
Football: What Happened To Going To The Nightclub? I Have To Score

Su Luo finds himself reborn in the 2013 World Youth Championship, gifted with an extraordinary talent: the Da Luo template, guaranteeing 100% scoring accuracy with every shot! Dominating the tournament and leading the national youth team to the finals, Su Luo's triumph is cut short when he's expelled from the national team for visiting a nightclub. Defiant, Su Luo embraces his rebellious streak, discovering that each nightclub visit awakens new, legendary football skills. [One nightclub visit: Unlocks the Harland template, with unbeatable physical confrontations.] [Five nightclub visits: Unlocks the Modric template, ensuring a 100% pass success rate.] [Ten nightclub visits: Unlocks the Messi template, perfecting his game to a 100% success rate.] Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Manchester City, and other football giants fall to their knees before the "Little Prince of the Nightclub." Guardiola: "Su Luo is top ten in the world when he plays by the rules, but number one when he frequents nightclubs!" Klopp: "Su Luo was seen picking up girls in a nightclub last night? This match is as good as lost." Wenger: "Come to Arsenal, and you can visit nightclubs every day." Celebrities like Taylor Swift, Scarlett Johansson, and Elizabeth Olsen can't resist his charm: "After last night, he's even stronger!" Desperate, the national team begs for his return: "Su Luo, please come back. We won't restrict you anymore!" Witness the rise of Su Luo, as his nightlife adventures transform him into an unstoppable football legend, reshaping the world of soccer with every visit to the club. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is originally a MTL Novel i just translate it to be Readable. Original Author: Pull The Flag Star --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you've liked my work so far and would like to support me, your contribution would be greatly appreciated. since this is labor work and I'm not receiving any payment. your support means a lot to me to continue this fanfic. even a small amount, like 10rs. can make a significant difference. Please consider using UPI id divyrajsinhsodha5167@ybl Or you can visit my Patreon page: patreon.com/PhoeniXcel patreon have 5 advanced chapters for you guys Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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Chapter 9 Are The Fans Renovating The Stadium Themselves? Incredible Club!

With Daniel occupied elsewhere, immersing himself in the activities of the training base, he hastily departed, leaving Su Luo to his own devices.

During their earlier return home, Su Luo's parents had emphasized the importance of balancing football with academics, insisting that the club arrange cultural lessons for him. At the very least, he needed to obtain a high school diploma, if not pursue university education.

After consulting the club manager, Daniel had agreed to these stipulations. Due to Union Berlin's tight budget and limited manpower, Daniel not only served as a scout but also doubled as Su Luo's life assistant. From finding an apartment to securing a German tutor and even obtaining a local phone card, Daniel attended to Su Luo's every need.

However, Su Luo couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Why were they going to such lengths for his sake?

Seated in the reception hall of the training base office, Su Luo felt a sense of idle restlessness. It seemed that the coach had taken the entire team to a neighboring city for a training match. With the pre-season training camp underway and the German Bundesliga set to commence at the end of August, more warm-up matches were essential to prepare the team adequately.

The training base at Union Berlin was relatively rudimentary. The two-story office building, nearly a century old, bore remnants of World War II in certain areas. Su Luo's inquiry about Wi-Fi was met with a disappointing response; there was none available. Left with no other option, he settled onto a sofa, gazing out the window at the training ground.

Despite the simplicity of the facilities, the turf boasted a pristine, professional quality, meticulously maintained to high standards. Across from the training ground, Su Luo noticed a stadium in the distance.

"What's that over there?" he asked in broken German.

The attendant aunt barely glanced up from her computer. "That's the old Forest Management Stadium—our home ground."

Curious, Su Luo decided to venture over, intending to acquaint himself with the battlefield of future contests.

However, as he made his way there, he observed a steady stream of pickup trucks ferrying construction materials towards the stadium. People wielding shovels and picks, their enthusiasm palpable, trod purposefully in the same direction.

Approaching the stadium, Su Luo found himself amidst a flurry of activity. People donning various outfits, fervently chanting slogans, bustled about the stands.

"What's going on?" Su Luo inquired.

Arriving at the stadium entrance, he was met by a rotund, bald man bellowing instructions through a megaphone, directing the assembled crowd in their tasks.

"You, come here!" the man gestured to Su Luo.

"Me?" Su Luo pointed to himself, bewildered.

Unable to comprehend the subsequent instructions, Su Luo followed the bald man inside the stadium, sporting a perplexed expression.

As he stepped onto the field, Su Luo was met with an atmosphere brimming with fervor. People of all ages, clad in assorted attire, fervently wielded their tools, transforming the stands before his eyes.

Gesturing towards a stack of bricks nearby, the rotund man indicated that Su Luo should pitch in.

Realizing the man's misconception, Su Luo hesitated momentarily before joining the bustling throng, assisting in moving the bricks alongside the other volunteers.

Under the skilled guidance of seasoned craftsmen, the bricks were swiftly arranged, promising the swift transformation of the stands. Energized by the communal effort, Su Luo felt a sense of purpose amidst the bustling activity.

As the afternoon waned, the sun casting a dim glow, the rotund man addressed the crowd once more, eliciting cheers and applause.

Though exhausted, Su Luo basked in the positive energy permeating the atmosphere. His curiosity about the club piqued further.

Subsequently, Daniel sought him out.

Upon learning of Su Luo's inadvertent involvement in the stadium renovations, Daniel, who rarely displayed emotion, chuckled:

"Uncle Hans mistook you for a fan and roped you into stadium renovations. Hahaha. Since you haven't officially signed a contract yet, he didn't recognize you."

Following Daniel's explanation, Su Luo gained a deeper understanding of the club he had joined.

The club's history traced back to 1961, when the Berlin Wall's construction divided the city. From that day forth, this team in East Germany acquired a deeper significance, symbolizing the struggle and solidarity of the working class.

Originally named Oberschneveld, the team rebranded itself as Union Berlin, embodying the ethos of the proletariat. Despite being an outlier in global football for over four decades, the team shunned commercialism, relying solely on fan support to sustain itself—a true club of the people.

Moved by the fans' spontaneous efforts in stadium renovations, Su Luo was further touched by the club's history. He learned of their resilience in the face of adversity and their steadfast commitment to their ideals.

"At our home games, we eschew entertainment and advertising, focusing solely on the fans' chants and cheers," Daniel explained. "We boast the cheapest sausages in Germany, offer free beer on game days, and our fans are renowned for their passion."

"Su Luo, I hope to hear your name reverberating through the stands of the Old Forest Management Stadium one day."

"Yes, Daniel," Su Luo replied, casting a glance back at the seemingly humble stadium.

"I believe that day will come soon."


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