
Chapter Five, Fried Vegetarian Pork Chops

After seeing off the uninvited guests, Xingping and Shike quickly closed the door, and went to the warehouse together to clean up the spoiled meat.

"Shike. If you were asked to do it today, what would you do?" Xingping was dragging the floor.

"I bought some old tofu today, and it will be fine to make it with tofu." Shi Ke tidied up the cabinet where the meat used to be.

"Tofu?!" Xingping stopped mopping the floor, touched his chin and thought for a long time, "How to do it?"

"Work first, I'll make it for you at dinner."

"Okay. Then let's hurry up and clean up!!!" When Xingping heard that there was something to eat, he immediately became energetic, and his work speed doubled.

"As for..." Shi Ke was a little speechless.

Fifteen minutes later, Shi Ke packed up the trampled meat and threw it into the trash can at the door.

"Shike, let's serve dinner."

"Yeah." Shi Ke took out the dishes he put in the refrigerator.

Xingping stared dead fish-eyed on the spot.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What is this?" Xingping pointed to the... pork belly in the plastic bag.

"Pork belly? What's wrong?"

"I'll strangle you!! I bought meat, and you didn't inform me just now, which made me spend so much time making meat!!!" Xingping's forehead was on fire, so angry that it was smoking.

"Anyway, if it were me, I wouldn't need any meat."

"What are you doing? I'm sick!"

"It's not for anything else, just to let that uninitiated guest see what is called the cooking skills of this restaurant. I just have this temper. If you don't like it, I have nothing to do with it."

"Uh..., huh. I have to admit, you are right. If I use meat to make dishes, then I am afraid I will not be able to completely give up those guys. They will definitely come again. Just take it out and let them have nothing to say. This is the most correct way to fight back." The speed at which Xingping calmed down was quite fast.

"Well. I'm cooking, so don't disturb me."

Shi Ke walked into the kitchen, thinking to himself, "Hehehe, how foolish you are."

"Don't forget, you said to use tofu as meat."

"Understood." Shi Ke made a fool of himself.

Half an hour later, Shi Ke came out of the kitchen with two dishes. Two dishes are enough for two people.

"You are...too exaggerated?!! The appearance of this meat is distinct, and you can even clearly see the fat and lean meat of the pig skin. The aroma is no different from that of pork!! The amount of gravy is also quite terrifying. How do you do it? Arrived? Tell me! Teach me!" Xingping pointed at one of the dishes and went crazy.

"This dish? The secret is very simple. It's perfectly fine to tell you."

"How do you do it? How can you make it like this?" Xingping was looking forward to it.

"You can make it directly with pork. This dish is braised pork, which is all meat. It's very simple." Shi Ke picked up a piece of braised pork and tasted it, "Mmm. It works normally."

"Ah... I made a mistake." Xingping instantly petrified.

"Eat. Why are you in a daze? The food will taste bad when it's cold. Don't treat me like a fairy."

"Then... that tofu dish is this fried pork cutlet." Xingping looked at another dish, fried pork cutlet, a popular Japanese dish.

"Well, don't grab it, one piece per person, the tofu is a bit short."

"You don't want to cut it." Xingping said, looking at the whole big pork chop.

"This fried pork cutlet, I think it's better if you bite it directly."

"You don't have any sauce with your tonkatsu. Tonkatsu sauce is very important!"

"Do you want to eat? Criticize me after eating. If you don't eat, you have no right to criticize. You think so too?" Shi Ke grabbed the steak and took a bite.

Click! puff! ! The sauce popped out!

"Eh? You?"

"If you don't eat any more, I'll steal it."

"I'll eat it!!" Xingping wrapped the pork chop in a paper towel and gnawed it directly in his hand.

Go down in one bite, click! puff! ! Same sauce pops.

With a ring of light brown sauce on his mouth, Xingping stared blankly.

"Hiss... cool!!!"

Xingping swallowed it in one gulp, and gnawed on it by himself.

evaluate? To hell with it! My appearance is the best evaluation!

In fifteen seconds, Xingping ate a large piece of vegetarian pork chops.

Fortunately, it was made of tofu, otherwise he would have choked to death.

"Huh..." After Xingping finished eating, his face was flushed, and his mouth was steaming.

"How is it? Is it okay?" Shi Ke asked.

"how did you do that?"

"Dinner, I'll show you after dinner."

"Hey...you don't hide your culinary skills at all?"

"What are you hiding? I can't learn real cooking skills without ten or eight years of dedicated practice. This vegetarian pork chop is at most just an impromptu creation." Shi Ke narrowed his eyes and smiled.


Xingping didn't speak, his whole body was trembling.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a culinary expert among my peers. I think I'm just watching the sky from a well!! It's so exciting!"

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"Hello? Are you suffering from epilepsy? Shaking like this, why? How about I call an ambulance?" Shi Ke looked at the dining table with the vibration mode turned on for no reason.

"Eh..." Xingping realized, he had the heart to get under the table.

