

Once upon a time, a goddess fell in love with the fallen angel. The fallen angel was seen as a deity of calamity, and he claimed to be one. However, because the goddess's love is fair, he continues to love the most abominable god of all. As a result, the other gods and goddesses became enraged and punished the goddess of love. The goddess of love had been turned into an ordinary human. Yuji Itadori has no recollection of his previous lives. He stumbled onto an isolated shrine because itadori yuji is a member of a club that engages in paranormal activities. He chose it because he has more free time to see his grandfather in the hospital. However, this is where things go wrong, and what was once a serene life gradually becomes unpleasant. what will happen when his miserable journey becomes the way of unraveling his past memories?

VIXENLEI · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


The next day, Itadori goes to the coffee shops with his friends Fushigurou and Kugisaki, as well as the seniors Sasaki Senpai and Iguchi Senpai. They talked about the assignment they had been researching before the deadlines.

Kugisaki, on the other hand, is attempting to alter her schedule to accommodate the study they have been assigned. Though itadori indicated that she does not need to go because he and fushigurou would perform the research on their own, she may rest confident that she will not accompany them and will instead focus on her career.

Kugisaki made a frowned, pondering the best alternative as she wanted to go with them and also participate in the photography shoot. She began to reflect. Fushigurou, on the other hand, claims that she is not required to attend for genuine.

"You don't have to go, Kugisaki; if you're available, you can help us. Alternatively, you might inform any of your coworkers who are also college students, such as us, about the history. In this manner, you may conduct research without interfering with your schedule. "The more rumors and stories, the better," Megumi said, glancing at Nobara.

"Alright, fine, hopefully, I'm not missing out on any fun. Haah. What a pain," grumbled Kugisaki as she glanced at Itadori and fist-bumped him, explaining that she had to leave early for a shoot.

She quickly said her goodbyes and left the cafe. Sasaki began murmuring, 'Nobara is cool,' and Iguchi began nodding, while the other two men simply grinned contentedly.

They then discuss who will visit the other shrine and the prior one. Megumi began mentioning the one he and Itadori had discussed, and his peers nodded, listened, and decided to visit the other shrine. Sasaki Senpai says she doesn't want to go to the last temple they visited because she doesn't want to meet the stern man who lives there.

Itadori understood what she meant and mentioned that he would apologize in her place, and Sasaki praised her for doing so, although she had claimed that she wanted to apologize. However, she is terrified that if they meet again, she may aggravate the man even more. Itadori grinned, and you may be sure that such a thing like this will happen again.

Four orders came and began chit-chatting about the other issue and how they planned to deliver their study after it was completed within the following month. Since it was said, it would be performed on stage by the drama club.

In their investigation, Sasaki and Iguchi have begun thinking about what the plot will be and which of the scenarios will be more realistic.

As the talk progressed, they began to plan their departure date, with the exception of Yuji, who would see his grandfather over the weekend. He announced that they would begin the following week, and everyone agreed with him. They completed their dinner and drinks and began to say their goodbyes as the four folks parted ways.


On his way home, Yuji stopped at a convenience shop, where he noticed a white-haired man with a difficult countenance studying carefully at the food display. He sought to approach this individual and converse with them in some way.

"Um, hello?" Yuji greeted, and the guy turned their head. They are astonished and bend their heads in reverence to Yuji, but the young guy waves his hand away, stopping them from bowing any farther.

"Ah, no, Ume-chan, there you go again bowing your head to me, There is no need, ume-chan." You don't have to do that since we're on the same level." The young guy places his hand on the person's shoulder and attempts to straighten them up.

"However, Yuji-sama, we are not on the same level or status; I am just a mere cu-"


A familiar voice called the individual, and they halted in their place. Even Yuji was astonished to hear the familiar voice that he had been thinking about for so many days the last time they met. He enjoys hearing the voice of this man for unclear reasons. He seemed to have been looking for it.

"S-sukuna, h-hi," he mumbled. Itadori feels uncomfortable and tries to turn aside, staring at the convenience store's glass wall. However, someone grips his cheeks and gently faces it back.


"Why are you looking away, brat?" the peach-haired guy asked itadori, and Uraume began to fear, not knowing whether to apologize or take their master hand from the young man.

"Uh, no, it's just that-"

The man softly gripped Itadori's cheeks and stroked his finger across the young man's lips, causing the young man to blush while still trying to look the man in the eyes.

"hmm? What exactly? Tell me," the guy murmured, caressing the young man's lips, forcing Itadori to bite and move his head away.

"I- stammered, that's all that's why, nothing else." Itadori's voice got smaller than he imagined, and he felt a euphoric feeling within his stomach. He isn't bothered by the way the man grips his face.

The young guy turned his head again, glanced at the peach-haired man, and bravely inquired as to what they were doing here. The man carefully removed his hand from the young man's cheeks and went to the convenience shop to get a bit of package food.

"Uraume took a long time to buy the food I wanted to try. I just happened to be here," said the peach man's hair.

"I see, that's why..."

