
Chapter 2: Richard and Sayaka

When I opened my eyes there was a man dressed in red and he said: "hello Sayaka I'm Richard but everyone calls me the Lightning I'm here to help you." I looked at him and said, "If you're here to help me then let me out." He smiled and said, "I can't do that you killed two people." I looked at him and said, "They weren't people they were vampires." The man looked at me and said "you killed two of your kind? But why would you do that?" I stood up but as soon as I tried, I fell back down. That was when Sam opened the door and came running towards me and he looked at my face and said: "Sayaka you must feed." Sam brought his arm towards me and said, "feed on me Sayaka." I looked at Sam and smiled I grabbed his arm and I bit him and started feeding my eyes started turned red again. After a couple of minutes later I let Sam go I kissed Sam and said: "thank you, Sam." I walked out of that cage and ran towards the computer lab and I saw that they were trying to take me back to my time. When I saw it, I went towards it and touched it and started crying, then I fell to the ground and Richard and the rest of them found me crying as soon as I saw them, I fainted. Sam carried me and set me on a bed and left me to rest. Sam never came back he left me with those strangers. Sam went on living his normal human life. Two months later, I woke up when I opened my eyes I looked around and Richard was holding my hand, he was asleep I looked at him and smiled. Then I was stroking his hair, and I was smiling while doing it. Richard woke up and looked at me he was in his normal clothes he was kind of cute for a young man in his early 20s. Richard grabbed me by my shoulders and said "Sayaka are you all right? How do you feel?" I smiled and said, "I'm fine I was just tired." I got out of bed put on my clothes and walked toward the screens. Richard came toward me and said, "are you hungry?" I looked at Richard and nodded no, I walked towards a corner and closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, Richard came towards me and he put his hands on the wall his face was too close to mine he smiled, and I felt happy near him I don't know why. Richard was about to kiss me when Doctor Williams walked in Richard used his super speed and ran towards a chair and I just stood there, and I closed my eyes again so the doctor would think I was meditating. Then I opened my eyes and smiled and said, "Hello Dr. Williams." Dr. Williams looked at me and said, "how are you feeling Sayaka?" I just smiled and said, "I'm fine Dr. Williams." Dr. Williams just nodded and left. I walked towards Richard and sat down next to him. I started to stretch, and my back was hurting, and Richard looked at me and said, "Sayaka are you all right? What's wrong?" I looked at him and I said, "my back is hurting I need to stretch. But somewhere people can't see me." Richard looked at me and stood up and grabbed my hand and used his super speed and we stopped at an abandoned race track 20 miles away from town. I opened my wings and flew up and I was having such a good time flying. When I landed, I ran toward Richard and hugged him, and said, "thank you, Richard." When I was thanking Richard that's when we heard a noise before I could turn around Richard grabbed me and speeded towards a shack and told me "whatever happens no matter what doesn't come out ok…. promise me." I looked at him and said, "Ok Richard I'll stay." Richard ran out and there in front of him stood a hooded figure they were arguing Richard called the hooded figure Shadow. I used my super hearing and heard their conversation. Richard looked at shadow and said, "Shadow what do you want?" Shadow laughed and grabbed Richard by the shirt and said, "where is the vampire." Richard pushed Shadow away and said, "what do you want with the vampire?" Shadow again laughed evilly and said, "I want to drain the vampire of its blood so I can be immortal." Richard got so mad he wasn't listening to what he was saying "you will never get near Sayaka." When he realized what he said it was too late I used my vampire speed and went towards Richard and ran back to moon labs when we got there, I fell to the ground of lack of energy. Richard grabbed me and hugged me and said, "why did you do it Sayaka." I just smiled and looked at those beautiful neon blue eyes and said, "because I've lost a lot of loved ones through my generations of life, but I've never met someone willing to give their life away for someone they just met." Richard looks at me and comes closer to my face I can feel the warmth of his breath then he kisses me. I push Richard back and said, "I can't do this Richard." So, I ran to the roof and I just stared at the sunset and I was thinking of Sam and Ruth I was crying. When the computer tech came to the roof and said, "sorry I didn't know anyone was here." I wiped away my tears and turned and smiled at him and I said "I'm Sayaka what's your name?" he smiled and came closer and said "My name is Dante Hellsing I came up here for a smoke. Why are you up here?" I looked down at the ground and said "Wait your name is Dante? I just want to go home to my husband and daughter." Dante looked at me and said, "yes my name is Dante why?" I looked at him and said, "I had someone I cared about named Dante." he grabbed me by