
For Now And Forever

"I hate you!" I screamed, my blood boiling with anger, I turned around and started walking to the door but stopped in my tracks when I felt his presence behind me. I turned around and looked him straight in the eye. "Leave me alone." I spat icily and reached for the door knob. I opened the door but it slammed shut with a loud thud. I felt his hot breath on the nape of my neck, "Are you sure about that, Amelia? Cause your body sure does say otherwise." He whispered against my ear, his voice dangerously low. He started trailing kisses along my neck and up my chin and like the stupid person I am, I tilted my head to the side, giving him more access and closed my eyes, letting out a small moan when he sucked on my soft spot. He smirked against my skin and stepped away from me letting out a small chuckle. I groaned in embarrassment and opened the door only to slam it shut after stepping out. What is wrong with me?! ~~~ Amelia- Beautiful, friendly, kind and gentle are the words you could use to describe her. Alexander- handsome, ruthless, cold hearted and rude are the words you could use to describe him. But was he always this way? Could Amelia heal him of what ever he's suffering from? They were both total opposites of each other, but there's a saying that goes 'opposites attract', what if these to opposites really do attract? What will happen then? Join Amelia and Alexander on an adventure of a lifetime.

Houmaira_Tembo · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 16

We got to the Grand Royal Hotel where the event was being held. To say it was big was the understatement of the year. The limo stopped in front of a red carpet where there were flashes going off everywhere at the entrance of the hotel.

Bethany and her date got out first but without Bethany forgetting to throw me a glare then Alexis and her date then got out after them. Alexander stepped out of the limo and held his hand out for me. I put my hand in his and stepped out of the limo.

"Alexander! Alexander! Who's the woman that you've brought?!" Someone shouted amongst the crowd. "Alexander! Are you guys' relationship serious?!" Someone else shouted. "Don't answer any of their questions and just keep walking." Alexander whispered to me and placed a kiss on my temple. It's all a show Amelia! It's nothing serious! I shouted at myself in my head when butterflies exploded in my stomach.Alexander rested his hand on my lower back and then led me inside, away from the paparazzi.

The inside of the hotel was even more beautiful than I imagined. There was a huge chandelier hanging from the very tall ceiling and a waiting area that consisted of four leather couches facing each other and a black coffee table in the middle of them under it.

Alexander led me towards one of the elevators that were in the very far side of the lobby, his hand still on my lower back. As soon as we entered the elevator and was just the two of us, he removed his hand from my back and pressed a button on the elevator side, leaving a reasonable amount of space between us which left me disappointed. At this point I don't even know what's wrong with me.

After a long two minutes that consisted of a deafening silence, the elevator door finally dinged. The doors slid open and Alexander put his hand back on my lower back, leading me to the ball room.

We got to two double white doors that were opened by two men that were wearing matching white and black uniforms. "Thank you." I said and they just nodded in return.

The room was big and was filled with hundreds of people, some were dancing, some talking and others drinking. Alexander then put his hand around my waist and led us into the crowd.

"Alexander." A man with salt and pepper hair with wrinkles around his green eyes called. "Mr Richardson." Alexander put out his hand for a handshake. "And who's this beautiful lady here?" He asked after accepting the handshake and turning his head to look at me.

"This, is Amelia, my fiancée." Alexander said, putting on a tight smile. "Oh, so this is the famous Amelia." He said putting on a polite smile. "It's finally nice to meet you." He said and out his hand out for a handshake. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." I said while accepting the handshake. "Well, I'll leave you to alone, I must go attend to other guests. Have a good time." Mr Richardson said and walked away.

The next twenty minutes went on about Alexander introducing me to people and most women throwing him flirtatious looks and glaring at me.

I started shifting from one foot to another, my feet killing me from wearing heels. Alexander must have noticed my uncomfortable state because led me to the table that was reserved for us and went back to talking and cracking business deals with people.

I was glad when I spotted Audrey sitting at our table and made my way towards her. "My feet are killing me." I said when I sat in the chair next to her. "Tell me about it." She said massaging her foot. "Do you want a drink?" She asked taking a sip from her champagne glass. "I don't drink." I said taking off my heels and massaging my feet.

"Bummer, I was just about to ask you if you wanted a drink." Someone said from behind us. We both turned around to see a very good looking man but not as good looking as Alexander.

The hell Amelia?!

