
Football singularity

A story about a man that died with a lot of regrets. Follow him as gets a chance to rewrite his story and do right by those whom he fails in the past. Follow his journey as he embarks on the road to becoming The Greatest Of All Time, The Goat, The singularity. Of the beautiful game of Football Thank you for giving my novel a chance I’m quit new to this so I hope you enjoyable read in a world of my creation

TrikoRex223 · Sport
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293 Chs

Instigation 2

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I left immediately as soon as his voice fell. Looking at his eyes that were out for blood it would be suicidal to stick around this crazed bull any longer. And that smile on his lips just looks so dam creepy, he's probably been sniffing way too much glue to smile like that after just being told that he's about to be robbed.

I don't know what's wrong with him mentally but ill dip anyways in case that stuff is contagious. You know these days everything can become a disease, I just got this second chance at life it would be shameful to be infected with whatever insanity is running around in his head.

I'm actually doing the world a huge favour imagine a psychopath who looks this good, id basically be asking for some type of TickTalk meme at that point. Regular people's problems would seem like a joke if even someone with a system can catch a disease like this.

Ok, I think I'm going down a dangerous road here, better keep myself grounded till I got the skills to back the ego.


{That was dangerous you know} EVAs sweet voice with a hint of concern spoke in my head, I had almost forgotten she was in there by how quiet she has been this whole time.

'I know Eva no need to remind me.' I answered her as I made my way back towards the house whilst glancing towards Finn from time to time.

{Then why do it? What if he decided to hurt you just for the sake of it?} She seemed a little pissed at my actions which she deemed reckless.

'You ask why? hmm, I guess there are two reasons really.' I told her trying to act a little mysterious as I was feeling quite smug that even the powerful her couldn't understand my thought process.

{What could possibly be worth poking the honest nest? When you could just try your luck at sneaking out.} Eva answered with a little more annoyance in her tone, I think she's about to lose all hope for me.

'Pride I guess? they both made my life hell when I was here in my past life' I told her with a bit more seriousness, as I made my way back to the room before promptly devouring all the loaves of bread in the bag.

{stupid} I think she has defiantly lost all hope she had for me now.


After I finished devouring all of the bread I made my way to the kitchen to get some water. climbing on a nearby stole I was able to get drink some water from the tap finally quenching my thirst and allowing my body to better digest the bred.

Done with attending to my basic bodily needs I was just about to go back to the bedroom to get some sleep as I won't get much tonight. However, life had other plans in store for me, Guess there's no rest for the wicked or in my case the handsome.


{you are doing it again.}

Eva commented on my slight narcissistic tendency, which btw I think is a side effect of the torture I suffered from the system. Because in my past life although I was extremely handsome, I would never brag about it just sneakily point it out.

Like, let's say someone asked me for directions I would just point out that they had to go past the reflection of that beautiful man and turn left.


Just as I turned around I saw a tall and built figure leaning against the wooden door frame of the kitchen. The boy had dark brown shoulder-length hair that was quite wavy as it seemed to slither down from the crown of his head. He had light brown eyes with a hint of yellow in them which seemed to glow when the light hit them at the right angle.

You guessed it, it's Finn standing there like some second-rate bond villain who has just formulated his next evil plan. He's got his arms folded and everything probably trying to exert some sort of psychological pressure on me.

"Kid we need to talk" Finn ordered with a tone that left nothing for a rebuttal, as he made his way to one of the chairs in the kitchen and motioned for me to sit in front of him. I did as he asked as doing the opposite would be tantamount to setting off the ticking time bomb that is Finn.

"W-what... do ... you want to talk about?" I stuttered out as I took the seat across from him whilst making fire to keep my eye level low so our eyes wouldn't meet.


[Finn Pov]

I was having a good day well as good as it could get when you have to babysit a group of kids. God do I pity how stupid these kids are to believe that they have a chance of adoption or for even trusting me in the first place.

Anyways the day started like any other as I ordered my underlings to beat up a random kid in order to bless the day. After that was done I had breakfast and made plans with my guys about this enemy group we are going to rob tonight.

But that Weasel Ian had to go ruin it by acting as me and him a chummy again, like can you believe it he didn't accept giving me a bigger share of the profit, but still wants to be brothers in arms. What a fool he should be thankful that I'm even cooperating instead of getting rid of him.

Well after making him leave me alone, colour me surprised that a while later the kid I asked these dogs around me to beat up walked towards him. What puzzled me, even more, is the fact that after that same boy left Ian stormed off angrily after throwing me a few glances.


"What did you tell Ian? and don't lie to me, I don't like it when someone lies to me," I told the kid as my fingers started impatiently tapping the table next to me. The kid seemed nervous as he started squirming on the chair as if someone had set it on fire.

"P party" Was all that came out of the boy's mouth as it seem he was too scared to even formulate a sentence. F**k this is going to be troublesome I hate it when they start crying, plus I have no patients for this nonsense right now.

"Hey kid, are you trying to piss me off?" I raised my voice at him in an attempt to stop him from panicking. "Hurry up n tell me what I want to know, and stop wasting my time," I ordered again as I closed my fist in an attempt to calm the sudden urge to break something.

"I... I t told him about the party one of your friends was talking about in the morning" The kid slowly spit out after calming his breathing and building up all the courage he could muster.

"And what exactly did u say about it?" I asked in a slightly more serious tone as this could be important, after all, I don't want that weezel any near this operation.

"Just that use are going somewhere with a lot of girls and booze" He stated back at me with a scared expression like a kid whose hand was caught in the cookie jar.

"Oh aren't you a brave one, what was his reaction when u told him?" I asked again as my gaze was burning itself into the boy's skull trying to dig for all the secrets he could be keeping.

"He just started laughing and then sent me away but," the boy stated slowly as if he was testing the waters as he slowly made small eye contact with me for a second. Maybe he's still scared of me due to the atmosphere I've been exuding and is holding back which is truly annoying if you ask me.

"Just tell me so we can end this little shindig." I calmly told him as I just wanted to get this over with at this point.

"ok ... he muttered something about emptying a warehouse tonight to stick it to some snake." He finally stated as a bomb went off in my head, realising the implications of this information of that weasel having betrayed me.

'He'll pay, ill make him pay, hehe I'll make his life a living hell.' I thought to myself as my thoughts started rampaging thinking of different ways to break him but before that let's get rid of the pipsqueak can't think clearly with him around.

"boy, you can leave," I told him as he quickly scurried away as if a monster was chasing him. "Oh and in the future don't speak about anything u see my guys do understand," I stated just before he reached the door making him turn and nod franticly.





[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...