
Forensic director

[Translate]Forensic director Author: An Rumo Suspense Spiritual brief introduction "Forensic Director" lets the dead speak, let the dead speak, and let the dead tell me who is the real murderer. This is the confession of the forensic director! qidian44/book/99647141

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60 Chs

Chapter 37 Investigating Wu Feng

"Investigate Wu Feng?" Mo Yuqing was stunned and asked in confusion, "Why are you investigating him? Could it be that he is still a criminal?"

Wang Luo shook his head and said very seriously: "When I saw Wu Feng for the first time, I found that his casual clothes were a bit strange, the belt was very bright, not the kind of ordinary middle-aged people, and he also put his shirt on. Tuck it into the pants, pull up the hem slightly to cover the bottom of the pants, and the overall figure looks a little taller."

"But what does this represent?" Mo Yuqing didn't understand Wang Luo's words.

"That's not the point, the point is the way he looks at you." Wang Luo met Mo Yuqing's eyes, pointed with two fingers, and said, "Full of disgust and resistance, I wish I could stay away from you, and then Look from a distance."

"..." Mo Yuqing was completely stunned, she already understood what Wang Luo wanted to express.

"You said he's gay?" Mo Yuqing took a deep breath, parked the car at the door of the hotel, and said.

Wang Luo shrugged nonchalantly, opened the door and walked out.

The name of the hotel is "Lingtai Xiangwei". Xu Ziqian and several people have already booked private rooms. After Wang Luo and Mo Yuqing informed them, they gathered with the others.

"Ziqian, just talk about the situation directly." Wang Luo casually took a bite of the dish and said while eating.

The convicted people are already familiar with it, so naturally they will not be so unfamiliar at the dinner party, but they each eat their own way. After Wang Luo said this, they all focused their attention on Xu Ziqian.

"That's right, I investigated Wu Feng's background by cooperating with the personnel from the Disciplinary Committee. He once had a record of opening a house with a man, and he was on vacation at that time." Xu Ziqian looked serious, he didn't eat or drink Then he said, "Guess who is this man?"

Guan Yuan, Zhang Dairong and Mo Yuqing looked at each other and shook their heads.

Only Wang Luo laughed and replied softly, "It's Liu Qifeng, right?"

"He's still smart," Xu Ziqian echoed, and continued, "Wu Feng is a homosexual. It's true, but what I'm curious about is, why did the head Wang ask me to investigate him?"

Everyone also looked at Wang Luo and became interested.

Wang Luo did not rush to answer, but took a piece of pork belly, looked at Zhang Dairong and said, "Dairong, tell me what you found there."

Zhang Dairong and Guan Yuan went to investigate the family status of the other six deceased together before, and maybe there were other discoveries.

"If you want to find clues, you must first find the common ground of the deceased." Zhang Dairong cleared his throat and said, "I learned from Uncle Guan Yuan that almost all the other six deceased went to the local detention center in Lingtai. A year ago, They're all penniless homeless people who can afford a car in a year, so I think there must be something wrong with that."

"The detention center? Are you sure the other six have been in there?" Wang Luo asked with strange eyes.

"Yes, this was found through the internal system. The strange thing is that we did not find the record of the deceased in the local public security files in Lingtai, but we only found out by using Ziqian's relationship." Zhang Dairong also thought of the problem and said. , "And there is no record of the family situation and interpersonal relationship of the six deceased, so we were able to come back so quickly. The above is all the information I know."

"I said Mr. Wang, didn't all the suspects in this case plead guilty?" Xu Ziqian asked indifferently, "Then why do we have to spend all this time?"

"No no no no" Wang Luo put the chopsticks in his hands flat, stood up and said, "We can go."


Everyone asked in unison.

"Go catch the real murderer." Wang Luo sneered with the corners of his mouth raised, and quickly rushed out the door.

Mo Yuqing had no choice but to stop to eat and drink, and helplessly shouted to everyone: "Criminalization team, go!"


Wang Luo understood that almost all the evidence pointed to Wu Feng, the captain of the criminal police in Lingtai City.

Including the traces in Liu Qifeng's stomach, this is the most important point, and it is something that can completely invalidate Wu Feng's alibi.

Wang Luo calculated in his mind the scene when Liu Qifeng was killed.

That night, Wu Feng asked Liu Qifeng to meet and drove away with Liu Qifeng after opening the room in the hotel. However, they might have had an argument on the road, and Wu Feng was the one who killed him.

But this can't convict Wu Feng at all. The most important thing is what was taken out of Liu Qifeng's body after autopsy.

So now, Wang Luo is going to go to Forensic Doctor Ge of the Laboratory Department.

But when he came to the laboratory, Wu Feng happened to make a call to Wang Luo's mobile phone, and told him that Forensic Doctor Ge was killed on the way back.

Because the person who bought the eighth Corolla was Doctor Ge.

Wang Luo turned around and said something to the rest of the group. Everyone showed an incredible look. The murderer actually committed the crime under their noses. Besides, it was not ten days later, and it was only two days before Liu Qifeng died.

