
Chapter 53: Battle royale, round two

Chavu sat before the screen, with the gnomes and Goglina arrayed around him. He had sent Robert to the capital, with a letter for Marcellus.

The herald came into the arena, and Chavu noted with satisfaction that Marcellus was sitting straight. The Naga was glad that there had not been any attempts of foul play in the night.

The herald cleared his throat and brought his sound amplifying device to his lips. Chavu leaned towards the screen, not wanting to miss a thing.

"The second task will test the champions' agility, as I said yesterday," Chavu stared at the track field, and finally understood why it was there.

"The combatants will have to run ten laps on the field, while they are allowed to attack each other," the crowd roared its approval.

Chavu placed a hand over his heart.

"System, tell Marcy to be careful, and to run in the middle of his two allies," Chavu demanded.