
Intimacy Levels

"What's the catch?" Ace asked, flopping on his bed. 

"The catch is that it will only be able to go forward," Cleo said, turning into a screen in front of Ace. 

On the home screen is a new button that he had not seen before. But, ignoring that, his level is fifty-three right now. 

"Woah, look at my level," he said, pointing to the bar. "Only fifty though?" 

"If you calculate it, you have reached level fifty in two days. That is impressive." Cleo said. 

"Yeah, but it feels like I have already reached chapter forty of a novel or something." Ace whined. "Ok, what were you trying to show me again?" 

"See that button at the far corner?" It asked and he looked at the small box with three '>'s on it. 


"You will be able to use this to 'fast forward the scenes," Cleo said. "You just need to press it." 

"Oooooo~. But you said that there is a catch?"