Murderer, are you anxious?

Wang Luo drove to the crime scene Wu Feng mentioned, which happened to be the eighth point on the map, which was in the middle of the left and upper right red circles marked on the map of the deceased Liu Qifeng and the deceased Wang Qingxiu.

In this way, it becomes a three-point line.

This is the artificial river in Lingtai. Forensic Ge drove his black Corolla and was killed by the river. His temple was pierced by a sharp weapon, his mouth was wide open, and his pupils were full of blood, as if he had been unimaginably frightened before he died.

At the same time, Wu Feng's phone rang, and he received a report from his subordinates that Xia Suying fled in a white Corolla and was killed in a suburban park in Lingtai, dying of a penetrating temple injury.

This made Wang Luo sit on the ground, feeling the coldness of the cement, Wang Luo shook his head hard.

Wu Feng answered the phone in front of the conviction team, which meant that it was impossible for him to kill Xia Suying who had driven the white Corolla.

This makes people head up, the murderer is still at large, not Wu Feng at all.

And the point where Xia Suying died was right in the middle of the red circles in the lower left and lower right corners marked on the map of the deceased Wang Long and Wu Ling.

As a result, all nine Corolla owners were killed, but the last two deceased did not belong to the owners of online car-hailing vehicles.

"Team Wu, are the few anti-drug plainclothes you sent to eat dry rice? Can this kill Xia Suying?" Mo Yuqing looked at Wu Feng angrily and said.

"Anti-drug plainclothes?" Wu Feng was completely stunned. He looked at us and said, "I didn't send an anti-drug plainclothes to find you at all, but a nearby patrolman who was on duty!"

"What!?" Mo Yuqing seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt. She suddenly remembered that she hadn't checked the documents of several plainclothes at that time, and just let them take the two men with ribs away from Xia Suying.

And Wang Luo was still thinking in the room at that time, so he didn't observe the plain clothes carefully at all, so they had a chance?

"If Xia Suying was killed because of this, then we are also partly responsible." Mo Yuqing sighed and said.

"Is the murderer really those guys in plainclothes?" Wu Feng asked with a cold face.

"I can't be sure, but they took Xia Suying away, and then Xia Suying was killed." Mo Yuqing said instead of letting go.

"You go back to the bureau to recall the suspect, contact the painter, and then communicate it after drawing it, recall all the criminal police officers who are on vacation, and want these guys in the city." Wu Feng successfully demonstrated the execution power that the criminal police captain should have. , he gave an order, and began to make calls continuously.

Wang Luo walked into Forensic Ge's car alone. There were several red palm prints on the window, and he seemed to struggle for a while before he died.

I glanced at the pedals on the edge of the driver's door, and there really is the same yellow mud as other online car-hailing cars.

Wang Luo took some of the evidence bag and put it in it, returned to Lingtai City Police Station with the conviction team, and handed it over to the laboratory for testing.

After a night of rest, the results of the test showed that the yellow mud was no different from ordinary loess.

"Gunpowder?" Wang Luo touched his chin and said to Xu Ziqian, "Ziqian, can you check the gunpowder factory near where Forensic Ge was killed."

Xu Ziqian made an ok gesture and left.

"Dai Rong, go and see if Xia Suying's car has the same yellow mud. If there is, go to the gunpowder factory where she was killed, and contact me when you find it." Wang Luo turned to Zhang Dairong again.

Zhang Dairong nodded and disappeared.

"Why do I think you are the leader of the group." Mo Yuqing said with a bulging mouth.

When Guan Yuan heard the words, he slapped haha, not knowing what to say.

"I'm not in the mood to joke." Wang Luo sighed and said, "This is the most bloody case I've ever seen. So far, all the clues point to the wrong points. The murderer is still committing the crime. If my judgment is wrong, , maybe there will be car-hailing car owners killed in the future."

"I will inform Wu Feng to strengthen the security at night and reduce the travel of online car-hailing vehicles at night." Guan Yuan nodded solemnly and said.

After that, everyone fell silent until Zhang Dairong, who went to investigate, called.

"There is an abandoned gunpowder factory 3 kilometers away from Xia Suying. I have already rushed there. I will send you the location and just drive over."

This is what Zhang Dairong said before hanging up. Wang Luo hurriedly set off alone after hearing it, leaving Guan Yuan and Mo Yuqing to wait for news of Xu Ziqian.

When I drove to the place Zhang Dairong said, I saw Zhang Dairong's car at a glance, but I didn't see Zhang Dairong's person.

When he opened the door and got out of the car, there was soft yellow mud under his feet, but Wang Luo didn't care about it, and let the mud get on his shoes. There were two abandoned factories in front of him, and the strong smell of gunpowder came.

Strange, Wang Luo frowned. Since it was an abandoned gunpowder factory, the smell of gunpowder here should not be so heavy. The only possibility is that there is still gunpowder that has not been destroyed.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it is not far from the residential area. There are even several houses next door. The factory is surrounded by iron fences. A few hundred meters of people will have an accident.