
The Mother

(Vanessa walks into Kai's bedroom)


Why are you pacing back and forth?




The last time i saw you being this lost was when you were considering leavi.. Are you leaving?


I can't live like this anymore, Vanessa. All these rules and titles and punishments and..


Hey, calm down. I know i'm strong but i could never take you.


How can we live like this? How can you choose to live like this?


You know i don't have a choice. I had nowhere to go after i was finished with my training. Those who turned me killed my entire family.


You could've started a new life.


No, i couldn't.


I can't live like this anymore. I've been here my entire life. Dictated by all of these rules..and..


Kai, what is this really about? Something must have triggered it.


Celeste punished me and everything just..seems meaningless.


She punished you? Why?


I talked back to her in front of others. Right, you son't know. I'm back in training again.


You're back in training?


Yeah, only this time..this time they're preparing me to become the Count.


Count? You? So this is what triggered it.


No it's not this. It's just.. I can't just go back into training. I was supposed to be done with this.


We aren't forced to stay here anymore, you know that. You can leave if you want.


Why are you still here? Why didn't you leave?


This is my family now. I know it sounds weird. But they took me in when i didn't have anyone. They gave me a home when i thought my life was over and they gave me a reason to..live. I understand what you mean about the rules and stuff. But we choose to live here, we don't have to.


You're happy here?


I kind of am. I get to help others the same way they helped me. And they really did help me. I was in pretty bad shape when i got here..


I know..i remember.


You did too you know. I wouldn't be where i am today if i didn't have you. That's why Lexa is so lucky.

(Kai's POV)

Lexa..I've thought about her in all of this too. Can i just leave her? I'm the reason she's here, it's my fault.


Are you going to stay here your whole life?


I don't know about my whole life. Maybe i'll leave later in life and get a job and..i don't know. But for now, i'm staying put. I don't think that all of this sudden doubt is coming from you being put back into training. You might not like it and it might suck, and hurt. But they're doing it for you. You have to believe that and deep down i think you do. It's not a punishment being back in training.


Wouldn't you react like this too if they reinstated you as a student?


I would be out the door the second they told me.




But you are not me. Right now you're letting your feelings get in the way. If you make a decision based on your feelings, you'll regret it later. I have to get going. Lexa should be done running now and she wanted to study. Whatever you decide, let me know. Don't leave without saying goodbye.


Would you hate me if i choose to leave?


Of course not, no one will. It's your life and your decision.

(A bit later)


You can come in.


Hey, are you going to use the computer?


Yeah, sorry.


No worries. I'll set it up while you get dressed.



(Lexa changes)


Here you go.


Thank you.

(Lexa's POV)

She isn't that bad actually. I think my feelings for Kai might have gotten in the way. My feelings for Kai. God, i can't have feelings for him. He's my trainer, my superior. I'm not even sure if we are allowed to have relationships. They are so strict with everything, why should relationships be any different. I kind of feel bad for Vanessa. She has to stand there in the back and do..nothing. She keeps saying that it's her job and she doesn't mind. But come on, she has to mind. I haven't seen Libby yet. I assume Celeste is with her but still, i hope she's fine. What got into her? It's just an exam. They told me i had to have one too in a few days or maybe a week. They said vampires can't get common colds because our bodies heal too fast. But diseases aren't impossible, although it won't be as bad for us as it is for humans. I guess that's one positive thing about being a vampire. Who am i kidding? There are lots of perks. It's just that..i miss my best friend. I haven't talked to her in two days but it feels like forever. We have always been together since we were kids and..I've gotten used to being near her. I have to admit, Libby and Tyler have been great friends during this time. And of course, Kai has also been a distraction. But i still miss my best friend. What is going to happen when Tyler leaves? He's almost finished with his training. I'll still have Libby, but Tyler has been..so great. He's so caring and kind. Okay, i need to focus. This paper has to be handed in tonight and i have lots to do until i'm finished.

(Vanessa's POV)

I can't believe Kai is thinking about leaving though. Actually, he should have left years ago. I wonder how Lexa will take it if she finds out. She seems so attached to him. Which isn't all that uncommon. People usually like Kai as more than a friend. So do i. But the rare part is that he seems just as attached to her. I've seen the way he is with her and when i brought up her name...i can tell that he cares for her. I hope that for once during this time I've known him, he'll make a decision for himself. He has always thought about others. Even when his mother left, he tried to be there for his dad. He was seven when she left and well, it affected him. He was lucky to have Celeste back then. She might come off as cruel but i know she isn't. She wants what's best for him and everyone else. Celeste is kind of a person who everyone respects, despite of her high position as advisor.



Are you two sure about this?


Yes, Count. She has come far and we believe it would work out.


She hasn't shown any signs after the humans experimented on her. She truly understands that she is safe here and she didn't make any resistance with the doctor after i talked to her.


If you're absolutely sure then fine. Holland is now your student, Bane.


Thank you, Count.


Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?


No, Count.


Very well then.

(Bane leaves the room)


How are things going with Kai?


He's doing fine for now. His punishment threw him off a bit.


He's always like that in the beginning. He things it's humiliating.


Yes, i know. He'll get over it.


I need your help on something Celeste.


Of course, Cal. That's why i'm here.


