
Forced tutor

A story about a bad boy (Dylan) who's rude and doesn't care about anything apart from his football and a not too shy nerd (Zoey) who was practically forced to tutor Dylan. Will Zoey be able to keep up with Dylan's attitude? or will she decide not to tutor him and result into Dylan making her life a hell in the school? Watch out and see

PrettyRd · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs

EIGHT: Dylan

"What were you working out with the weirdo?." Heather demanded for the tenth time after sitting beside me at our lunch table.

"For the tenth time my response is nevertheless the same; it is none of your problem!"

Pouting Heather says, "But all I just demand to know is what you were working out with the weirdo girl. I never seen you with her before, but the first time I meet you, you're setting a day and date to see?."

" I am setting a day and date with her does not mean I will contact her and meet her, does it?." with that, the sulk on Heather's face shifts into a grin.

"Oh… Okay. But you are yet to explaine to me the reason you were setting the day and date for."

"Heather, why don't you let it slide? If he is not comfortable enough g to explain it to you, maybe you should let it slide, he will explain it to you later when he is comfortable." Matthew, one of my teammates sitting at our lunch table and picking up on our discussion suggested. Heather scowls at him at that.


"No buts, Heather. Abandon it. If you will continue badgering me, move to another table. I am drained of hearing you wine because I cannot explain one subject to you!." Dylan states, already becoming frustrated. Heather pouts and shifts to savor her drink.

Dylan turns to talk to Enzo. "So what are you up to after practice today?"

"I don't know . . . I don't have anything planned for today"

"Okay. so my place?"

"Yeah . . . I'll head over to my place first because I'm staying over."

"Okay I ju-" Dylan was cut off by his phone vibrating in his pocket, He checks it to see it's a message from Zoey.

'My place. Thursday at 6:00"


"Oh it was uhm..my 'tutor' informing me of our next lesson date"Dylan whispers

"Oh . . . so you going?"



"Because I don't want to so I don't have to."

"Okay. Just don't get benched. That is my concern".

"I can not get benched, the team needs me and coach knows. He was just giving an empty threat." Dylan says chuckling with Enzo looking at him amused.

"So babe. . ."


"Are you free tonight? should I come to your place?."

"No I'm actually busy tonight"

"I'll be lonely without you" Heather replies sadly

"No. I'm having someone over tonight"

"Who? is it the weirdo? I knew something was going on between you two. She's such a slut. What does she have that I do-"

"Heather. Would you please stop. I'm having Enzo over and I don't know whatever weird think that's going through your mind right now but it has to stop. Nothing is going on between me and her okay.?"


"No buts Heather"

"Okay" "What about tommorow are you free?"

"I don't know. I will tell you if I am tommorow. Okay?"

"Okay" she replies grinning.

Just as she replies they hear the bell informing all the students of the end of lunch and the beginning of the next period.

Enzo and I stand up ready to leave the lunch room and skip after telling him that I'm not in the mood for any class today.

"Where are you going to?"

"Nowhere Heather..."

"Then can I come with you?"

"No you can not"

"Are you going to meet that nerd? because if I find out that you are..... I'm going to make sure that she regrets ever coming into this school and touching you with her slutty hands"

"Heather don't be silly and think for once! Just because I'm leaving does not meet I'm going to meet any one. if you want to know, I'm going with Enzo to our place to chill off. we'll be back by practice if I'm cool enough by that time"

"Ohh...okay then. I'll be there to cheer you up before or after practice". she purred with a wink, turning around, she walked away with an extra sway to her hips.

"Guys!, we'll see during practice".I said to my teammates and after receiving nods from everyone, Enzo and I left the cafeteria and left the school through the back door that is never guarded".