3rd Pov
In a large magical forest, where birds flew, rabbits ran happily, and other animals lived peacefully with each other, everyone felt a tremor that scared all the animals, causing them to flee in different directions.
The blue sky of that forest began to become red and dark, with black clouds appearing, in addition to emerging from the earth a Dark Tower, that was the Tower of the Overlord.
Hadrian Pov
Everything was dark, for a minute I thought I went blind or something, until I remembered I had my eyes closed, so I tried to open them but then I closed them, the damn light in my eyes! It hurt like hell!
After a little time getting my eyes used to the light, I finally managed to see where I was, I looked like I was in the Throne Room of the Dark Tower from Game Overlord 1.
I was sitting on the Throne, I then looked at my hands and body, I was fully equipped with an Overlord's armor, I just need a mirror to see which Overlord's armor I'm wearing.
"Master, you finally woke up, I thought I'd have to call Giblet to hit his hammer on your helm to wake you up, Mi'lord." Said a slightly hoarse voice, I then look to the left and see a small being coming towards me.
Looking like a gray Gremlin, with old and worn clothes, along with a stick on his back that holds a yellow crystal by a rope, in addition to having a white beard and yellow eyes, at a glance I found out who it was.
Gnarl, Minion Master and Devoted Servant of Darkness, the Counselor of the Overlords.
This put a smile on my face.
"Gnarl, report, how many Minions do we have?" I asked as I rose from my Throne.
"Oh, sire, are you thinking of starting a little chaos? Well, unfortunately we only have 15 Browns with us" Gnarl answered me with an evil laugh.
15 Browns... looks like I have to get more Lifeforce, wait, do I have the other Minion Hives?
"Gnarl, what about the other Minion Hives? Are they in the Tower or were they lost?!" I asked while looking at Gnarl with concern clear in my tone.
"Oh, don't worry sire, the Hives are in the Dark Tower, but unfortunately we don't have any Minion from those Hives, you will need to get Lifeforce to be able to summon the Minions from those Hives." Gnarl answered me calmly, that made me sigh with relief, because I would only have to worry about getting Lifeforce.
"Very well, then I will use the Tower Portal to go somewhere to get Lifeforce" I said as I went to the Tower Portal, while Gnarl followed me.
"To be honest, sire, it looks like the Dark Tower is in a forest full of life...birds...happy animals...everything fluffy and colorful, ugh, makes me want to puke" Said Gnarl to me while having a face of disgust when describing where my Dark Tower is.
Hmm...that's beneficial, you'll have a lot of lifeforce to do it, maybe also doing a clearcut in the forest wouldn't be so bad, you know, burning some trees "accidentally" and having a devastating effect "by accident", hehe.
Just to be sure, I looked at a certain place in the Throne Room, on a wall I could see a Dragon's head, that meant I had the Fireball Spell, wonderful.
"Well, Gnarl, get ready then, because I'm going to do a little hunting with the Minions, in addition to burning this forest to the ground." I said to Gnarl as I looked at the Tower Portal, seeing that the Tower Heart was showing me an image of a forest with animals, everything looking so peaceful.
"Gnarl, how do I go to this forest through the Portal? Do I enter the image or something?" I ask as I look Gnarl in the eyes.
"No need for that sire, you just need to imagine your body traveling to that place while you are near the Portal, the Magic does the rest of the work" Gnarl replied to me, this made me nod before I closed my eyes, and imagining myself being taken through the Tower Portal, I then felt as if I had been sucked into something, I then heard birds and leaves moving, making me open my eyes.
Looking up, I saw that the skies were red and dark, with black clouds in the sky but not blocking the Sun, it seems that the Dark Tower already came with its corruption, then I look a little to the side and I see Minion Portals, which allows me to summon them.
"Testing, testing...one...two...three, Master, are you listening to me?" I heard Gnarl's voice, which made me look around trying to see where he was, but then I remembered that Gnarl could communicate with the Overlord from a distance thanks to Tower Heart.
"Yes, Gnarl, I hear you Loud and Clear" I replied as I focused my attention on the Brown Minion Portal, with myself then trying to summon them.
That's when I saw Brown Minions flying out of the Minion Portal, when they hit the ground, some fell on top of each other, while others landed on their feet, I even saw one doing a superhero landing.
"Master!" Shouted a Brown Minion who had landed on his feet on the back of another Minion, who was screaming from the pain in his back, he then came running to me.
With that, all the other Minions ran towards me and surrounded me as they jumped in happiness at the sight of me, anyone who sees these little devils like this will be surprised to see them destroying things, looting and killing people, and getting drunk or passing out from all the beer they drank.
I raised my hand and ordered them to stop making noise, I then ordered them to follow me, it was time to hunt and get Lifeforce.
"Sire, a little further ahead you will see disgusting animals, rabbits, deer, all kinds of cute animals...I think I'm going to throw up" Said Gnarl to me before he cut the link between me and him, before that I heard a noise that sounded like him vomiting.
I hope when I get back to the Dark Tower the Throne Room floor isn't covered in puke or I'll have to kick that old man.
Another time of walking and soon I arrived where Gnarl said, there I saw something that looked like it came out of a fairy tale, animals everywhere, together and in perfect peace and harmony.
Oh, my Darkness...all that's missing is having a bloody Princess come out and sing because that's an ideal setting for a Movie made by some bloody Franchise Destroyer Rat.
I can't let that happen, I wasted no time and ordered my Brown Minions to kill all the animals that were present.
The Browns wasted no time running up to the animals, hitting these animals hard with their clubs, some jumping on the deer to stop them from trying to escape, then hitting them with their clubs mercilessly.
"DEEEERY" I saw a Brown squealing happily while astride a deer, holding one of its antlers as he smacked the poor animal in the head with his club before the animal fell to the ground.
While this slaughter of animals was taking place, I saw coming out of the corpses of some of the animals a glowing bubble, some of the bubbles glowing Brown and others glowing Green.
There's no mistake, they are Lifeforce, which filled me with joy, even more, when some Browns came back with Lifeforce in their paws and handed it to me, I didn't have to do anything because my Gauntlet sucked the Lifeforces and glowed.
I unfortunately saw some animals being quite fast and managing to get away from my Browns, but no problem, because I got some Green Lifeforce from some dead animals.
Then I can use the dear Greens to help with the hunt, these little assassins will be very useful.
Some Browns took deer antlers to use as a weapon, while I saw others taking the skins of animals to use, I saw one having a rabbit's head for a hat.
For some reason I felt like kicking that Minion for wearing a rabbit's head as a hat...and I did.