
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (15)

The news about the empress being driven out of the main palace quickly spread throughout Ethreal. There were various responses that the public gave, but most of them were grateful that the "evil empress" was finally defeated by the "angelic concubine".

Somehow initially, there was many rumor circulating in the Ethreal that the reason the king turned cruel and a dictator was due to the incitement of the empress.

Reina just chuckled when she heard the report Annie gave. Enjoying warm afternoon tea while sitting on a rocking chair. Her eyes stared at her palace courtyard which was tens of times smaller than her old palace.

The ability of Galaes is indeed extraordinary, even in just 1 week, this humble palace is finished well.

The palace which Galaes named as "Hidden Flower Palace" with the intention that in the palace there is a hidden flower that needs a treatment so that she can bloom again because before she almost withered due to hatred and jealousy.

Too much talking!.

That damn man only thought about his image. Reina knew, the reason behind all the nasty rumors of empress are him. The main culprit is the Galaes himself.

The reason ?, very simple. Galaes wants all society to pour all the wrongs of his actions on Joana.

Poor Joana who never appeared on any social debut except a few months before she got married to Galaes. Having no friends, no experience and hidden from the outside world, of course Joana is a very easy prey for Galaes.

Ah, if only Earthos transmigrated her into little Joana's body, Reina guaranteed, Joana would be the center of attention of the kingdom.

Why not?.

Joana has a beautiful face that has a magical impression, the longer you look, the more hypnotized someone will be. About intelligence ?, elegance ?, just take it easy, Reina guarantees Joana will have it all.

As a company heir and born rich from birth, Reina was used to studying manners since childhood. About intelligence? Don't ask again. Reina is even able to expand her family's business network. Yes, even though before closing her eyes, Reina realized that what she had thought of as family was not really family.

(If i do that, you won't be able to meet Aranmiz.)

Earthos body suddenly appeared in front of her. Even Earthos' faces were so close that their noses almost touched.


Reina's body almost fell backwards in shock. Luckily Rosie and Annie moved reflexively, holding Reina's body from falling backwards.

"Her Highness!."

Annie and Rosie shouted together, fix Reina's seat and checked whether Reina was okay.

Reina shot Earthos a sharp gaze, before finally smiling at Rosie and Annie,

"Sorry, I suddenly felt sleepy."

Reina replied, waving her hand.

"If Her Highness is sleepy, shouldn't we just go back to the bedroom and take a rest?"

Rosie asked anxiously.

Reina shook her head quickly,

"No Rosie, I still need time to cool my head off."

Reina replied, feeling tired because she had to show a sad and hurt expression due to being ignored by the king and duke.

In fact, Reina was actually very happy. Even if she could, she wanted to dance freely because she didn't need to run into those two damn humans too often. However, Earthos would have grumbled if Reina didn't act like the real Joana.

Even though Roxanna has been here at least 3 times, pretending to voice sympathy, even though she clearly feels victorious because she succeeded in getting rid of Joana.

Rosie and Annie immediately lowered their heads. Sadness was clearly visible on their faces when they heard Reina's words. Again, Reina feels lucky to have them in this world.

(Hey, mister gatekeeper, can't they come with me after my mission is over?.)

Reina asked in her head, staring at Earthos who was sitting with his legs folded while floating in the air.

(Huh? Are you crazy? Just taking revenge is already a luxury for you. Otherwise, you must be a wandering spirit by now. Crying for your fate on a neglected headstone.)

Earthos grumbles while clicking his tongue.

Reina narrowed her eyes in annoyance while cursing,

(You damn parallel world guardian.)

(Swearing at me again, then your points will decrease.)

Reina finally chose to take a deep breath. Looks like she has to give in a lot to Earthos because that man is the key to the revenge that Reina craves.

Earthos no longer said anything to anger Reina. He just floated in the air, enjoying the lonely garden view.

Likewise Reina, she sipped again the tea that was poured by Annie. Hmm, having a small palace like this turned out to be fun too. There weren't too many servants so the atmosphere was much calmer.

Rosie, who had been standing watching Reina, began to think about what she could do to ease her mistress's sadness. Seeing her mistress continually sighing and furrowing her eyebrows made Rosie not have the heart to just be silent like this.

In fact, Rosie alone did not know that the reason for all Reina sigh was she having a word war with Earthos in her head.

"Her Highness."

Rosie called Reina, played with her fingers because of the doubts in her heart.

Reina, who originally looked at the garden, now turned her gaze to Rosie,

"Hmm ?."


"Shall we carry out our final plan now?"

Rosie finally asked.

The final plan? Reina furrowed her brows, completely unable to understand what Rosie meant.

The final plan ..

The final plan ..

She starts rummaging through Joana's memory to find out what Rosie meant.



In the next second, the glass that was in Reina's hand fell on the floor after she manages to find the meaning of the "final plan" that Rosie said.

The final plan Rosie meant was really a final plan. The plan, when it completed, Rosie's life will end with it too.

The last plan Rosie meant was, the plan to kill Roxanna and her son ..