
I tried my best to get you

Herman was so proud, saw his handwork, and looked! The girl who was standing in front of the mirror, who was spinning herself, looked so stunning.

Knee-length cream dress with a low neckline, gold-colored sleeves, sandals with 5cm high heel, ah .. she was really pretty!

"Geez, I've heard that more polished and more diamonds shine, but I didn't expect your face so beautiful when you made it over, have you ever realized your potential. You should join as a model and participate in the casting." Herman's words made Vira's cheeks flushed red.

"You are too much, I don't have much confidence, after all, there are lots of beautiful women out there, don't tease me too much, you make me embarrassed." Vira's words seemed very precise. getting Herman's compliments made her nervous.