
Daily life of a broke kid


As I was walking on the street I start reflecting on my current situation.

And... well, I have to tell you, this couldn't get any worse.

My useless mother couldn't do sh*t, wait, maybe not even that properly, since all she knows is just drink. She would often come home drunk and take out her frustration on me, yelling for no reason. She even had the audacity to blame me for our financial struggles...

It's also useless to reason with her, my stupid mom would get even angrier. I learned to stay silent and endure the abuse for now. I just hope that the old hag would stop yelling so much.

Also, it's super hard to accomplish my plans in this situation. Azami left us years ago and abandoned our family to fend for ourselves. I know that he owes us financial support, but my mother refuses to ask for it. I just don't understand this creature.

She keeps crying and yelling at me how I was a mistake and blablablah, I get it.

I want to convince her to apply for child support, but how do I approach that? I don't even know much myself, nor do I have electronics to search on the internet... *Haaaaaah* Let's just think this through...

I thought of a few plans to get out of this situation, but that would require me to convince my mother to apply for child support. But even I am not sure if we could win, we are just too broke to afford a private attorney to represent the case. This would not be easy, but I could give it a try.

In the past few weeks, I would usually do all the cooking in the house to train my culinary skills. I might not have enough, but these limitations allow me to be more creative with my methods of cooking. If I want to attend Totsuki, I would at least need good backing and the skills for it.

I always wake up early to prepare for school. Living in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Washington, getting to school is not easy. I would usually walk to the bus stop, which is a few blocks away from my house.

The bus that I take is always crowded, and the ride is never comfortable. I try to find a seat, but most of the time, I have to stand for the entire journey. The bus route takes me through the city, passing by the high-rise buildings and the busy streets.

My school is located in a different part of the city, which means that I have to change buses. I get off the first bus and walk to the bus stop for the second one. Thankfully, this bus is less crowded, and I can usually find a seat.

The ride to school takes about half an hour, and I spend the time reading my school textbooks or reviewing my notes. I try to make the most of my time on the bus, knowing that I have a long day ahead of me.

When I arrive at the school, I am greeted by my School friend, Alex. I had a few friends in this school. Well, they used to know the previous Asahi.

There was Maria, a bubbly and outgoing girl who always had a smile on her face. She is the daughter of the School director, a pretty good link right? She is also very, veeeery rich. Surprisingly, she has a passion for cooking, she told me once that her uncle was a respected TV show celebrity chef. He owns a ton of restaurants and sh*t.

Then there was Miguel, a shy and reserved boy who struggled with English but was very smart. Smarter than he looks. from Asahi's memories, he always would get the top grades in our school.

Next was Olivia, a no-nonsense girl who was always striving for perfection. She is also rich and very snobby, the 'princess' would always get angry if somebody even looks at her. She is very picky with what she eats, but she has a good taste for food.

Finally, there was Alex, a charismatic and confident boy who was a born leader. He had a knack for bringing people together and was always organizing events and competitions around the school. he is very popular and has a lot of friends, so we sometimes have a hard time meeting him. we are now walking together and exchanging a few laughs.

As I was walking through the crowded halls towards my locker, I noticed Maria hiding beside the locker, is she trying to jumpscare me? heh, you will need to try much harder than that. As I was putting my books away, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Asahi!" It was Maria, grinning from ear to ear. "How was your morning?"

"It was alright," I replied. "Just the usual."

"Hummmm" She puffs her cheeks."I thought I got you?"

"Heh, you thought wrong," I said.

Miguel and Olivia walked up to us, and we all greeted each other with hugs and high-fives.

"You guys ready for that history test today?" Miguel asked, glancing at his notes.

I nodded, but my mind was elsewhere. I had been trying to think what would be for lunch.

Suddenly, Olivia noticed the scars and frowned. "What happened to your hand, Asahi?"

I quickly pulled my hand back, trying to hide the scars. "It's nothing," I said, avoiding their gaze. "I just cut myself while cooking."

My friends exchanged worried looks. Although they noticed the scars on my hand, they didn't push the issue, and we spent our time chatting about the upcoming history test and weekend plans.

I made it appear as if I am worried they would notice my scars, but I couldn't care less. These are old scars of the previous Asahi, when I noticed them the first time I had already guessed where they come from.

I tried to lighten the mood. "Hey Olivia, how are the cakes that we prepared at your place?"

Her face becomes more vivid and she turns to look at me. " Ohh! My butler brought them, they are in the car, do you want them now?"

"Nah" I answered. " I just wanted to confirm if you didn't forget about it... you know... you have a fish memory"

"I-I don't have a fishy memory!" She responds, blushing her cheeks in anger.

"Bhahaahahaha" I laughed. " I didn't say fishy, I said fish, also you know damn well that you are not good at memorizing anything."

"S-SHUT UP!!!" She abruptly stomps her feet and screams at me.

"Olivia... please calm down," Alex said, " also Asahi, stop provoking her:"

"I didn't do anything, also, the 'princess' doesn't even remember the reason for her being mad."

"WHAT? OF COURSE I-" I quickly get close to her, immediately interrupting her speech, and we face each other closely.

"Then tell us, what did I do?" I asked, showing my smirk at her.

"Y-you!!" she pushes me to the floor. "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU PERVERT!" she yells, breathing heavily from the whole agitation.

"Ouch!" I muttered, " That hurts... say, how can a 'lady' be so aggressive like an orc? are you perhaps Fiona?"

"Pfft" "Hahahahaha" Alex and Maria started laughing while Miguel kept looking at us worried.


"Urgh... you will see what I will do to you in the next period," Olivia said, I felt shivers through my whole body while she walks away.

Alex then extend his hand to help me get on my feet "Next time don't even attempt to do something so stupid."

I take his hand and I say "you know me man, I can't help myself, she is too funny, HAHAHAHAHA"

"Hey, that's meaaaaan." Maria said, "She worries about you a lot, you know?"

"A-Ashi you shouldn't do this to miss Olivia, she can get very angry" Miguel Said, shaking while speaking of Olivia.

"Chiiiilll man, she will forget in a few minutes anyway." I patted Miguel's shoulders to reassure what I said.

We dispersed ourselves to go to our classes, I am in the same class as Alex, so we are walking together.

Then I ask Alex "Do you have everything ready for the event?"

Alex looks at me with a sketchy smile and says "hehe, don't worry, I got this"

Wow, he sure looks like a scammer, but he is at least reliable.

I can't wait for the interval, as we are about to do something interesting ...

Welp, now you get to know more about the MC's routine in this chapter, also, you can request anything in the comments, I will try to take it into account.

I am planning to post daily, but I might miss a day or two.

MaxMillercreators' thoughts