
School's Suspicion

"Why are you guys still gathered here? Disperse," shouted Kendrick.

They all immediately dispersed from the crowd.

"And you Jane. I want to talk to you."

Again Kendrick pulled Jane's hand forcefully. This must all be because Kendrick had seen Jane's actions that had pushed Fiona into the pool.

"Let go, honey. It hurts, you know," shouted Jane.

"What do you mean Jane? Why do you seem like you don't really like Fiona? First I saw that you bullied Fiona and slandered her pregnant out of wedlock. The second I saw with my own eyes that you deliberately pushed Fiona into the swimming pool. If your attitude continues like this, I will not hesitate to break up with you, Jane," Kendrick explained very firmly.

Kendrick had the heart to speak like that to his own lover. Kendrick defends Fiona more than Jane, his lover. Because for Kendrick, whoever she is, if he's right then he deserves a defense.

"You dare Kendrick talk to me like that?"

"If you don't change, why would I stay with a bad woman like you?"

"Or maybe you like Fiona, don't you?"

"What the hell are you doing. It's ridiculous when you talk. It's up to you what you want to talk about. But you remember what I said to you earlier."

Then after that Kendrick left Jane just like that. Until finally, Jane's two friends arrived.

"Are you all right Jane?" Kaila asked.

"It's all because of Fiona you know or not. Because of her, I got angry with Kendrick. Anyway, we have to find out if Fiona is pregnant or not."

"Well then, we will think about how to do it later, okay? Now let's just have fun here first."

"Okay. Let's go there."

"Come on."

Instead of being afraid of Kendrick's threats to her, Jane and her two friends will actually plan something back for Fiona. Jane seemed not afraid of what Kendrick had just said.


Meanwhile, Fiona and Lukas are currently at the obstetrician. They both had to go to the obstetrician because they both didn't want to get to Fiona. Fiona is currently being ultrasounded to confirm the condition of the fetus in her stomach.

"The fetus is fine, isn't it. She's healthy. Look at it. It's active in her stomach," said the Doctor. But Fiona couldn't stand the sight. So Fiona decided to stop the examination.

"Yes Doc."

"Fine then. What exactly happened to make you bleed like this?"

Fiona explained everything she had been doing the past few days. Like eating durian, young mango, bitter melon, pineapple and others. The Doctor who heard Fiona's statement was very surprised. Because what Fiona did could harm the womb and herself. Moreover, Fiona's gestational age is still very young.

"Oh my God Fiona. What you did could harm your unborn baby. Besides, it could harm you too. Especially at this young age of your womb. Luckily, you and your baby are okay. Just a little bleeding. Next time you don't do this again okay. Because if you do it again, I can't guarantee the safety of the fetus or yourself."

Fiona and Lukas were silent. Fiona didn't think that what she had been doing all this time would harm her too. After finishing the check and the results were fine, Fiona and Lukas decided to immediately return to their respective homes. Lukas takes Fiona to her house.

"Well, you go inside. You rest right away," said Lukas.

"Just a moment. There's something I want to talk to you about."


"I think I want to cancel all my intentions to abort my womb."

"Why? We're doing all of this for you, for me, for our school, for our future."

"Yes, I know. But did you hear what the Doctor said earlier? It's not only my fetus that will be in danger, but me too. I don't want anything to happen to myself. I can only tell you to do it," said Fiona, crying. And finally Lukas couldn't bear the interest of Fiona crying like that.

"Well then, let's cancel our plans, okay. I also don't want you to get hurt. I also don't want to see you cry like this. Well, don't cry anymore. I'm here."

Lukas also gave Fiona a warm hug so that Fiona could feel better. After that Fiona went into her house and Lukas went home.


The day has changed. Fiona still goes to school. Because after all Fiona must continue her schooling. The content is also not too big. So it's not very visible if Fiona is pregnant this time.

Fiona entered her class as usual. But when Fiona was about to enter the classroom, she suddenly fell. Because of who else if not Jane and her two friends.

"Ow," Fiona thought.

"Oops. I'm sorry. Are you and your womb okay?" asked Jane deliberately waiting for her so that everyone there could hear her.

"Sis Jane again. How many times have I told you, Sis. I'm not pregnant."

Not long after that someone came calling for Fiona. She is Fiona's classmate.

"Fiona. You was summoned to the Master's room."

"Why am I being called?"

"I don't know that either."

"Well then, thank you."

"Yes, you're welcome."

Fiona got up and went straight to the Master's room. Fiona just ignored Jane and her two friends. Fiona didn't suspect why she had been summoned to the Master's room. Because Fiona is used to being summoned to the Master's room like this. It's all because Fiona is the student council president at her school.

Tok... Tok... Tok...

"Excuse me, Master," said Fiona.

"Yes Fiona. Please come in."

How surprised Fiona was when she entered the Master's room. It turned out that Lukas was already in there. Not long after that Jane and her two friends also entered the Master's room.

"What is this, Master? Why was I summoned here? And why are they there, Master?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah, that's how it is Fiona. Jane reported to me that she was suspecting that someone at this school was pregnant. She was very sure because she found a test pack in a taxi when the school was having an event at one of the cafes. As student council president, do you know this thing before?" explained the Master.

-To be Continued-