

"Ow!" Ace shouted the moment they reappeared in the middle of a temple room, doubling over in pain as he clutched his arm in pain. "Ow. That hurts so bad." 

"Are you alright, your highness?" The woman rushed to him as quickly as she could, ignoring the other boy, passed out on the floor, whose eyes are slowly starting to open. 

"I'm fine." Ace said with an expression that told the woman in front of him that he is in so much pain he is almost losing his consciousness. "I'm fine." 

"You're badly injured." She said, touching the part of his arm where he got cut by Zachery's sword. "What curse is this?" 

"Just ignore it." He said quickly, sitting on the ground, cross-legged and in a lot of pain. "I'm alright." 

He leaned back against the wall, trying to ignore the throbbing pain on his arm, feeling it go all the way up to his head while taking in his surroundings.