
Forever Lies

Stuck in an elevator with the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen- Who thought that kind of thing actually happened? This man wasn't just attractive; he was animal magnetism personified. He was every crush and craving - each desire and fantasy - all rolled into one. The problem? There was a mutinous side of me that didn't want to run. As if I ever had a choice...

MercuriusSuRia_5 · Andere
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8 Chs

Chapter 1.

The sight of the silver elevator doors closing before I could reach them caused my chest to clamp tight with desperation.

"Hold the doors, please!" I called out over the clatter of my stilettos on the marble floor.

Hiding from my boss would be so much harder if I didn't get my ass tucked away in my office before he arrived. If he'd simply been the overly chatty sort or socially awkward, I wouldn't bother with my elaborate evasion schemes, but it was so much worse than that. I would do whatever I could to avoid spending a single unnecessary minute with that man.

If I missed this elevator, would I be forced to ride the next one with my boss? He'd be arriving at the building any minute. Ten floors, alone, in an enclosed space with the creep.

My heart seized painfully.

A second before the doors could seal shut, they froze with a jerk, then retracted, allowing me to scramble aboard.

"Thank you so much. You really don't understand - "My words trailed away when my eyes landed on the man who had saved me from potential misery.

He was masculine beauty personified - dark hair, perfectly styled back and closely cropped on the sides. He had a dusting of dark hair on his angular jaw, and his deep-set eyes were so dark that they were almost black. Without saying a word, easy confidence wafted from his expensively suited form like steam from a rain-soaked summer street.

I had never seen him before. I'd come to recognize many of the building's occupants, but there was no chance I would have forgotten the sight of him.

He was the most breathtaking man I'd ever seen.

Towering over me, despite my four-inch heels, he owned every square inch of the small elevator car. While he was only a few years older than me, he had the powerful presence of a much older man.

"What don't I understand?" The amused purr of his voice was a warm caress that stole the air from my lungs.

Fortunately, the elevator doors closing behind me jarred me from my trance, reminding me I'd been unabashedly devouring him with my eyes. I exhaled a shaky breath as I turned and pushed the button for the tenth floor.

"Just that I needed to get upstairs. Don't want to be late for work." I forced an awkward chuckle, looking anywhere but at the gorgeous man directly across from me until I realized I could feel the penetrating touch of his eyes. I didn't have to look up to know he was staring at me, daring me to meet his gaze. Unable to ignore his unspoken command, I lifted my eyes and peered at him through my lashes.

When my gaze reached his face, one corner of his mouth quirked up just a fraction. Had I not been so keenly aware of the man, I would have missed the fleeting movement. Leaning back against the wall, hands clasped casually in front of him, he was perfectly at ease, amused by my flustered reaction.

I, on the other hand, was coming apart under his scrutiny.

Why was I so affected by a man I'd never even met? He was nobody to me. What did I care what he thought of me? There were loads of attractive men in the city.

This man is different.

His commanding stare stripped my defenses and left me raw and vulnerable.

Just when I thought I would blurt something to fill the uncomfortable silence, the elevator shuddered, then ground to a stop, lights flickering. My hand darted out to catch myself against the wall, and I gasped in surprise. The man on the other hand, needed no such balance assistance. Aside from a glance around the elevator car, he was seemingly unfazed.

Why should the laws of physics affect someone so clearly not of this world?

"Looks like we're stuck," I murmured after it became clear the doors were not opening, nor were we resuming motion. "I suppose we should call for help." I glanced down at the phone labeled for emergency use on my side of the elevator, and when I looked back up, the man's piercing gaze was still fixed on me.

He pulled away from the wall and closed the space between us, making my breath catch in my throat. Leaning across me, just inches from touching me, he opened the call box and retrieved the phone. I released a shaky exhale and took a small step back to give him room and to collect myself.

"Yes, my companion and I are stuck in one of the elevators in the IFC Seoul building... No emergencies, just stuck... Thank you." He hung up on the receiver and turned to where I now stood in the back corner, having inched away from him as he spoke. "They've sent someone to check on the situation, but there's no telling how long it will be." His deep voice resonated throughout the small space, each syllable oozing control. The sound was the perfect complement to his unflappable demeanor.

