
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Four, Nina Cut Thistle Comes to the Door

Ding dong! Ding dong! The doorbell rang.

"Eh? Doorbell?" Yuki tilted her head.

"Who is it? It's already so late..." Takmi complained.

"I'll go and open the door." Xingping stood up, and trotted to open the door.

"Ding Dong~~" The doorbell was still ringing.

"Here I come~~ May I ask who is it?" Xingping happily opened the door.

A face with a shadowy face appeared with a smile on his face,

"Nagi thistle..." Xingping was stunned.

"I happened to be here, Erina should be here, right?" Nakiri Ji spoke first.

"So what?" Xingping tilted his head and said indifferently.

"Excuse me..." Nakiriji walked into the dormitory without saying a word, and headed towards the cafeteria on the first floor where everyone held a banquet.

"He actually walked towards the cafeteria without hesitation..." Xingping was a little surprised at how familiar Nakijiji was with the terrain of the dormitory.

"..., wow! Ahhh! What are you doing here?! Don't come here! Don't come here!" As soon as Nakiriji entered the cafeteria, the noisy celebration banquet fell silent, and immediately went straight to the frying pan.

When Xinghei chased into the cafeteria, he saw Yuuhime's trio forming a wall in front of Erina.

"My lord, the new commander-in-chief... why are you here?" Senior Yishi stood up.

"I have something to tell Erina." Nakiri Ji looked at Erina, and Erina backed away in fright.

"We are holding a happy celebration banquet, can you please go home first?" Yi Sehui smiled and gave the order to evict guests.

"..." Nakiri Ji raised his eyelids, "Erina...come to me!"

Erina froze for a moment, then walked over tremblingly.

"Student Nakiri!! Little Erina! Don't go there! Mr. Shike, kill him quickly!!" Yuki and Feisha were fuming in anxiety.

"...ah, I'm drunk~~" Shi Ke rolled his eyes, lay down on the table and pretended to be dead, _(:з".

"Don't pretend to be dead! You can also get drunk with orange juice?!" Yuki frowned, ?(◣д◢)?.

At this time, Nakiri Ji had stretched out his claws towards Erina.

However, it was just an ordinary head-touching...

"That's great. I'm relieved to see you so energetic. You didn't cause any trouble to the other students living in the dormitory, did you? After all, you come from a superior background and don't understand the ways of the world... Dear students, my daughter will ask you I've taken care of it." Nakie Ji transformed into an image of a good father who is open-minded and easy-going.

"..., didn't you come...to take Erina away?" Xiaohui asked cautiously.

"As I said just now, I just came to talk to Erina. I want to respect Erina's decision. If she wants to continue living here, then let her."

"I...I say you!! We all know that you have done a lot of excessive things to little Erina! Moreover, you plan to abolish our dormitory! Unexpectedly, you have the nerve to appear in front of us. !" Daigo Aoki yelled.

"..." Nakiriji didn't speak, but raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm... Let me tell you what happened to make everyone so noisy~~ I didn't expect a rare guest to come." Mrs. Wenxu came out with a wooden bucket of rice, and taught her a lesson, "This is not a place you can easily set foot in. The place!"

"Mrs. Wenxu!" With the support of adults, everyone gained confidence.

"You suddenly appeared in the academy, and I wondered what was going on~ I never thought that you would act so recklessly!" Mrs. Wenxu said calmly.

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"Well said! Continue to teach him a good lesson!! Old woman!" The Jixing trio felt super relieved.

"Where is the lesson? It's clearly reminiscing about the past." Shi Ke tilted his head and thought, (?_?), and continued to play dead.

"Really, I'm really surprised by what you did ~ Nakamura." Mrs. Wenxu changed the subject.

"Hey... I'm really an acquaintance. The information my brother gave me seems to be true.... Never mind, let's see Mrs. Wenxu's attitude first." Shi Ke sat up and curled his lips, then lay down again Already, (?_?).

"It's really disgusting~~ Mrs. Wenxu. My surname is now Nakiri. Besides, the students who used to live here in the past came back to the dormitory, and your attitude is really cold~~" Nakiri Jiji took it easy Speaking of.

"Eh?!!! Ji Xing's original roommate?!!" Everyone in Ji Xing was dumbfounded except for Shi Ke and Yi Se Hui.

"Ji Nakamura was the third member of the top ten when he was a freshman in high school, and he was directly ranked first among the top ten in the second year. Later, he was appreciated by the Nakiri family, and after joining the Nakiri family, he won The surname of Nakiri. After that, he was expelled from the Nakiri family because of some things, and went abroad to develop. Because of his excellent ability, he was quite good in the upper-class food circles abroad. He even mixed in the management of WGO. I'm familiar with it. But, it's nothing. I don't have this ability at all, and it's impossible to become the current commander-in-chief." Shi Ke lay down on the table and slowly and simply talked about the family history of Ning Qie Ji.

