

The two walked down the corridor. They had to walk past several courtyards in order to get to the middle school area.

This school really is like a small castle in itself.

Ace turned to the boy beside him. Why did he take so much of an effort to make sure that he was with him he couldn't understand?

But maybe it is because the story may go back to how it was if he let him go. Besides, when is he going to meet him again?

Ajax never met him and neither did Ace in the game, except in Silas's route. And that too, just once.

Maybe this will help me change the story enough that it will not be able to restart from the beginning again.


"Are you just going to keep looking at me?" Silas asked, glaring at Ace.

"Maybe," he said plainly.

"You are strange."

"You think so?" Ace asked, grinning. "In what way?"

"Why did you even want me in the Student Council?" He asked as they reached the stairs and began climbing down. "I am sure there are plenty of qualified people out there and many more who want to be a part of this."

"There are." Ace said, jumping down the stairs.

"Then. What is the point??"

"The point is, none of them intrigued me." He said, looking up the stairs at Silas. "Not as much as you have."

The boy's tough persona demeanour chipped away for a split second before he put on a frown again.

"You really are weird." He said, running down the stairs and past Ace who was busy smiling at him.

Silas Longbow, son of one of the commanders in the king's army, Marcus Longbow.

Exceptionally skilled with all kinds of weapons but after accidentally injuring his mother while he was practising, he stopped using weapons.

In the game, he is the fourth lead and, as stated before, hard to earn hearts for.

When Ajax grew jealous of his little brother and began wreaking havoc everywhere he went. Silas and the player were amongst the people, helping them and getting them to safety.

He finally wields a weapon to save the player.

If I can get him to take up a weapon again and teach me. Ace thought. That would be great.

"Can I ask something?" Silas suddenly asked as Ace caught up to him.


"What is a historian supposed to do anyway?"

"Historian?" Ace thought for a second. "Well, how do I explain this properly? You ... note down the things that happened in the Council, kind of like a historian would."

"It sounds like something the king would have close to himself. OR the prince." He said, a slight annoyance on his face.

"Do you not like the royal family?" Ace chuckled, observing his expression.

He never mentioned the royal family in the game and Ace just assumed that he didn't care about them but his expression at the moment tells him otherwise.

"No," he said honestly. "I do not like them."


"They think that they are better than everyone else because of the 'gifts' they got and are abusing those gifts to the max." He balled his hands into fists while looking straight ahead.

"I see." Ace nodded. "Well, I think they are a bit of a snob as well."

Silas looked at him with a slight narrowing of his face. "Aren't you worried that they will do something to you if they heard you?"

"Shouldn't you be more worried?" Ace asked, almost laughing. "You just said that you hated the most powerful people in this world."

"I doubt they are the most powerful." He shrugged, passing another row of trees. "Just because no one dares to go against them does not make them the most powerful."

"That is true." Ace nodded. "Very true. Well, we will have to see in the future, don't we?"

"Do you intend on challenging them?" Silas asked, looking at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Me?" Ace asked, pointing to himself.


"Why me?"

"You look like someone that could be able to take the king on." He grinned, baby pink eyes changing to an almost reddish colour.

I almost forgot that he has this gift of, very, very, vague, prophecy.

Ace did challenge the king and won in the end but the king was Ajax at that time and it was an easy battle, by dating sims games standards.

Everything was a little bit too easy.

He never told anyone about this skill of his though. I only found it because I read the random trivia about him.

The gift of prophecy, even in this world, is very rare and very sought after. From the history of Silas, his mother had this gift and she was brought to this kingdom by the king, Ace's father.

She was to become his concubine but she refused. If she were to become his wife, she said that her gift would disappear.

The king didn't wish to risk that happening so he made her vow celibacy in the temple and live as an unmarried woman all her life.

But she happened to meet the young commander of the king's army and the two fell in love.

Secretly, she became pregnant and was able to hide it for the majority of her time there.

As for Silas's father, he was suddenly summoned to court and the king decided to gift him with a wife for his previous, successful, expedition.

The princess of the kingdom of Gesj, Lark Biskel, who was known for her beauty and beautiful sky blue hair that was rumoured to connect her to the higher beings in the spirit world.

No one is too sure though and Ace couldn't find too much about her after that.

But, from what he knew, Silas has no idea that the woman that is his real mother is not the woman who sings like the nightingale but one whose face he has never seen.

There wasn't much information about what happened to his real mother and father but he was being raised by the former princess and the commander, so all must be well.

"I don't know about that." Ace said, answering Silas's assumption. "I am merely someone that does not have that much magic so I doubt I will be able to."

"There is something hanging around you," he said, tilting his head to the boy. "Something ... heavy."

"You make it seem like you can see futures and read auras or something." Ace joked, trying to get him to stop.

"I can actually," Silas said, making Ace stop in his tracks.


Silas turned to him with a sly smile on his face, "I can tell the future, though not properly. I have, what some people would call as 'the gift of prophecy'."

"Why are you telling me this?" Ace asked, frowning. "We just met."

"I feel like I know you from somewhere." Silas shrugged. "Besides, I saw a little bit of your future and ... it looks interesting. I want to stick to you now."

"You are funny." Ace said, walking past him as they finally arrived at the middle school grounds.

"I feel like you know what your destiny is." Silas insisted. "I can help you."

"We are in the middle school ground." Ace suddenly turned to the boy. "Keep your voice down about that. If you are found out, you could get killed for your skill."

"Awww~. Are you worried about me?" The boy asked, a cocky smile on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Perhaps." Ace said, mirroring the boy's actions. "Now, do you know a disguise spell?"

"No. I don't have any magic besides that one," he said, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Fine." Ace snapped his fingers and the two became invisible.

"I thought you said disguise," Silas asked, looking at his semi-transparent hands.

"This is all I know how to do." Ace shrugged. "Isn't it better than you thought?"


They heard a bell ringing and almost froze when a man walked out of the classrooms. He had this walk about him that would make people think he was royalty but he really isn't.

He might be a duke but most of the teachers in this school are hardly nobles. They are more of the common folks, because they are 'disposable', as the committee said in the meeting.

"Is that the guy?" Silas asked, staring at him.

"Yup. Mr Denvor." Ace said, staring at the man as other people came out of their classrooms and were making their way to the faculty room. "Time to follow someone and see what he is up to."

"Can't we just attack him?" Silas asked as they began to tail the man.

"Not yet."

"Why not? You should know the kind of person he is by now." Silas frowned at Ace.

"Yes. I do. But I want to get proper proof so that you can beat him to a pulp and also make sure his reputation is ruined forever. If you just attack him now, he will just be injured. What do you think is better?"

"I will be a little more patient," Silas said, a wide grin on his face.
