
Chapter 3: someone from Sayaka's past

Five days after I was watching the news and saw the Lightning, he was fighting the Shadow. The Shadow threw the lightning I stood up and looked at Dante and said, "someone needs to help him." Dante was telling Richard not to let the Shadow touch him. Richard tries to run but the shadow grabs Richard and throws him towards a building and Richard isn't getting up I get so mad I run towards my room put on my all leather suit and a mask and wore red lipstick. I run outside and flew to the center of the city where Richard is, and I kicked the shadow he gets mad looked at me, and said, "who are you?" I smile and said, "the name is Vampira." The shadow looks at me and said, "you came to rescue your lover." I looked at him and said, "the lightning isn't my lover he's just a friend." The shadow came running toward me and I punched him in the face. Which made him fall he got up and was so mad he threw a lightning ball at me, which I caught with my hands and threw it back at the shadow, which threw him towards a building, and I go towards Richard I grabbed him in my arms and said, "Lightning wake up it's me." Richard opens his eyes and looks at me and smiled and said: "Sayaka what are you doing here." I looked at him and said, "I'm here to help you please let me help, you to hurt to fight." Richard looked and me and smiled when he nodded yes. The Shadow started running towards me I let Richard sit up and I ran towards the shadow he tried to punch me, but I round kick him and hit the building again but this time he was knocked out. I grabbed Richard and the Shadow and took them back to moon labs. We locked the Shadow in that room with no way to escape. Then I took Richard to Dr. Williams he looked Richard over I was worried about Richard when Dr. Williams came out of the room I stood up and said, "Dr. Williams is he okay?" Dr. Williams looked at me and said, "he is fine he was just electrocuted that's all." So, Dr. Williams told me that if I hadn't arrived at the time, I did Richard would have been dead. I walked toward the Shadow's room and I turned on the intercom and said, "Shadow why are you after me?" the shadow turned to me and took off his hood, and when he turned around and faced me he looked like Jacob so I looked at him and said, "Jacob is that you." The shadow looked at me smiled and said "no I'm not Jacob my name is James IV. I was named after my 10x great-grandfather's half-brother King James III." I gasped and looked at the shadow and said, "what do you want with me." The shadow looked at me and said, "I want to know how you knew my ancestor Jacob?" I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and said "yes I know both Jacob and James; I was engaged to King James III but died protecting me and Jacob. I adopted Jacob as my son, so he took my family's name Dracul." James IV looked at me and said, "do you still have your mother's locket?" I was surprised that he knew about the locket so I took it out of my shirt and said "is this what you're talking about ?" he looked at it and said, "yes that's it, you see Jacob left a journal of where you can find his sleeping body, but you can only open it with your locket." So, I looked at James IV and said, "so the only reason you were looking for me was for my locket?" he looked at me and said, "no not just for the locket you are the only one to wake Jacob up." I didn't know what to think I left the room, went to the roof opened my wings stood at the edge of the roof, and screamed so loud. it scared all the birds in the city. Richard heard me scream he came running towards me when he turned me around I was crying he looked at me and said, "Sayaka what's the matter why are you crying?" so I told Richard that the shadow's real name is James IV Dracul and that he has a journal that belonged to my adopted son Jacob and that he is in a deep sleep and I'm the only one who can wake him up. Richard held me since I was vulnerable, so I was not in control of my actions. After I finished crying, I looked up at Richard I kissed him and he kissed me back we were on our way to my room he pinned me to the wall next to my room and started kissing me again then we got into my room and Richard took off his shirt exposing all his muscles we had sex for hours. The next morning, I woke up and saw my room a big mess it looked like a tornado passed through my room. When I got up, I saw Richard's clothes on the ground at that moment I knew what we did I was so ashamed of myself, so I cleaned my room got dressed and went to the track put on some music, and started running and practicing my fighting skills. I was on the track for three hours Richard came to practice his running he saw me getting tired so he came in and said: "Sayaka why don't you take a break you must be tired." For some reason, I started getting mad at him and I yelled at him "Don't TELL ME WHEN TO TAKE A BREAK YOUR NOTHING TO ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND." Richards's eyes went wide, and I stormed off Amy saw me mad she came to me and said "Sayaka are you all right?" so I told her what happened between me and Richard she hugged me and said, "he should've known you needed a friend, not someone to take advantage of your situation." So, Amy and I had a long talk and she made me calm down. I went with her to this bar drank some alcohol and danced and had a good time by the time we left I had to take Amy back to the lab I took her to her room I also put a bucket near her bed just in case. I went back to see James IV and I said, "I need to see that journal to prove that you're telling the truth." He walked back and forth and then he said, "All right I'll tell you where it is, it's in my cape that you took from me." So, I went to the lab, but Dante was trying to open the journal and I yelled: "DANTE STOP DON'T DO THAT." Dante looked at me scared and I took the journal from him and I took off my locket and put it on the journal lock and pushed it in and it opened. There was Jacobs handwriting with a map and under the map, he said: "Sayaka if you are reading this that means you are in the future, I know how to get you home all you have to do is wake me up." I dropped to my knees with Jacob's journal in my hands Dante got up and ran towards me and said: "Sayaka are you all right?" I looked at Dante and I just nod. Tears start falling on the journal as I start crying Richard came towards me, and he placed his hands on my hands I looked up and I showed him the journal Richard looks back at me and said, "is this Sam's journal?" I looked at him and said, "no this is my son Jacob the one I adopted." Richard knelt and said, "we will find him and take you home." I was so happy I hugged Richard. I took the journal and I went to tell Amy. She was so happy for me. We spent days, weeks, and months looking for where Jacob is buried. Amy even scanned the journal to make sure there was no clue in between the words. Then I kept on reading and re-reading the journal. that was when Richard saw me and said:" Sayaka have you eaten all day?" I looked at him and said," who has time to eat when I need to find him." That was when Amy came running and said:" I think I found something." I looked at Richard and he looked at me. We went to see what Amy found it was in the lab's basement. There we saw an older Jacob frozen in a cryogenic chamber. I wanted to open it, but Amy stopped me I looked at her and said" why did you stop me? I want my son back." She saw I was crying, and she said" he is powering the whole city. I don't know who did this to him. But if we disconnect him, he might die." So, we decided to find a way to wake him up without disconnecting him. Every day and night I would be with Jacob looking at him and he looks a lot like his brother James. I couldn't help but cry and talk to him as if he could hear me. A couple of weeks passed I have been spending all my time with Jacob. Then Amy walked in with food she smiled at me and she handed me the sandwich I ate, and we talked, and then Amy said to me, "Sayaka darling don't take this the wrong way but you stink when was the last time you took a shower?" I was embarrassed so I asked Amy if she could stay with Jacob and she nodded. So, I went to take a shower I made it to my room I was getting undressed I got into the shower it felt good. An hour later I came back Amy just smiled at me I placed my hand on Jacob's cryogenic coffin it scanned my hand and it spoke. It said, "scanning… thank .you mother Sayaka." The coffin's door opened and there was the sleeping Jacob I went towards him and touched his cheek. Jacob's cheek was cold as ice, but as soon as I touched him a tear was falling down my face and it dropped on Jacob and he woke up. So, Amy quickly went to call Dr. Williams. We took him to sickbay and Dr. Williams had Jacob on observation to make sure he is all right. I could only see him through the glass it was killing me I wanted to hug my boy.