"Student Shi Ke, the investigation is deeper than mine~~I don't know about the new commander-in-chief abroad." Senior Yishi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"It's nothing, after all, for business cooperation, we must find someone who has no criminal record." Shi Ke said disapprovingly.

"The original first seat..." Zenji Marui pushed his glasses, sweating profusely.

"When we were our age..." Isami muttered.

"He is already the third seat." Takumi said calmly with a little surprise, "and he has won even more honors than this... It is really impossible to ignore. This man can really be calm Destroy the dormitory where I used to live~"

"My plan is not actually to abolish the Pole Star Dormitory, but the activity club I want to abolish happens to include the Pole Star Dorm." Nakiriji said lightly.

"..." Everyone didn't speak, and wait for the next one.

"Although you can celebrate and have a celebration banquet, you haven't achieved real peace. It's better to say that this board game has just officially started. You did destroy Rui Shanjun's strategy, and finally won and held The dormitory. But the attack of the Central Gourmet Agency is in full swing. The excellent soldiers selected by me are constantly approaching the field called Yuanyue, and your chess pieces will definitely face the crisis of checkmate again!! And My ideal real delicacies will fill the entire chessboard." Nakiri Ji stretched out his hand, as if predicting his own victory.

"Hmm... According to my analysis, you are playing Reversi. Whoever keeps the most chess pieces at the end wins." Shi Ke rubbed his chin, nodded and said, (?ω?)/.

Everyone was speechless, including Nakiri Ji.

Hey buddy, can you stop being so different in your focus?

Nakiri Ji: It's for nothing that I've spent such a long time with the shape!

"Then the matter is over, I'll go back first. Goodbye, Erina." Nakiri Ji came back to his senses and left gracefully.

Xingping and Shike looked at each other, smiled at each other, and followed.

At the gate, Nagini Jiji was about to get in the car, when he turned around, Shi Ke and Xingping chased him to the door.

"Did you two come here specially to see me off?" Nakiri Ji asked.

"Yes. After all, you are the commander-in-chief." Shi Ke nodded.

"What about me~how should I put it~~I have a very simple question I want to ask you." Xinghei said.

"What's the problem?" Nakiri Ji asked patiently.

"Senior Nakamura, after all, you have lived here for several years... Don't you have any memories here that are worthy of your nostalgia?"

"Are you underestimating me?" Nakiri Ji said with a smile, "The world I've been looking for is not in this dormitory, at least not right now."

"Now..." Shi Ke and Xingping rolled their eyes.

"When I was a boarding student... I had a very respected senior in my heart...his personality was flamboyant yet very slender...he was an out-and-out genius. The dishes cooked by him were simply astonishing The work of heaven and man. I think the days spent with the seniors are simply the happiest time on the road of youth, and they continue to warm my heart. Compared with the talents living in the dormitory at present, they are two extremes. Being Call him Shura and he's a really good cook."

"Sura...?" Shi Ke rubbed his chin, the words sound familiar.

"So that's the case. However, I think the current roommates are very good." Xingping puffed up his cheeks and said, (?ε?).

"Everything is worth remembering! The golden age spent here with Mr. Caibo! My most beloved youth, there is the memory of Mr. Caibo! Compared with others, his cooking skills and talent are amazing. A person believes that his genetic factors are different from others!"

"My God! So it's that unreliable guy Ichiro Saibajo!" Shi Ke covered his face.

"Hmm... what did you say?!~~" Nakiriji's eyes turned red.

"You're so excited. Xingping is not excited, why are you so excited?" Shi Ke curled his lips disapprovingly.

"Hey, hey, hey... I'm right next to you, so you should be a little more polite." Xingping also had an opinion.

"Then when did you say he was reliable besides cooking? Recognize the reality." Shi Ke patted Xingping on the shoulder.

"Eh... I'm actually powerless to refute it~~" Xingping smiled awkwardly.

"Don't ignore me! Saiba-senpai is perfect! You have no right to criticize him!!" Nakiri Jiji was so annoyed that he was stepped on the cat's tail.

"Hey, hoot~~ Ichiro Paujo is his father. I don't even know, but you are still a loyal fan of Ichiro Paujo." Shi Ke rolled his eyes, (???).

Behind the two of them was Erina, a dumb girl with golden hair, who was stunned.

"..., what do you mean by that?" Nakiri Jiji froze in frustration.

"You explain." Shi Ke didn't bother to explain, and asked Xingping to explain.

"What he said was literal. Saibajo Ichiro is my father." Xinghei said, spreading his hands.

"No... right? It should be the same name and surname... right?" Erina's dazed hair trembled as she thought.

"Hmm... who is Ichiro Saibajo?" Takumi chased him out and said holding a bag of salt.

"It's not my fault that you don't know. After all, you are not a boarding student here. Xinghei's father, Nai Ichiro Ichiro, is a graduate of Totsuki... the former second seat." Ryoko Sakaki explained.

