
Here and There

"Yes, Ace." She said, smiling at the boy as he just stood there, so confused that he does not really know what else to do. 

"No way." He mumbled over and over again. "No way, that is not possible. It's not." 

"What's wrong?" The boy on his back asked, looking at him with a confused expression on his face. "Is this not her?" 

"Did we make a mistake?" The gloomy boy asked, frowning slightly. "We don't make mistakes, we NEVER make mistakes." 

Ace looked at the gloomy boy, expecting him to lose his temper first but a burning sensation came from the boy behind him instead and he had to quickly put him to the ground before he burnt to death from the heat coming from his body, still smiling brightly. 

What the hell am I supposed to be doing now??

"Ace," Luna said, startling the poor boy. "You need to calm them down. Now." 

"But … I don't even know what is happening."