

Ace flew back to the town and landed on the ground, startling everyone in the house that he was still working to repair. 

"Ace!" Ina ran to him, immediately enveloping him in his arms. "You are back. Does that mean you have the scales with you?" 

"Not yet." Ace said, grinning up at the boy. "I will be getting them tonight." 

"Oh?" Ina's expression matched his, though the former looked a lot more excited. "Really? I will get to see it then?" 

"Perha-." Ace froze, remembering that he still needs to keep this façade that he is an innocent child in front of Ina. Sucking in his breath, he turned to the boy, flowers and sparkles surrounding him. "Of course, big Brother Ina. I would not do anything without you." 

"Aww. My brother wants to rely on his reliable and strong older brother, does he?" Ina chuckled, patting Ace on the head. "But I will not help you."