"The original second seat?!" Takmi was stunned.

"So his father is such a powerful person." Fei Shazi said in a daze.

"I have a photo here~ I took it when he came to play in the dormitory before the summer vacation." You Ji swiped her phone and called up the group photo at that time.

Erina leaned over to take a look, feeling like the sky was falling, "The chef I admire... Mr. Saibajo Ichiro... is actually Xinghei-kun's father?!"

"Ahh~~~" Thinking of the little things between him and Xinghei and those ridicules, the invincible Erina fell down.

Ryoko Sakaki, Yuuhime, and Megumi dealt with Erina who leaned over very skillfully and efficiently.

In the past, because Xiaohui practiced a lot, now everyone is simply copying their old skills. Among them, Xiaohui should be a good doctor after a long illness.

Hearing this news, Nakiri Thistle stroked his chin and thought.

"Let's not mention this for now. Commander-in-Chief. Since Xingping asked a question, let me ask a more realistic question by the way. Can you answer it for me?" Shi Ke interrupted his thoughts.

"Huh? Say."

"For now, although the Central Gourmet Agency controls the college, it does not have many elites. Only the second and third graders can be sold. In this case, after a year, the third grade graduates, this college Whether or not you can gather ten outstanding talents is a problem. How do you plan to solve this problem of talent gap?" Shi Ke spread his hands and said.

"No. You have no problem at all."

"Uncle, you don't seem to have noticed. The people in our Jixing dormitory basically represent the elite of the first-year freshmen. There are probably no more than ten freshmen who can compare with us. You put us all Drive away, it is true that the rest of the people will listen to you, but those guys have no strength, and everything you have done is useless. Building a real gourmet world? You don't think you have left the academy. Now those ten outstanding Would you like to go to the world and stay in Japan to help you do things? It's not easy to be a bare-handed commander."

"As long as the signboard of Yuanyue is still there, talents will continue to pour in. I don't need to worry about talents at all. Your value is not enough for you to compromise. Do you know?"

"Then what level is enough? Xingping and I have already defeated the Ten Heroes, and this still doesn't catch your attention?!" Shi Ke looked scared to death.

"... Now that you said that, let me tell you. It's really amazing to have your skills and strength at your age. But, the world is big, and geniuses are endless. It's just the beginning. To make me scruple, at least you need to be recognized by WGO. For example, among the talents recognized by WGO, there is a talented cooking boy called Seven Star Shura. His age It's the same as you. He has traveled all over the world since he was ten years old, and he has never failed countless talented chefs. Last spring, he was even highly evaluated by the WGO special judges. This is the WGO three-star restaurant The chef is unlikely to get the top honor. Can you compare this kind of genius? And I will find him, let him join me, and become my strongest support!"

"..., you don't know that Seven Star Shura at all. You don't even know his name, I'm sure." Shi Ke curled his lips in embarrassment.

"So what. I believe I can make him stand on my side, even if the opponent is the Jiuding Group."

"No, no, no, I don't want to go to your side. I can't stand your secondary illness." Shi Ke waved his hand and curled his lips.

"... I'm being selfish. I'll just say it straight. The reason why I made great reforms at Yuanyue Academy is to redeem the culinary world that has made Saiba-senpai decadent. Apart from that, there is nothing else."

"..., I think~~I understand." Shi Ke was stunned for a moment, touched his chin, and nodded seriously.

"Understood? Hmph! Let's go!" Nakiri Ji turned around and got into the car, and left in a hurry.

"Mr. Shike, do you understand?! I didn't understand a word of what he said at the end!" Takmi ran over, followed by a group of Jixing people.

"Back in the day, Nakiri Ji and Saibajo Ichiro met at Totsuki Academy, blended with each other, and fell in love with each other for a long time. The two fell in love with each other, and the love was lingering. Suddenly, one day, Erina's mother came out to win the love with a sword. , Relying on the power of the family to break up the pair of fateful mandarin ducks. Afterwards, Saibajo Ichiro became disheartened and became decadent. In order to get revenge, Kichiji did a lot of bad things to Erina when she was a child, which led to her being expelled. After many years, Nakiji finally found the whereabouts of Saibajo Ichiro through his overseas contacts. Pajo Ichiro is married and has a child and no longer loves him, so he blamed Yuanyue Academy and the Nakiri family because of love and hatred, and the next thing is like this. His revenge is coming now." Shi Ke said a passage.

Everyone in Jixing was stunned.

"You Ji, wipe your nosebleed first." Shi Ke raised his eyebrows.

"Oh. This inside story is really exciting!" You Ji's face turned red and her nose bleeds when she heard this.

Xiaohui and Ryoko Sakaki blushed, and each of them blocked one of her nostrils with a napkin.

Xinghei and Erina looked at each other and thought, "This is impossible! But why does it sound reasonable?!"

"Are all big families in Japan messed up like this?!" Takumi on the side didn't know what to do.