
Football/Soccer: I am the best

Some people say, if God closes a door, he will open a window for you. A man dies of one of the most hated diseases on earth. Cancer. He spent his last days with his family and died while watching the World Cup. He suddenly woke up in another world as a new born baby in a bavarian(located in Germany) city. He had three templates in his mind. Thierry Henry Phillip Lahm Roberto Rivellino I want a few templates you don't see every day. I never heard of a Lahm template or a Henry template. Lahm was the captain of World Cup 2014 Germany. He never got a red card, even though he was a great defender. And Henry without a doubt was a great striker, with his crazy speed and shots. And about Rivellino, he is a perfect fit for the last template. I think this is enough. He will play RV, but will often play as a kind of winger with his speed. And maybe he will play completely as a winger. The reader can decide.

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I was benched. Yes. I don't know why. Kovac told me that it was to protect me. But no. I was subbed in for a few minutes in a game. There were no boos. The Bayern fans weren't like the media and hated me.

In the following games Bayern didn't play bad. Luckily I was still subbed in, but only for a few minutes. I didn't even play badly, but still got very little playing time.

We won the next 3 games and after that drew one.

After that game, I had my birthday. I didn't really like birthdays. In my past life, I never had any friends. Nobody was there for me.

Luckily in this life, I still had my teammates, family, and Isa there. 

This made me even more motivated to perform.

In the next match against Dortmund, I was benched again. I couldn't ask Kovac for the reason. Why? He would probably bench me even more after that. It was a devil's circle.

Lucky for me. Coman seemed to be injured. Of course, I wasn't all too happy as Coman was a very good friend of mine.

After that, I was subbed in. It was a short time before half-time. Nothing happened.

After half time it was finally time to perform.

I tried my best and started to crazily use my speed. After training Calisthenics for around 3 months now, I have already started to see progress in my balancing. 

As Coman played on the left wing, I played in this position too.

The first time I got the ball I scored. Yes. I scored. With my first touch.

I was in front of the penalty area and the ball flew toward me after Lewandowski's shot was blocked by a Dortmund defender. I just volleyed and put all my anger for not playing in that shot. The shot went straight into the upper right corner. Similar to Pavards goal in the World Cup. I ran to the sidelines jumped into the air and just screamed. I let it all out.

In that game, I shot two other goals and completed a hat trick.

Both of them were mostly my contributions. I showed Kovac. Here I am. I performed like this. Still not want to let me play?

I was arrogant. But why wouldn't I be? I needed to be arrogant to show my worth to everyone. I needed to let them know that I was necessary.

After that game I got to start against Düsseldorf. This time playing on the left wing again as Coman was injured.

I still remember losing against Düsseldorf. We all remembered it. We wanted revenge and we got it.

We won this game 3:0 with Lewandowski shooting a hat trick. I made one assist, but that wasn't all I did. I was creating mostly spaces for Lewandowski to get into the right place.

With this I showed my playing intelligence. Something I learned from Müller. Müller helped me a lot. He showed me many things about the offensive. Müller is one of the most intelligent footballers in the world. With his help, I greatly improved in this aspect.

Kimmich also helped me train. He showed me his outer instep and how he does it. It helped me improve my passing. In this time I crazily improved. I was getting better and better with the templates and improved other skills like my football intelligence and other techniques.