
For Worse

jannie a very hardworking girl is determined to transform her family life after finishing her education. She gets a scholarship to a national school and there meets her love Jayden life runs smooth until they went to university and separate ways. Jayden went abroad but for Jannie went back to her village to study medicine in a small collage. Jannie sat on his lap and slowly started to move her hips in a circular motion, applying more pressure.Jayden called in a very serious tone" Jannie " she acted normal and said ," yes'. The heat from her body was making him loose his self control, and within a blink of an eye he carried her to the bedroom. After closing the bedroom door he pinned her hand above her head and started kissing her softly and with time it got world. Jannie could see Jayden bulge and they were ready to explore each other world. This is memory Jannie is recalling while breast feeding her five months daughter . Will fate lead her and Jayden??!

Maggie_princess · Fantasie
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12 Chs


It was weekend and Jannie had no class she had invited her friend over her place to chil. They were watching a film and the characters felllips touched just like what had happened to her few days ago. Ann said that its believed when unintensional scene like that happens the two would be couples Jannie touched her lips and said to her those are just myths. Jayden went swimming together with his friend johny.He wasn't ready to forgive Kavin until and thought that Kavin was the one who wronged him by protecting their enemy. Past few days kavin had been lonely and something was bothering him. He wasn't ready to confess his love for Tine and the worst she was going back to the states .He even agreed to give her any support she would like but inside was truly heartbroken time was running out and he lacked enough courage. Tine one more day before she could leave the country .As Jannie was coming from school it rained heavily before she could reach her dorm. She saw Kavin and Tine in a heated conversion. Tine had already made up her mind she had to Chase her dream. Kavin would visit her when he missed her but that was not the life he wanted. Her family had given her a lot of support, she was fighting for human rights and would benefit a lot of people and if he loved her that much he had no reason to be selfish to hold her for himself alone. Kavin couldn't take it anymore a tear fell from his eye and left without a word. It had taken him 8yrs of waiting and he was letting her go again. Rain had stopped and Jannie went to her dorm she was luck Kavin didn't saw her . she reached a dorm took a shower did her homework and later opened social media to check whats new. She opened a photo of Kavin in her gallery stared at it smiling until she fell asleep. The following day Jannie was in a good mood she woke up before alarm rang. Took a shower ate break first and left to take a bus to school.After she got in, the bus had no passages but only jayden who sat on the back seat. Jannie was taken by surprised coz jayden never used bus to school. She ad curiosity on why her used the bus but all Jayden could say was that he his rich and has a lot of money thus he bought the bus for them to have a chat. After his words left Jannie grew so mad that jayden was afraid she might burry him alive. She gave him a very hard punch that left him speechless. He didn't understand why she that mad. Jannie looked him straight in the eyes and said to him that he had no idea how hard it is for people who use bus to reach their destinations. Ittakes them hours of waiting and there he was taking a whole bus just to talk to her she couldn't help but feel angry. If he wanted to clear things with her he could have taken her somewhere and not hacking bus that hundreds of people were waiting. She ran to the driver and told him to stop the bus she really needed to get down but jayden refused and the driver didn't stop. She went to the door bell and kept on pressing it she wasn't ready to stop until they agree to let her out. Jayden came from behind and pulled her away from the button she was pressing but without idea Jannie was more than mad he received a kick that led him to the floor. At that time the bus came to a stop and Jannie quickly rushed out leaving jayden there but he followed her seconds later. Jayden was rushing towards Jannie but he was taken by surprise ,he was kicked by a girl wearing heels. He was more suprised upon swing her face . His mouth was wide op3n and his eyes staring as if not believing it was his elder sister Tia. Tia opened her car door for Jannie and after she got in went to her brother and told him to spare Jannie for truly was afraid of him. Jayden went back to his dorm and his sister drove Jannie to school. All that time Kavin was watching them but he remained hidden coz his friend had not apologized yet.Tia dropped Jannie at the school gate and left for work. She said to her hope they can meet again and have a nice chat. Few students who were there when Jannie came out of the girl were speechless. Ann was thee and couldn't help but ask whose car was that but the answer she received was never expecting ,Jannie said it was jaydens sister.Ann had a lot to ask but unfortunately the bell rang and they had to rush to class.