

“This marriage is null and void! The wedding of Dan Miller and Lucia Ray is null and void.” A man from behind shouted as he stepped into the entrance of the church, breathing heavily, just as the priest was about to pronounce Dan and Lucia ‘husband and wife’. Dan Miller, the CEO of Miller's Production Enterprise, hurriedly planned a wedding with his fiance, Lucia Ray, whom they've dated for only two months. His plan was to outsmart his father, who had signed a contract with his friend, Dantes. The moment young Miller set an eye on those papers, he had been looking for a way to do a surprise wedding without his father's consent. “Never! Over my dead body would I forcefully marry the daughter of my father's debtor! I can never marry someone who is not my standard.” He thought to himself. He was at the altar with his bride, taking their marriage vows, when his father, Mr. Morgan Miller, who was out of the country for a six-month business trip, showed up unexpectedly and put the wedding to a halt. “You either marry Clara Dantes in the next two weeks or you lose your position as the heir of the Miller's family.” Mr. Miller declared. Stuck of choice, Dan vows to ill-treat Clara in their marriage till she finally decides to leave by herself. Forced to marry the arrogant son of the billionaire because of her father's debt to offset her mother's medical bill, Clara Dantes planned to get back with her ex-lover once she secured a loan and paid off the debt. As time went on, Clara and Dan realised that they had developed true feelings for each other, but they had to be strong and fight their past as their ex-lovers conspired to ruin their union.

panmayelkopba · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 7: The Wedding is over

 Chapter 7

 The wedding is over 

He held her hands and helped her hold the heavy wedding gown to enable her to ascend the stairs with ease. His parents and a few guests who were still going to sleep at the mansion stood in the living room and watched the new couple head up to their room. 

"Now, see how they look good together. This is the real definition of a perfect match," the people in the living room whispered.


"Hey, and who told you that you're permitted to sit on that bed? Look, the wedding is over; all the acting and pretense are over now." Dan interrupted Clara as she wanted to sit and relax from the stress of dancing.


"I don't get it. What do you mean by "I'm not permitted to sit here?" Clara inquired.

"You see this marriage; everything has ended in the church and event center. I hope you're well aware that we cannot breathe together in the same room. You may find somewhere comfortable to lay your head, but certainly not in this room." Dan's arrogance toward Clara was back again. Clara was still dressed in her wedding gown, and Dan was in his suit. All their guests have departed for their various rooms, leaving the couple to have some time to themselves.

"This is your house, and I'm the stranger here. How do I expect to just find a place and lay my head? Aren't you supposed to provide that for me? Moreover, everyone out there believes that we're married because we love each other. So if there's anyone who's supposed to leave this room for the other because he's not comfortable, that person should be you."Clara hissed and still went ahead and sat on the bed.


"Like seriously? Are you for real right now? You're giving me conditions in my own house? Dan became furious.


"Dan, you know well that I hate this marriage as much as you do. So please, why not find a better solution for the situation on the ground" She took off her wedding gown, reached out for his towel, and strolled to his bathroom to take a quick shower.


"What temerity! A stranger is commanding me around in my own house." He nodded his head and went to his wardrobe to pick up the pajamas that he'd use for sleeping. Coming out of the bathroom, "Oh, you're still here; I thought you left for your sleeping zone already!" Clara wasn't bothered at all about the whole drama. "Can you please excuse me from dressing up? I'm exhausted, and I need some rest. Dan quietly carried the belongings that he needed for the night and dashed out of the room. On an ordinary day, he wouldn't have done that, but it was late already, and he was trying to avoid any form of argument that could wake other people up. He peeped and saw that there was no one in the living room, so he quickly dashed out to the boy's quarter to spend his night there. Early the next morning, around four o'clock, he slouched back to the room so that no one could notice that he didn't sleep in the same room with his newlywed wife.

"Can you at least show some respect? See how you're comfortably sleeping in someone's room without any remorse that you're discomforting the owner." 

"Oh, please, let me have some peace. Do you think if it were not for the contract my father signed, I would love to have anything to do with you? Next time it happens like this, please don't interrupt my sleep again." Clara hissed and went back to bed.

Dan took a shower and left the house.


"Good morning, sir." Clara greeted her father-in-law, who was seated on the couch in the living room, listening to the news.

"Morning, Clara. I hope you had a good night's rest." He asked as he looked at her with a smile.

"Yes sir. By the way, thank you so much for the success of yesterday."

"Oh, come on, my dear. You're now part of the Millers, so feel free around everyone and ask anything you need clarification about," the old man said.


"Hey Clara, I haven't seen your husband around the house since morning. Where could he have gone? Doesn't he know that you two are supposed to sacrifice most external commitments and focus on each other first?" Her mother inquired when she saw Clara eating dinner all by herself in the dining room. 


With a smile enough to throw some convictions, she replied, "He only stepped out for not quite long. Besides, we still have lots of years to spend together."

"Wow! You see why I insisted my son marry you, such an understanding woman. I know my son always goes for the best." She smiled and gave Clara a warm hug.

Clara's marriage would have been perfect if she and her husband were in love. Even Banjo's parents never gave her open hands like Miller's. But that is not enough reason to make her love Dan. She can't cope with an arrogant man. She's used to being with a man who treats her softly like the woman that she is. It is just a matter of time; before she'll find a way to pay off the debts and leave for her longtime sweetheart.


"Lucia, I don't like this face you're wearing. Can you put on a smile for your husband, please?" Dan tickled Lucia as she opened the door for him, wearing a long face.

"I'm not in the mood, please," Lucia responded with a frown.

"Com'on, wifey, I thought we'd settled this already. Why are you still getting yourself all worked up because of a nonentity like Clara? She's not worth it, my love." They cuddled her and put a smile on her face. 

"But, sweetheart, how do you expect me to feel when I see you repeating those same words you told me to her? And the ring you were supposed to give me, you ended up putting on her fingers. Then, how am I supposed to know that you feel nothing for her? Her pictures are flowing all over the internet as the amazing woman that captures the billionaire's heart." Lucia lamented.

"That doesn't mean anything, Lucia. Let's put the public behind us and face our lives. You must not please the public at all times. So I beg you, what should matter to you now is that I'm still yours and will forever be yours." He kissed her passionately and slid his hands into his pocket. Taking his hands out, he opened a ring and said, "Lucia, this was the ring I intended to give you on our wedding day. Our failed wedding was not enough reason for me to give another woman the ring. No woman can take your place in my heart; that's why I just had to find a cheap ring from the roadside sellers and put it on her fingers yesterday." He convinced her, and she stretched her hands, accepting the ring on her fingers.


"Lucia, how come you're putting on a ring signifying that you're married?" Debby inquired.

With her mouth wide open, she asked herself, "How did Debby manage to see the ring on her finger?" She became silent for some seconds, still thinking of the perfect reply to give. Debby couldn't wait but expressed her concern about how her friend just got married overnight without any invites.

"I... I'm not wearing any..." Lucia began to stammer.

"Dan gave it to me, Debby. This was the ring I was supposed to receive from him on our wedding day before his so-called father wrecked the wedding." Lucia explained.

"Com'on, girl, I expected you to be smarter than this. How can you allow this guy to brainwash you so easily?" Debby expressed her bitterness over her friend's decision.


"You've been away since morning. You didn't eat your breakfast or your lunch." Clara tried to show some concern.

"My welfare is none of your business," Dan warned.

"Less I forget, we're going to see my lawyer tomorrow so that you can sign the terms of the marriage because I might not be too lenient on you next time you try to interfere or question my affairs.