He had dirty blonde hair that was gelled back and blue eyes that shone with a mischievous glint in them. He had a light stubble across his jaw and had sharp cheekbones. His nose was straight and had little freckles spread out across on it and had thick eyebrows that were perfectly shaped.

He was wearing a blue tux with a matching bow-tie and a crisp white dress shirt underneath his jacket.

"Go away Damon." Audrey said and went back to massaging her feet. "Aww, why? I was just about to ask the pretty lady if she wanted to have a drink." The man who's name I think is Damon said with a fake pout on his face. I felt heat creep up my neck and cheeks when he called me 'pretty lady'.

"Well this pretty lady is already taken. Now get lost." Audrey said still massaging her feet. Damon ignored her and turned to me. "Hi, my name is Damon Kingsley." He said throwing me a gorgeous smile.

Well at least you can't compare Damon's smile with Alexander's because you haven't seen him smile before. 'Just shut up and go back to what you were doing!'

"My name's Amelia." I said putting my hand out for a handshake but instead Damon took a hold of my hand and kissed my knuckles. "What a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady." He said. I blushed as I hesitantly took my hand away from his hold.

"I hope I'll see you soon Amelia." He said, my name rolling of his tongue but not the same way my name sounded when Alexander says it.

"Bye Audrey." He said and Audrey just flipped him off. He chuckled lightly and walked away. "He seems nice." I said to Audrey. "Except his not." She said.

"Just stay away from him Amelia, he's bad news." She said and took a sip of champagne from her glass. "I will." I told her.

"Good, now, what did my brother say to you in the limo that made you blush?" She asked with a smirk on her face. "It was nothing really." I said recalling the memory, it really was nothing.

"I don't believe you but I'll just drop it because here he comes." She said as a smirk played its way onto her lips. My eyes widened and I quickly put on my heels, my feet feeling better.

"Let's go dance." He said while stretching his hand out to me. I rolled my eyes at him, "you could at least say please." I said as I put my hand in his and stood up. Audrey snickered and Alexander threw her a glare that shut her up immediately.

He led us to the middle of the dance floor and put both of his hands on my waist as I put my hands around his neck and hooked them together.

"You shouldn't do that." He said.

"Do what?"

"Roll your eyes."


"Because I don't like it."

I rolled my eyes, knowing very well that it would tick him off. "And so?" I asked, looking at the couple dancing next to us.

"And so, you shouldn't be doing it." He said looking down at me. He was 6"4 which means he was really tall, the tip of my head reaching just under his nose.

I let out a sigh of frustration and dropped the subject, knowing very well I won't win the argument.

"Why did you want to dance with me?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I didn't want to dance with you, it'll just look weird to my family if I didn't dance with my fiancée." He explained.

"Oh." I definitely did not expect that answer.

After a few more minutes my feet started hurting and I got tired of standing up for to long. "I'm going to go sit down." I said as I untangled myself from Alexander's hold and he nodded his head in acknowledgment.

I walked back to the table and found Audrey in the same place I found her, her face beaming. "Is somebody going to get laid tonight?" I asked jokingly while wiggling my eyebrows.

She blushed crimson and ducked her head in embarrassment. "Shut up." She mumbled and I laughed at her.


By the time the gala had ended, it was around midnight and we were leaving. Audrey had gone with Noah, her plus one, back to his place and we were all getting into the limo.

The drive back to the mansion was eerily quiet. I leaned my head against the window, watching the buildings go by fast.

Alexander was typing on his phone probably doing work.

Bethany and Alexis has ditched their plus ones at the gala and were now sitting opposite of me and Alexander, either shooting me glares or Bethany trying to get Alexander's attention by either pretending to drop something next to Alexander and asking him to pick it up or 'mistakenly' falling on him due to the limo.

"Oops, Xander? Can you please pass me my lipstick, I can't seem to reach it." Bethany said, making sure to 'reach out' to try and get her lipstick by showing off her chest.

Alexander sighed for the umpteenth time the whole car ride and picked up her lipstick the handed it back to her.

I snickered but that didn't go unnoticed by Bethany and Alexis. "Do you find anything amusing Amelia?" Bethany asked and I looked away from the window to look at her.

I shook my head no, "nothing at all."'I said and looked back out the window.

"Thought so." She said and went back to mission Capture Alexander's Attention. I just rolled my eyes and continued looking out of the window.