
Forbidden act (sequel/side story)

{Side story/sequel to Medusa’s son} It’s been ten years since the “incident” between the gods and Priamos and the world has changed a lot. The world now has the biggest company ever seen, now run by the government P.R.I. This company was made specifically for the gods and goddesses or anyone who lived in Olympus. Now here comes Luke, a 20 year old boy who just got a job at P.R.I, assigned to investigating the prisoner of Tartarus, Prometheus. A/N- this story will not follow the same things that happened in Greek mythology, i will change things that goes with my story. This story does follow a different lead but you have to read the first book to understand it a little. P.S you will get some hades and priamos moments ;)

SumiahGreen · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Third person POV

"What's the difference between destiny and fate"

Luke rolled his eyes as the trickster titan trailed behind him. "I don't know" Luke answered with a dull voice. He was getting sick and tired of the titan talking so much, it was giving him a headache.

Prometheus smirked. "Come one you have to have one guess" he said as he jokingly wrapped his arms around Luke' neck from behind. Luke huffed as he turned around pushing Prometheus away.

"Do you know that if we don't solve this case you go back into that hell hole" Luke smiled thinly. "I actually think it's quit comfortable" the titan said. Luke groaned.

"Anyway, this case has nothing to do with the gods so we should be able to solve it quickly" Luke sighed. "Good thinking lukey" Prometheus laughed out.

Luke suddenly pulled out a black, square, remote looking thing and pressed the button on it causing Prometheus to get shocked and fall to the ground shaking. "Shut up please" Luke said.

Prometheus coughed as he looked up at Luke. "Kinky. I like it" he said with a hoarse voice. Luke rolled his eyes and continued forward. He turned the corner seeing his suspect talking to someone.

He quickly hid behind the corner and listened to their conversation. "What does this have to do with the king of Olympus" the person asked the suspect. "Well lure him out" the suspect said back.

"How?" The guy asked. "By kidnapping his sister" the suspect said. Luke' eyes widened and he quickly turned around but bumped into Prometheus causing him to fall back from the corner.


The suspect turned to him with narrowed eyes. "Who are you" he asked. Luke quickly got up and turned towards the man. He was sweating bullets and his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Uh" he couldn't get the words out and he though for sure that he was gonna die right there. That was until his wrist was grabbed and he was pulled behind a person, or a titan.

"Excuse my boyfriend he's clumsy" the titan said with a warm smile has he gripped Luke' hand. The man looked them over once more before turning around and leaving.

Luke released a breath he didn't know he was holding in as he blinked back the tears that were about to fall. The titan turned around and faced Luke with a triumphant smile. "Easy peasy" he said.

Luke let out a shaky smile "yea thanks" he thanked the titan. "We have a lead so let's go find priamos' sister before they do" he said. "Why don't we just tell him" Prometheus asked.

"Cause I want to do this on my own" he said before turning around and walking in the opposite direction. The titan just shrugged and followed Luke.


There priamos walked with hades trailing behind him with a powerful aura. They were back on earth to wish his sister a happy seventeenth birthday. Hades begged him to go for some weird reason.

Priamos wore a long white coat and hades wore the same thing but in black. They walked inside the tall fancy building and went up to the penthouse. "Have I ever told you that I like your white hair" hades said.

"Yes, more than once actually" priamos told him annoyed. Hades just smiled before the elevated opened revealing a modern looking penthouse. The king of Olympus walked in with a pep in his step.

He was excited to see his sister after so long. He wasn't able to visit her a lot due to his kingly duties. This was the one time he was free and was going to make the most of it.

"Marie" he called out with a happy smile but it quickly faded when she didn't answer back. "Marie" he yelled again but no answer.

He was about to walk upstairs but was quickly stopped by hades. "You wait here I'll go" he said. Priamos nodded and stayed downstairs while hades went upstairs.

A few minutes went by until hades appeared beside him again. "She's not here" hades said with an expressionless face. Priamos looked up at him worried.

"Then where is she"

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