
Forced tutor

A story about a bad boy (Dylan) who's rude and doesn't care about anything apart from his football and a not too shy nerd (Zoey) who was practically forced to tutor Dylan. Will Zoey be able to keep up with Dylan's attitude? or will she decide not to tutor him and result into Dylan making her life a hell in the school? Watch out and see

PrettyRd · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs


Zoey walks in through the school doors with Dani heading straight to thier lockers

Daniel looks at Zoey resting his upper body on his locker after exchanging his books

"Babe let me tell you one thing I'm sure that Dylan is going to do; he is going to force you to do the work and if you decide that you don't want to be his tutor anymore;he will just threaten you and bully you till you leave this school or if you are patient enough till you graduate"

"Wow! I'm not scared of him though--if he threatens me I'll just tell Dave and they will settle it-- let's just have one day without talking about something that has to relate to him^ okay? and I was going to tell him about having the lesson on Thursday...I don't need him disrupting my weekend" Zoey says staring into Dani's eyes which had the same glint of excitement which it always had shining in it.

"Okay..-okay Thursday's a good day because he might have some plans for Friday-if you wanted to choose Friday- ".Zoey cuts him off

"Yeah I know so how is your girlfriend? When is sche coming to visit you? or are you going over to hers this time?"

"She's okay and no she's coming to visit me next weekend and I am very excited, you will probably not see me at all next weekend because she's coming Friday Evening and going back Sunday evening, so she's taking over all my weekend--im not complaining though".Dani answered enthusiastically

"I would love to meet her while she's around and not just over Skype and FaceTime"


"That's our call" Dani says chuckling

They left their lockers walking through the hall with the students who are also rushing for thier classes.

They enter their first class which is history, walking to thier seats at the middle of the class, bringing out thier books and waiting for the arrival of the teacher which wasn't long after they set thier books on their tables.

"Good morning students, our lesson for today will be on...."


Zoey walks over to her locker just to see Dylan already waiting there for her.

"When shall the next lesson be" Dylan asks

"I was thinking of Thursday after school?--"

"Hey baby what are you doing talking to this nerd?"

Heather who just joined in on thier conversation asked

"As I was saying, I was thinking of Thursday after school? 5'o'clock"

"Okay then"

"what are you guys talking about?" Heather

"Your place or mine?"

"How about your place since it was convenient for me the last time"

Heather slapped Zoey's locker HARD and glared at Zoey while looking at Dylan with curious eyes "What do you mean last time? do not tell me you have been in this nerds house before! I hope for my and this nerds sake, you did not do what I am thinking you did. What are you guys talking about? and why do you need to set a venue with this nerd?! "

Zoey looked at her with narrowed brows, she glared into Dylan emotionless eyes,rolling her eye balls, she says "What could you possibly think we did? Dylan, why don't you go settle your girlfriend and tell her why we need to meet. I am still confused on why you came to ask me because if I remember well, we decided that I would send you a time when I am free. Also, please do me a favor and don't call me a nerd I have a name"

"Did I ask for your name NERD?!"

Dylan, with a bored expression, face palmed and looked at Heather with an emotionless face.

"Heather drop it and let's go."

"I'm not leaving here until one of you tells me what is going on!" Heather said slightly raising her voice not caring if anyone in the almost empty hallways was listening to their bickering.

"Heather! it is confidential-"

"Confidential?pfft• so the bad boy is too shy to tell his friends what he is doing with the nerd?" Zoey said, eyes switching between Dylan and Heather with an amused glint shining in it.

"Shut up nerd and don't cut me off-"Dylan says slightly getting annoyed with the bickering of both girls and just wanting to leave there, get through his classes, so he can practice his football and let all his frustrations out through that.

"How about you take your 'girlfriend' with you and leave because i actually came here for a reason which I have not been able to fufil and I have wasted enough of my lunch/resting time with bickering here with you guys and I will send the time I will be free to you as a message so please leave peacefully" Zoey says emphasising on the girlfriend by doing air quotes before and after the word, slightly amused.

"Okay nerd !....Heather let's go and leave her to her nerd business" He turned around leaving with Heather following stomping her foot pretty loudly behind him but not before turning to Zoey " Fucking nerd" she says and does the I'm looking at you sign

'ughh! I cannot believe that I actually wasted 10 minutes out of my lunch time with those fools". Zoey thinks annoyed and started walking to the cafeteria. She went to the table where Daniel was sitting and sat there.

"Why are you this late?"

"when I got to my locker, Dylan was there-"

"what? what happened?"

"if you had let me finish, you would have found out that he just wanted to know when the next lesson would be and when Heather saw us talking, she came to meet Dylan and demanded to know what we were talking about and the bad boy Dylan, decided to keep the tutoring a secret from his friends so now I don't know what she thinks we are doing" Zoey states

"She probably thinks you're sleeping with her boyfriend"

"Ew! no"

"Okay let's eat this is your food because I know how much you hate standing in the line" He said passing some food to her.

"Uhhh...thank you....this is why I love you" Heather moaned while putting a slice of pizza in her mouth.

"So that is the only reason why you love me? I'm hurt" Dylan says feigning being hurt and sad while holding his chest.

"Don't be silly! you know I love you for far more reasons than that".

After eating they left the cafeteria and went to thier next class together. And after all thier remaining classes, the went back to Zoey's house together. Zoey didn't encounter either Dylan or Heather after lunch that day, which Zoey was very thankful for.