"What food are you looking for, Sukuna?" Itadori asked, indicating with his hand to his chin, in a contemplative manner while glancing at the food shelves.

"Sukuna-sama, I apologize for causing you inconvenience, and Yuji-sama, I apologize for involving you in my concerns." Uraume dropped their head in front of the two-person presence.

The peached-haired guy turned to the person apologizing, patted the white-haired person's head, and said, "Worry not, it is natural you have not used the way of modern uraume."

Yuji, on the other hand, observed their interaction fondly. He doesn't know what Sukuna enjoys, therefore he begins to suspect a deeper relationship exists than their being master and servant. He felt an ache in his chest as a result of that thinking, which he didn't seem to grasp but was certain made him uncomfortable. He also desires the man will rub his head as well.

In his peripheral vision, the guy sees the young man's reaction and how his countenance morphs into something he has seen many times before. It was a similar expression to his lover, Jealousy.

Jealousy. He saw it again after so many years, and he felt nostalgic and delighted. He smiled and said, "Yuji itadori, huh?" The man called itadori forcing itadori to look him in the eyes and he could see how the young man forced himself to smile. He can read him like a book, and the peach-haired man believes the young man is even more adorable than usual.

"Yes, that's my name, I'm glad you remembered," Itadori smiles brightly, attempting to mask his discomfort, but he is pleased that Sukuna remembers his name. Genuinely delighted.

"I like your name; it fits you perfectly." Yu means 'to relax,' ji means 'to care for others,' and your surname means 'to take away pain,' Hmm, I like that. " The peach-haired man whispered softly as he picked something from the shelf and placed it on their cart.

"Thank you, I didn't expect someone like you or other people to notice my name like that," Yuji stroked the back of his neck, embarrassed by the man's comments. "I'm flattered that you thought of it and recited it." Yuji grinned gently as he tried to move in the same phase as the two persons alongside him who were collecting various meals and canned goods.

"Ah! In any case-!" The young guy unintentionally gripped the peached-haired man's hands on the cart's rails, and the man glanced at him skeptically, while the other white-haired person sought to look away with evident red earlobes.

"What exactly is it, brat?" The guy raised an eyebrow at the young man. Itadori noticed the man gazing at his hand position and instantly removed it and apologized.

"I'm sorry for what happened just now, and I'd like to apologize once more for the previous incident when we visited the shrine and offended you in some way. I am really sorry for how my senpai treats you. She doesn't mean any harm," Yuji murmured, bowing in front of the peach-haired man who was now looking at him.

"Why are you apologizing for her, brat?" The man stated harshly as he looked at the man who was bowing to him.

"Because I couldn't stop her in other ways when she said it, I was there and yet I didn't see it coming," Yuji explained, still remaining.

"How foolish, you're always like this. I detest your attitude." "How annoying," the man whispered, and Itadori couldn't hear him. He asked what he said, and the man only waived his hand.

"Not everything can be stopped, huge or small incident if it is impossible even if they are in your reach, Brat," the man stated as he strolled to the counter again.

Other people began to notice him and how he had strong facial features and a decent physique; some mumbled that the pink-haired man was attractive and wondered whether he was a model or anything. On the other hand, the cashier looked at him, apprehensive because of how huge the peach-haired man was.

Yuji heard a familiar voice coming from the convenience store's front door, and a slender tall figure entered and began strolling to the sweet aisle. The young guy moved closer to it, looking back at Sukuna, stating he was going to check and buy something for a few minutes.

The young man sauntered approaching the slender figure with white hair, black sunglasses, and eyelashes as white as clouds and eyes as blue as the sky. He grinned and greeted the man he recognized immediately.

"Gojo-sensei!" Yuji called the individual, and the person returned the call with a big smile on their face.

"Ah! Yujiiiii!! My dear studentt!" Gojo returned the greeting, and Yuji jumped on him, pressing his face against the white-haired guy.

"Sensei!" Yuji shouted pleasantly, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, it's a small world, Yuji. Something can happen for a reason, but it's not applicable to everything nyahaha!" laughed the white-haired man

Yuji broke the hug and asked about geto-sensei, and the man said that he left geto at home because he was still sleeping, but he left a note saying that he would go out and buy something, and the young man said to his teacher that it was a good action to leave a note and not cause so much stress to geto sensei because the teacher he is talking about has been stressing on the class and the white-haired lover they had.

The white-haired guy only smiled at his assertion and told Yuji that if it was stressful, it would be at night or day only, and Yuji flushed at his teacher's remark.

The peach-haired man approached Yuji and spoke, welcoming Yuji's acquaintance, and extended his hand.

"Oh, Sukuna, you're still here? I thought you guys had left already," Yuji replied, glancing at the peach-haired man.

the people began to congregate at the convenience shop, with more customers than normal witnessing four persons of exceptional beauty and a person whose gender they were unclear about.

People began muttering, and others took photos in an inconspicuous manner. Cashiers and employees were overburdened as a swarm of people approached.