I got a letter..from Jolene.


What? When?


It arrived this morning. Here, read it.


She's coming here?


Looks like it.


Cal, Kai is doubting right now. He's thinking about leaving again.


He's had that before too.


I know, but if he sees her, he'll leave for good.


You're right. What should i do? Refuse her?


She didn't even write why she's coming.


I know.


Cal, are you taking your medications?


Yes, but they don't really do the trick anymore.


You have to tell Kai that you're sick.


Not yet. I want him to want to be Count, not feel like he has to.


As you wish.


How's it going with Count Livre? Any progress?


Nothing other than what I've already told you.


Keep an open mind. Don't jump into conclusions, gather all the facts first. I'm not sure when Jolene arrives.


Kai and i are leaving in an hour or so.


Hopefully she'll come and leave during your absence.


Afraid i won't be able to control myself?


I know you won't.


I'm guessing you won't tell Kai that his mother is coming either?




Cal, in order for him to grow up, you have to treat him like an adult.


Do you think he'd be able to handle this?


No, but he has to. We can't always protect him, especially not if he becomes the Count.


If Kai doesn't want to be the Count...


I never thought myself as Count but i will manage until i find someone suitable.


I trust your judgment in case i..well. I want you to be the Count but you won't do it.


I'm satisfied with my position, Cal. But i'll do it until we figure something out.


Thank you, Celeste. I don't know what i would do without you. Should i tell Kai? About Jolene i mean.


If you want my advise, then yes. I think you should. He has to be able to handle difficult things. If he decides to leave because of this, then..


I know.. I'll talk to him.


Okay, i have to talk to Rob before we leave. Am i excused?



(Later on)


I know it's hard for you that i'm gone.


I don't know if i'm doing the things right.


You are, you're just doubting yourself. I'll talk to Tyler. You two can train together and he'll help you.




I've also talked to Libby, she won't bug you while i'm gone. If she does, let me know and i'll handle her.


Yes, Your Grace.


For now she's recovering from her punishment and i doubt she'll be any trouble. Go start training on the fangs.


But it hurts.


It'll get better. You better have don it enough so the pain is gone by the time i get back.


Yes, Your Grace.


Kai, have you decided yet?


Yes, i have. Your Grace.


Good, then we're leaving in an hour.


Okay. The Count wanted to talk to me.


Go see him and then pack your stuff. And bring clothes other than that shirt.


Yes, Your Grace.

(Kai's POV)

I've decided to take this Count thing seriously.


Thank you, Your Grace.


For what?




Always, Kai.

(Someone walks in and Celeste makes some kind of face)



(Kai turns around)


Celeste, long time no see.


Not long enough.

(Kai's POV)

What the hell? She looks like she's losing it. Get it together Celeste.


Can you take me to the Count when you're finished with.. Kai? Is it really you?




Kai, go do what you were supposed to do.



(Kai's POV)

Okay, something in her look told me i shouldn't argue on this one. What the hell has gotten into her?


Yes, Your Grace.

(Kai leaves the room)


You have some nerve to show up after all these years.


Your Grace? You're still in the same position as when i left then. Take me to the Count. Your job is to follow orders.


Orders from the Count yes. Orders from you, never.


I didn't recognize him at first.


Why would you? You haven't seen him in 17 years.


I should have known it was him the second i saw his eyes. Not everyone has that shade of white like he does.


What's your business here, Jolene?


That's between me and Cal. I don't care about you being his right hand, this doesn't concern you.


The second you walked through those gates, it became my business.

(To Kai and the Count)


Good, you're here. i have to tell you something.


Yeah, sorry i got held up. Um..Celeste is kind of losing it out there in the foyer.


What? Why?


Don't know. She ordered me away when this woman showed up.

(Count vamp runs out of the room)


What the hell?


Both of you calm down. You're making a scene.


Cal, it's been a while.


Kai, i told you to leave.


Yeah and the Count is here.


I can't believe you didn't tell him i was coming.


You are in no position to be offended.


I'll tell him myself. Kai i'm..


Dead if you say another word.


This is family business, meaning you are not welcome here. I'm your mother, Kai.




I will rip your head off.


Celeste, take Kai with you and leave. Now.


Let's go.

(Celeste and Kai oth leaves)


Let's go to my chamber.

(Back to Kai and Celeste)


You okay?


Are you?


Is she really..?




Why is she here?


I don't know. Your father was about to tell you, that's why i sent you to him. It should have come from him. He got the letter this morning and i only found out minutes before all of this happened. Are you okay?


I don't know. I don't really know her so i don't really know how to react. You obviously don't like her. I've never seen you like that.


No, i do not.


Do i have to see her?


That's up to you.


Then i don't want to. As far as i'm concerned she's dead.




Yeah. Over the years I've come to terms with the fact that she's dead. She died the second she decided to leave me and dad. So i don't want to see her.


No one is going to force you. Pack your stuff, we're leaving.


Got it, Your Grace.

(At Lexa's room)

(Someone knocks)


Oh Vanessa, hey. Are you still studying?


Yup, takes time.


It's super fun.


We're leaving earlier than expected. Thought you should know.


Oh, okay..


Something happened?


No, i'll see you guys around.


That was weird.


I agree.

End of chapter.