad putting his nose again into danger? I don't think so," Jessica replied, sitting beside Rina "I've got into trouble between Riho, Arisa and Takako already, so please just stay here and let us do the dirty work?"

"We've been talking for this for almost an hour," an irate Rina raised her voice, "Dad is not going to that ball, Rafael, Arianna and Ryoma will go that ball! Enough said!"

At that point there was a moment of silence as the Marino siblings glanced at the most powerful woman in the Marino Clan.

"How about Monica?" Rafael asked

"I will look for her," Rina quipped, "Now shut your ass and get dressed to that ball,"

"Can I go to the ball too? I am Rafael's girlfriend after all?" Karen butted in, causing the rest of the Marino sibling's eyebrows to raise.

"Who is she again?" Karl asked

"My girlfriend," Rafael replied, causing his father to look at Karen from head to foot.

"Why Rafael, you can't find someone your age?" Karl questioned, "I mean Kanna could be a perfect match."

"You're not into drugs aren't you?" Rafael answered back, staring at his father, "You wage war against that family and now you are telling me that we are a perfect match."

"Well, that was a mistake I am willing to correct and face the consequence."

"Dad, the Fontierras want you dead when they believed that you manhandled Albert a long time ago," Rina explained to her father.

"But, Fernando killed him.," Karl reasoned out.

"We know," Jasmine interrupted, "But in their eyes, you killed him and your son believed that because of you Sachiko died."

"Now, that brings me back to that girl," said Karl, staring at Karen, "Why her?"

"I'm sure you will like me in the long run, Tito," Karen answered, "I am Eduardo Artavera's daughter, the owner of Artavera group"

"Yeah and my brother is Julio Marino owns Vatican City, my sister Riria owns a hotel chain," Karl responded, "

"Let's stop this conversation," Rina stood up, tapping his father, "You go to bed and rest, we'll do the rest"

"But can I join the party?" Karen asked

"Of course not," Arianna replied, "I am the eldest and Rafael, Ryoma and Rio will be my escort"

Karen utterly frustrated, walked out of the meting room, causing the Marino siblings to smirk.

"Just when did you learn to be a predator, I mean that girl is twenty five years old and you are forty five," Karl told his son.

"Let's talk about that later, you go to rest," Rina interrupted, leaving Rafael and the rest to prepare.

--chapter end---