
For a Leap Into the Darkness

She thought she was normal but literally she wasn't and none told her about it. Unknown are her hidden powers, deadly and the sweet venom she didn't know she was. Her life after transferring to the infamous academy of Vampires and werewolves had been boring until a transfer hot male student arrives in school. He's a devil in disguise and any girls' dream. However, he has a secret, he was supposed to kill her. She wasn't to be born but he starts wavering? Will they overcome their obstacles? What happens next? Dive in for more ...

Sukyna_Katamba · Fantasie
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3 Chs


'We all strain our eyes in the dark just to find a spark of light.'


Today I couldn't sleep no matter how much I closed my eyes. That hot guy, no! That bastard! How dare he haunt my thoughts and also what did he mean by the shadow in the water? Could he see what I saw and most importantly there's something strange about this guy. What perfume did he use ?

Urgh! I can't stop thinking about him and the entire story. Now that I recall something, there was a voice in the water telling me to run. From whom?

Soon enough I began feeling hazy and my eyes closed immediately as sleep finally succumbed me.




"Carly my daughter remember to stay away from trouble. You can't study in these normal schools, ok?" Said a voice in a coaxing tone.

Little Carline glanced at her mother with teary eyes, "No, I don't want to mum. Just say you hate me and you no longer love me."

With that she ran for the door, ignoring the voices calling out for her behind. She ran until she fell, scraping her knees in the process. Tears streamed down her cheeks afresh.

"Why doesn't mum love me? She hates me so she doesn't want to stay with me," she sobbed.

It was at that moment that it began to rain together with the rumbling sound of thunder and the flashing lightning made the atmosphere gloomy. The little girl wailed harder and her clothes got drenched little by little.

From a far a couple of footsteps were heard and they seemed to be approaching the girl. Soon a pair of arms embraced the girl, lifting her off the ground in the process.

" Sleep my dear girl. Mum is just protecting you. You'll understand soon," whispered the voice.

When the dazed little girl heard the voice, she immediately fell asleep as though she was waiting for those words. She soon drifted into a dream land when an eerie voice sounded

"Run! They're coming for you and never look back!"


Carline jolted from her sleep with a gasp. Sweat trickled down her face and spine. What was that dream? It felt like a déjà vu.

It's good that she didn't have a morning class. She sighed in relief otherwise the punishments for missing a class at Shadow Thorne are severe. One wouldn't wish for any of them. Carline freshened up quickly and left for the gymnasium.

"I need a swim right now," she thought inwardly.

Carline took her bag which has her swimsuit and other accessories. With a final touch, she headed for the door of her room and headed for the gymnasium. Reaching the grand hall, she was met with a graveyard silence.

However, she didn't mind it after all it wasn't the first time being there with total silence. Without wasting time, she changed into her swimsuit and dived into the water.

The water covered my entire physique and at that moment, life seeped into my being. I wasn't feeling fine until now. Just when I had finished my final stroke, I heard a voice calling my name.


It seemed to be a female and when I went the pool edge, there I saw the most beautiful being. Dressed in black, the academy's uniform.

"You resemble your father," she said with a smile.

I didn't realize I was ogling. Nonetheless, she can't blame me because she's too pretty to ignore. She stretched her hand towards me and I found myself reaching it as she pulled me out of the pool.

Handing me a towel she introduced herself, "Elijah Woods."

"Carline...Carline Valentine," I mumbled.

With a smile plastered on her face she uttered, "I know. I've been close to you guys."

Somehow I felt that I could trust this female. She was about the same age as me. Soon our conversation took turn and I found myself talking about the transfer student, that bastard.

"Have you seen or heard of the new transfer student?" I asked. 

"You mean Virgil?" She asked as though confirming.

So his name is Virgil. I thought inwardly. Such a beautiful name. As I got deep into my thoughts, I felt a bop on my head making me gasp a little.

"Hey! What's that for?" I yelped at her.

"You're daydreaming about him, aren't you?" She teased.

Blood rushed into my face and neck and I know I was as red as a tomato.

"Checkmate! I knew you were thinking about him," she teased again.

However, the next few minutes, her face turned solemn and she gazed at me closely. Silence cut through the atmosphere and I tensed. What happened to her?

"Eli, w-what's wrong?" I stammered yet managed to voice out my thoughts.

Elijah run a hand through my hair and down my face. As her hand finally reached my chin, she raised it and said, " Read my lips. You must stay away from him, understood?"

Subconsciously I nodded my head and she smiled. Her golden eyes sparkled as though she'd heard the most beautiful words ever.

"Good girl," she chirruped, now patting my head gently.

Soon the atmosphere lightened however, I still couldn't get myself to ask why she warned me to stay away from him. Another thing that baffled me was that no matter what she said I followed it with obedience. It seemed she hypnotised me.

Elijah seems to be a dangerous person however, she seems to only show me a sweet demeanor. I don't know if she's always been like this or she just portrays this kind side to me only.

Later, Elijah excused herself saying that she had a class in the next few minutes. I told her I still wanted to swim and once she left, I didn't waste my time, I left for my room. Reaching my room, a thought suddenly hit me, it's time to send my parents a greeting letter as it's been long since I checked on them.