

A tough top dog in Wentworth Correctional Centre meets a former drug user and prostitute. What happens when the top dog starts falling for her? (This is based on what happens if Wentworth, but I'm changing a few things including the ending. You may not understand many things that are happening in this book if you haven’t seen Wentworth)

Halzhb · TV
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I'm sitting down with everyone else from my unit including, Liz, Maxine, Boomer, and Doreen, when I see someone come in. It's a girl I've never seen before. I look up at her as she approaches. "I'm Allie Novak." She says, as her long blond hair moves out of her face, and reveals her deep blue eyes. I nod at her, acting like the top dog I need to be. "Kaz wants to see you." She says. I look to Maxine. "If Kaz wants to meet Bea, she comes to her." "Ok sure." She says, as she looks back up at me. "When and where?" Allie asks. "Laundry, 10 minutes."

I head to the laundry with everyone that I was with before. I put a shiv in the back of my pants, because I know Kaz will try something. I did lie and tell her I'm all for the Red Right Hand and used her, so I guess she has a reason to be mad. I walk in, and no one moves for a minute. I see laundry covering the cameras, and now I know we're gonna fight. I walk up to Kaz, starting to pull out my shiv, when I see her holding a bottle of beer out to me. "Welcome home Bea." She says, with a small smirk on her face. I put my shiv back to where it was. Maxine goes to grab the bottle, when Kaz says, "It's not for you, mate." She goes to me. "I was pissed of at you. I thought you betrayed everything we stood for, but I can understand how dehumanizing this place is, and your as much of a victim as any of us." She says. I almost laugh at the comment. "I'm no victim." I reply, hardly. "Fuck being a victim. I wanna be your friend Bea." How? She was so mad before. She holds out the bottle to me again, and I grab it. She whispers to me, "Even though you shopped me to the cops." What is she talking about? "Welcome home! She's back!" Kaz yells to all of the girls in her group. I see Allie smiling in the background.