
Cloud Realm

"Huh?? What is happening??" Cleo asked as it was suddenly hit with a large amount of mana, the mana entering its body as it started glowing. 

"What did you do?" Ace asked, glaring at the woman that just dragged him underwater. 

"Don't worry, I said it is harmless, didn't I?" Yaline said, smiling at them brightly. "Just watch and see." 


"Don't worry, I am sure it is harmless too." She said, looking at the boy though she did not look very convinced either. 

Why am I so worried? Ace thought, gulping as he turned his attention to Cleo, now covered with colourful mana. In no time, the colours disappeared and it looked around, confused. 

"Was something supposed to happen?" It asked, as Ace ran to it, checking to make sure that it is alright. 

"Yes. You are now a part of this world." Yaline said, grinning at the fox whose jaw dropped immediately. 