The other three persons there seem unconcerned about the crowd, unlike Yuji, who is completely unaware of what is going on.

"Wow, there are a lot more people here than usual. Well, that's a good thing," Yuji said, glancing around.

"Nice to meet you, Yuji teacher, Ryomen sukuna," the white-haired guy said, still extending his hand. The white-haired man acknowledged the courtesy and shook the hand back.

"Gojo Satoru, Pleased to meet you, Ryomen sukuna," Gojo removed his sunglasses and returned his gaze to the peach-haired man. Gripping the hand of the man with peach hair.

Uraume, on the other hand, is overtly hostile to the individual with blue eyes. While Yuji is still oblivious to the surroundings, he inserts his hand between them and shakes it.

"Sensei, Sukuna is the one who resides in the shrine of the Goddess of love, which I mistook for the shrine of the God of calamity," the young man added, as the two men broke their handshake and stared at each other.

"Are you listening, Gojo-sensei?" You can't go admiring other people sensei, you already have your geto." Yuji poked fun as he observed his instructor still staring at the peach-haired man, and his teacher stared at him with distaste.

"hUH?! Are you for real Yuji? I love my geto so much, he's my pookie bear, I won't-" he hesitated and looked up and down at peach hair man. "Swap anyone for him." Hmph!", and the man with white hair pouted.

Yuji simply sighed and shook his head at how expressive his teacher was. While the peach-haired man simply glared at Gojo.

"Wow, sensei," Yuji taunted his instructor while attempting to seem disappointed, and his teacher instantly looked at him.

"Are you disappointed with me, Yuji?" Yuji, HUUHH? huuuhh?"

"Loud as usual, Satoru," a black long-haired man said as he approached dressed in a white shirt and baggy jeans.

"Suguruuuuu" Gojo welcomed and raced towards the black-haired guy, berating him by pinching the white-haired man's face.

"We're leaving now, itadori and itadori acquaintance; I apologize for my lover's behavior; he's a moron." Come now, Satoru," Geto Suguru remarked, gently lowering his head with gojo, clutching his head.

"Where, eh?"Gojo inquired.

The black-haired man muttered something to the white-haired man, and Gojo burst out laughing as they said farewell to the three people in front of them and paid at the counter. While everyone is staring at them.

On the other hand, Uraume clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction upon encountering Satoru, and the peach-haired guy indicated that they shouldn't pay attention to it.

"We are now in an entirely different period, uraume. We must leave as well," the peach-haired crazy said to the person.

Itadori still waved his hand at his instructor who was walking farther from them, and he turned back and quickly gathered the items he wanted to buy before returning to meet the peach-haired man.

"Are you leaving right now, Sukuna?" Itadori questioned.

"We are, indeed. We're taking our time here. So, how about you?" The peach-haired man gave the young man a sidelong glance.

"Oh, I'll go see my grandpa tomorrow and also sukuna," Itadori said, staring at the peach-haired man and glancing at the white-haired individual.

"Can you allow me to visit the shrine? To undertake research. We haven't finished our study yet, and if you don't mind. If you don't mind my asking?" Yuji questioned the hand as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. The man with peach hair looked at him.

"In one condition."

"Uh? In what condition?"

Yuji's heartbeat was racing for some reason.


"In one condition, Esme," the monster said abruptly, his voice tearing up. He did, however, manage to address the deity in front of him.

"Kuna.." the goddess attempts to flee with the kid called Satoru, who is wiping his own tears.

"Esme, the next time we meet, and the moment you fall into this god's realm, you will be mine, no matter what. no matter your status or what you have been demoted to. You will always belong to me." The enormous four-arm figure attempted to stand up and look at his lover, who was also sobbing.

"I don't care what happens to me; claim me sukuna, wherever my body is thrown, because I am yours to claim, and after this war, you are free to do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm the people. I don't mind sacrificing myself since I'm doing it to keep the world balanced, and I'm sorry for not giving you the love you deserve. As a goddess, I must choose the humans. "

The enormous figure wipes his lover's tears away and kisses him on the forehead. "I'll forgive you for not choosing me because I love someone as ethereal and forbidden as your being. However, I, a mere curse, someone like me a walking calamity, can't resist the beauty you are radiating, my love. I will love you for all eternity." he whispered tenderly, kissing the goddess temple and nose.

"I must depart now, my love. you must flee before the guardian angels come for you. please my love," the goddess pleaded to his beloved to flee and leave him. The monster felt hesitant to abandon the goddess alone.

"Stop hurting yourself and Esme! You can't save anyone who doesn't willingly want to be saved! You can't save him, and neither can I, you big four-arms idiot! You can only save someone who is willing to be saved, that's the reality," the kid screamed, causing the goddess and monster to look at him. The goddess held the child and smiled.

"I'll find you, Esme, I love you, and goodbye." He kissed him one final time, and then he passionately kissed the goddess, who kissed him back. The child attempted to cover his eyes from what he saw.

"Perhaps one day I'll realize why you never chose me."

And the walking calamity has vanished.