My heart pounded so fast, I became lightheaded. I'd been around assertive men all my life, but this man's presence filled up the small space so completely, there was no oxygen left to breathe. My eyes flitted to his, and I offered him a glimpse of a smile. "It's not the first time I've been stuck in an elevator. Live in the city long enough, and you come to expect these things." Relief coursed through my veins when I managed to utter something semi-intelligible.

"You work in the building?" Leaning his shoulder against the side wall, he continued to focus all his attention on me, not returning to his side of the elevator.

"Yes, I work at IFC Seoul. You?"

"No, I'm here to meet someone."

He stared at me for a long moment. It felt as though he was measuring my worth as if he could see deep inside of me and was perusing my most personal thoughts.

The tension in the small space was more than palpable - it was a physical force pressing against my skin.

"Taehyung," he rumbled a he extended his hand, finally breaking the silence.

He was introducing himself. What did that mean? Was he merely being polite in an awkward situation, or was he taking the opportunity to hit on me?


His hand was rough but warm, and he held my much smaller hand for longer than necessary.

Hitting on me. Okay, Lisa. You can do this. Play it cool.

As he released my fingers, his thumb stroked along the back of my hand, sending tingles across my skin, cascading up my arm and down to the pit of my belly.

"That's Thai, right?"

"Yes," I breathed. "And you're Korean?"

"I am." His head angled to the side. "Are you seeing anyone Lalisa?"

My eyes danced from one shiny metal wall to the other. Was this really happening? Was this godlike man asking me out while we were trapped in an elevator together? Had I hit my head and dreamed this entire situation while comatose in a hospital bed? It seemed too fantastical to be real, but I had no other explanation.

Answer the man, Lisa. Before her thinks you're crazy.

"Um, no. No, I'm not."

The first hint of a smile formed on his perfect lips, but before he could respond, the elevator lurched back into motion.

Taehyung reached forward and pressed the stop button, and the elevator ground to a jarring halt again.

My brows creased in confusion.

"Give me your phone," he ordered softly, palm outstretched.

Common sense should have screamed at me not to turn over my sole source of communication while this man had me trapped with him, but I'd apparently woken up low on all forms of self-preservation. Something about his commanding tone spoke to deep-seated need within me to comply.

Eyes wide, like a lamb to the slaughter, I placed my phone in his hand.

He arched a brow. "Unlock it, Lalisa."

My name on his tongue was the sweetest nectar I could have imagined – delicious, tempting, and dangerously addictive. The slightest twinge of fear pricked at the back of my neck. Somewhere deep down, I sensed this man had the potential to undo me – take me in, rearrange my insides, and spit me back out after I was unrecognizable. 

I chided myself for overreacting. This was a five-minute conversation with a man in an elevator, not an arranged marriage. I needed to get a grip on myself. As soon as he pressed the button again, we would be on our way, and I would likely never see him again.

He tapped at my phone before a buzzing sounded in his breast pocket. He pulled out his own device and began to type, my phone still firmly cradled in his other hand. "I'd like to hear more about you and your family, but it looks like our ride is almost over, so we'll have to continue this conversation another time."

He closed the space between us, and instead of handing back my phone, he reached over and slid the device back inside my purse, bringing us within inches of one another. Heat radiated off him, tugging at me to close the gap and press my body against his, my mouth softly parted as I struggled to keep my wits. 

"It was a pleasure meeting you," he rasped before stepping back and pressing the button behind his without severing our connection. "I'll be in touch." The moment the doors opened, he was gone.

Holy fuck, what just happened?

It was like a scene from the movie – that crap didn't happen in real life. Yes, I was an attractive woman, but that usually meant I got cat-calls from construction workers and hit on by slimy douchebags. Rarely was the attention wanted, and the feelings were almost never reciprocated on my end.

I only had a matter of seconds to gather my thoughts and collect myself before the elevator doors opened onto my floor. With uneven steps, I entered the IFC Seoul lobby, a bemused grin on my face.

What a surreal way to start my day!

Welcome to Forever Lies. I hope everyone enjoys this story.

Just wanted to let you know that I don't necessarily ship idols, I just like writing and reading stories about them.

Disclaimer: This is all just fiction. Please don't take it too heart.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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