my shoulders and said, "I'll do everything in my power to get you to your family." Dante hugged me and I started to cry even more, and he said, "it's okay cry all you want." After I stopped crying Dante and I went downstairs. Everyone ran towards us they told me and Dante that they were looking for us everywhere. Richard looked at me and he looked jealous. The very next day one of the scientists named Amy O'Conner offered to take me shopping since I'm still wearing my queen dress, we went to this inside market that they call a mall. We spent all day going to different stores she got me dresses of different colors, pants, shirts ECT… after that, we got into Amy's car and we were heading to a restaurant where people go to eat she took me to this very fancy restaurant to eat the waiters were so friendly after an hour Amy's phone rang it was Richard he said we had to return to the lab. So, we finished eating and got into the car, and headed back to the lab. When Amy and I got back we were heading toward my room and Richard was waiting for us inside the room. He looked like he was crying when Richard saw us, he stood up grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me, and said, "where were you all day I was so worried that the shadow must have taken you." I looked at him with fear and Amy ran toward Dr. Williams and told him what Richard was doing. Back to my room Richard still had me and wouldn't let go of me he said, "why didn't you tell me where you were going." At that moment Dr. Williams walked in and said, "Richard let Sayaka go she isn't yours." Richard looked at Dr. Williams with hatred I used my super speed and grabbed the syringe and gave Richard the tranquilizer he calmed down and fell to the floor. We locked him up in a room that he can't get out of. Two months later even though everyone told me not so I went to the basement where Richard was, I turned on the lights I was nervous I took a deep breath and walked into the room he saw me he stood up and said "Sayaka? What are you doing here?" I looked at him and smiled when I said, "I wanted to see how you were doing." Richard looked at me with a confused look and said "why do you want to know how I am? I attacked you." I got angry and smacked the glass and said Yelling "YOU AND I KNOW THAT YOU ARE ATTACKING ME WASN'T YOUR FAULT. KNOW to TELL ME HOW DID THE SHADOW GET CONTROL OF YOU?" he looked at me with sad eyes and said, "I don't know how." I took a deep breath and calmed down I said, "I need to know I want to help you, Richard, the city needs the lightning" When I said that Richard looked at me. I looked at him and said, "I have a way to know but I have to open the door." Richard said "NO!!" I looked at him and asked "why" he looked at me with sad eyes and said, "because I hurt you, I can't be trusted." I smiled and said "Richard I know exactly how you feel. I hurt someone that I cared about it took me a very long time to get that person's forgiveness." Richard stood up and said, "Okay open the door." I typed the code in, and the door opened Richard came running towards me and hugged me crying, and said, "I'm so sorry Sayaka." I looked at him I put both hands on his cheeks and said "It's fine Richard. Are you ready?" Richard looked at me and said, "yes I'm ready." Back at the lab Dante hacked into the security cameras and saw what I was doing everyone started to run into the holding room. I grabbed Richard's neck and I bit him as I was drinking his blood, I saw Shadow spray Richard with a chemically engineered to control a person but only for a short time. As soon as I was done Richard fell into a night of sleep only for a couple of hours though, but when everyone got to where I was, I turned around and they saw me with blood on my mouth. Everyone gasped Amy came toward me and said: "Sayaka what did you do?" I tried to explain but they didn't want to listen. Three days later Richard woke up and started looking for me Dr. Williams grabbed Richard and said "are you all right Richard? You must be scared after being bitten by Sayaka." Richard looked at Dr. Williams and stood up and said, "she didn't attack me I let her bite me it was the only way to find out why I attacked her that day." Dr. Williams gasped and told Richard that they locked me in my room with no blood or food Richard came running to my room and kicked the door down I was almost lifeless on the floor Richard grabbed my head and said: "Sayaka you'll be all right." Then Richard took out his pocket knife and slit his arm and put it to my mouth and as soon as I felt the drop of blood, I started feeding. As I started opening my eyes for some reason, I saw Sam my husband, so I got up and hugged him and kissed him but when I re-opened my eyes it was Richard my eyes started to water, and I said: "I'm sorry Richard I thought you were Sam." As soon as I said that I ran to the roof, Richard came running after me to make sure I was all right. I was looking at the locket I had with a picture of Sam and Ruth as I was looking at it, I was crying. Richard came from behind me and said: "Sayaka are you all right?" I wiped off my tears closed my locket and turned to Richard and nodded in response to his question. Richard looked at me smiled and said, "you miss him, don't you?" I looked at Richard and said, "yes I miss Sam and Ruth."