


President Nixon read the report set in front of him, the report is the status of the nation since goddess Celestia came. The southern states is nearly nothing but cripple and blind whites now. She had personally gone and broke into the homes of every member of the klan and blinded and cripple them, after making them watch as she blinded and cripple their families first. She also did the same to many others who supported them in anyway. Many police stations are empty of police in the south after Celestia took care of them for either standing aside or helping while violence happen to non whites. Even going after old men and women and made them watch as she cripple and blinded their families to end their bloodline. 

"So what's the fallout with most of the south white population being useless now?" Nixon asked.

"The remaining white population are now doing whatever Celestia tells them to do. Any business or owner who doesn't hire people of color and give them the same pay and benefits as whites, a visit by the goddess and the next person does what she wants. Everyone is running scared and right now there's a huge call to hire non whites so that the goddess won't come for a visit. Then there are places where the whites destroy the towns of people of color," one of the aides said.

"What's happening there?" Nixon asked.

"Shes having the whites moved out of their homes and the non whites are moving in with them being made into the new owners. While the whites are now living in the homes of the non whites. Anyone do even says anything that displeases her, Celestia makes their entire family an example to the others. She even have the business owners fire the whites and hire the non whites. She personally trains them how to do the jobs and if the business owners gives her any lip, they're replaced by a new non white owners who now owns those business," the aide explains.

"There is also taking care of all the blind and cripples she left behind. The nursing homes and hospitals are filled up. They're shipping out them to other states just to handle the overflow. Many are ending up with their family members but they're usually shipped out once the stress and bills pile up. Many insurance companies are folding or dropping claims, saying it's an act of god or this case goddess so they don't have to pay. Which Celestia has responded that if they try pulling that with any of her daughter's followers or non whites they're next," an aide said. 

"Bottom line we simply can't afford to take care of all those who are blind and cripple. While many are going to be institutionalized, many will end up dead one way or another because of cost and how there are whole families of them," another aid adds. (1)

"On the bright side organize crime has taken a hit it might never recover from. Hard to put fear into people after the heads of the mobs are spank till their butts are hamburger meat and made to crawl while crying and calling for their moms. And they're the only ones left of their groups and no one wants to work for them. One of the dons tried to hire a lawyer who was visited by Celestia telling him once he's the dons lawyer she'll cripple and blind him and his family. Most of the men working for them all tried to turn in evidence, the first ones who got to the local police departments are the only ones left not cripple and blind. Then she hit all the gangs, now everyone is too scared to fill in the power vacuum left behind," another aide said.

"The other mobs and gangs in the other countries are running scared as well. News of the deal she gave out spread quickly and causing a whole lot of problems for those mobs and gangs. Lots of infighting and killings," 

"Any ideas to get her to stop?" Nixon asked around the table. 

"She did say she will not stop or listen to any of us. Seeing how we need a gun press to our heads to do the right thing," the aide said.

"You got that right," Celestia said appearing in the room.

"An eye for an eye?" Nixon asked.

"Of course as the blacks in this country are mostly my daughter's followers. And with her gone, it's up to me to defend them. Which none are complaining about how I do things, maybe I restart the whole slave thing but with you whites as slaves," Celestia said to the shock of the people in the room. "All it takes is a slave spell that can be passed down to the children so that a slave mark will appear on your foreheads. Once set the slave will have to obey anyone who doesn't have a slave mark on them. A little fair play thing."

"Is there anyway we can work this out?" Nixon asked.

"Oh yes you who needed to have me threaten you with being blind and cripple, will just do what I want to do without me holding the gun to your face," Celestia said as she grabs a guard and pulls out his gun before tossing him away and points the gun at Nixon's face. 

"Please we can do what you want without all of this," Nixon said fearfully as Celestia made it clear she sees him as replaceable as anyone else.

"Well I do need to see other countries. I give you a 'To Do' list and I want them all done by the time I come back. That means all prisoners I want free are freed, the ones who put them in jail in jail. Huge compensation for all the victims and rebuilding of destroyed settlements. All done and how I want it or I'm going to make you whites into slaves who can't harm or talk back to anyone who isn't a slave. And the religion of this nation be the one that my daughter and her friends made. After all the only whites who won't be slaves will be the ones who follow my daughter's religion. And yes this is one of those if you don't follow the belief you die or in this case cripple and blind," Celestia said as she crushes the gun in her hand displaying her strength. "And don't worry I don't kill, because it be kind for me to end you life. Keeping you alive so you can suffer is the cruelest thing I can do to you. I'm teaching all of you that you need to fear living after what I do to you and that death is a mercy." (2)


Author's Notes -

1 - There be a big die off of the people that Celestia blinded and crippled as the cost of taking care of them and just how many of them will take a toll. Not to mention the ones who have no one to take care of them. Not to mention how many people want to be put out of their misery. Seeing how they're blind and can't move their bodies, they can't really enjoy anything anymore.

2 - This world setting is in the 1970's and is realistic Earth where there is no hidden magical world or super science where it be easy to replace lost eyes and regain movement of your body after having your neck snap. And the only one who can heal all that is Celestia the one who did it in the first place.
