
Forcefully Kidnapped

Kenlynn_Thomas · Teenager
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19 Chs

Chapter Nine

James was standing on the other side of the lounge watching me while Cara was talking to him non stop.

I smiled in return and moved along to get myself ready too. Taking the can of pepper spray from my bedside and placing it in my left boot. "Can I go with?" I hear Cara ask James as I tried my boots and tucked my shirt it. In my right boot I hide a pocket knife just incase the spray can no longer works. "No Cara it's too dangerous." James explains lifting her up and walking towards me with Cara on his hip.

"Cara Mitch here will take you to a safe place and I'll meet you there." I reassured her, knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer. Cara then looks at Mitch and sneers in his direction with dislike "But Mitch... Mitch is so scary." She says hiding her face in James neck.

James and I begin to laugh silently looking at Mitch amusingly while he walks up to us "Cara I'm not scary."he laughed taking his cap and scarf of to show that the was nothing to be afraid of. "Cara see."Cara states at Mitch and studies him for a few seconds and what seems to be a frown in he face turns into a smile. "It's fine, this handsome man can gladly take me" She comments causing all of us to erupt into fits of laughter.

I clenched on my stomach for dear life as it does not agree to so much laughter. It took some time for me to control myself after that before I could speak. "Okay young lady his too old for you. Wait how old are you even?" I questioned Mitch realising that I did not know this little fact about him. "Uh im actually not that old." he answers not sure if he should tell me.

He took some time to think before he said his age and made me wait for so long and it was awkward as hell, just staring at him. "18" uhm did I hear correct? He can't be that young. He doesn't look 18, well maybe without that tattoo's he might look his age. "Woah so that means I have to keep an eye on you around Cara" I exclaimed surprised by how young he was.

"What do you mean?" Mitch questions wit h a confused expression. "Well Cara here is actually four years younger than you so it's not much of a difference but remember she is still a miner and I'll kill you if you even think about it." I warned him while he stared at me with his mouth agape then looks at James and to my surprise the shock on his face wasn't something I saw coming.

James was standing limp with his mouth slightly agape looking at Cara with bewildered eyes. "You freaking 14!" he screams scarring her away from his side. She then runs towards me to hide behind my figure not that I have one but you know what I'm trying to say. "Dude chill."James days shaking his head in annoyance. Mitch doesn't say anything but walks away to the main door and we followed him soon after that

None of us knew if our plan would work and if they'd figure it out although I highly doubt that they would. "See you guys on the other side" I said kissing Cara on her head. James was waiting for me by Mitch's car as I stood there watching Mitch drive off with Cara in James car. I know it's for the best to split ways even if it means letting her go with some eighteen year old boy. "Can we go now?" James questions me as he gestures for me to get in the back seat. I wanted to ask him why it was necessary for me to sit in the back, I rather kept to myself. "Lay low and cover you with the blanket." he demands staring at me with a stiff grin. "What? Why?" I snort at his arrogance while quietly chuckling. "The can't have you." he says as if he meant that I was his to keep.

Ever since our little incident in the forest James has been acting a little too overprotective. He is like a helicopter always hovering over me and I haven't even been outside much more than before. It's not that I don't love his company it's as things go it becomes too much more than what I can handle. "We should make a stop at the mall" James says analysing me with a smirk on his face. "Why exactly?" I question him concerned to why it's so important to go to the mall when we should head straight to the airport. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" he asks me.

I think he was commenting on my looks rather than questioning it and I can't help but feel a little pang to the heart. "Thanks for the insult, I guess." I state. Moving around in the back seat in order for James not to see how hurt I felt by just that simple words.

"I would love to insult you but I'm afraid I won't do as good as nature did." he remarks as he looks at me with a distant expression. In all honesty I don't know why he's being this way, when just seconds ago we were making out. I swear boys are more bipolar than a girl on her periods.

If you love it, collect it and don't forget to rate my book. I need to know if I'm actually good at writing or should I just change careers

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