"Hey? By the way? Don't you have no money? How did you buy the vegetables?"

"I borrowed it from your father. Tomorrow I plan to set up a food stall in front of the store to earn some extra money. You don't open the door during the day anyway."

"Well, whatever you want, just don't smash the signboard. It's over!!" Xingping finished the meal.

"Are you just eating? You didn't move your chopsticks with my braised pork." Shi Ke pointed to the braised pork.

"Then I'll have another bowl." Xingping ran to serve the meal.

After half an hour, everyone ate three bowls of rice, and the whole army of braised pork was wiped out.

"Hi...I hiccup...I hiccup..." Xingping couldn't speak anymore.

"You digest your food first, and I'll wash the dishes."

"Hi... come!! Hip..."

"Forget it, you are in this state, washing dishes? One burp knocks out a bowl, do you believe it or not?"

"I... hiccup... heh... hiccup! hiccup..." Xingping was really speechless, speechless, laughed and cried by himself, his face was full of laughter, and he slumped on the seat and twitched Yes, give up washing dishes.

Xingping couldn't help laughing when he couldn't stop hiccupping. Xingping's feeling now...is really refreshing, his pectoralis major muscle is cramped.

An hour later, Xingping finally recovered.

"Shike, it's alright."

"Oh. You don't hiccup, do you?"

"Stop hitting!!" Someone became angry from embarrassment.

"Well, let's start." Someone chose to ignore it and walked into the kitchen.

Xingping rushed into the kitchen after him.

Shi Ke took out the last piece of old tofu from the refrigerator, and it seemed that he was ready to teach. Kohei stared at the side.

The first step is to divide the tofu into two pieces of different sizes, and the volume ratio is preferably three to one.

The second step is to mash the large tofu, the more crushed the better, mix it with flour, and knead it into a cake shape. Note that the amount of flour should not be too much, and it should be less than tofu, so that the crushed tofu can stick to form a cake. Otherwise, it will directly become a doughnut.

The third step is to cut small pieces of tofu into ultra-thin tofu slices, the thinner the better. Put it in the oil pan and fry it. Pay attention, the oil temperature should be low, otherwise the tofu slices will be fried into crispy tofu slices in an instant. If it is too crispy, it will be troublesome. The simple point is to pass through the oil, quickly remove it, and fry it into the effect of fried tofu skin. It can also be seasoned directly.

The fourth step is to fry thin slices of tofu and shred them, the thinner the better, and it is best to pass through a needle.

The fifth step is to arrange the cut tofu shreds in the same direction and knead them into the tofu cake. The simpler method is to divide one tofu cake into multiple pieces, and roll them all thin with a rolling pin. When adding shredded tofu, put them in layers. One layer of tofu cake and one layer of shredded tofu are stacked, and then rolled to a thinner layer. Centimeters or so are compacted to replace the fibers of the meat.

"Stop! You don't have gravy doing this?" Xinghei said.

"Am I not done yet?"

"Keep going."

In the sixth step, Shi Ke opened the refrigerator and took out a piece of pork belly, the kind that was overly fatty. Heat the pan without oil, cut a small piece of fat meat and fry it directly in the pan, boil out the lard, and the fat meat will directly turn into crispy lard residue.

"You used meat!"

"You still use bacon. All I want is lard."


Shi Ke seasoned the lard.

Step 7: Use a knife or other sharp objects to evenly poke many small holes on the front and back of the compressed tofu cake, but don't make too many holes, otherwise the tofu cake will fall apart. After piercing the holes, fry them in lard. Fry on both sides until golden brown, and pour into a plate along with the soup to soak.

The eighth step, ordinary preparation sauce. The taste is optional and varies from person to person.

In the ninth step, take out the tofu cake that has been soaked for a while to absorb the soup, dry it, and wrap it with light-tasting vegetable leaves. Choose thinner leaves.

The tenth step, the last step, wrap the adjusted sauce on the outside of the wrapped tofu cake, and then wrap it with a layer of vegetable leaves, this time it should be moist and thicker. Finally, the batter is sprinkled with something like rice bran breadcrumbs and deep-fried.

After about three or four minutes, the outer shell was slightly burnt. When it was out of the pan and served on a plate, it looked like pork chops at first glance, and the aroma of pork was overwhelming.

"It's troublesome enough." Xinghei commented.

"If you want to eat good food, can you not bother? If you don't want to be troublesome, you will be a fart chef." Shi Ke said while carrying the dishes.

"half each?"

"Of course, it's too much to eat alone." Shi Ke picked everything up with a knife, and the two halves of vegetarian pork chops were cut upwards at the same time, and the sauce didn't leak at all.

Two people take a bag of paper, half of each person, and start to chew.

Because of the addition of vegetable leaves as the isolation layer, the pork taste of the inner tofu steak has no odor from the outer sauce at all, and the outermost light and thick vegetable leaves will produce a lot of water after heating, which greatly increases the flavor of the sauce. Quantity, and this little moisture will not affect how much the taste of the sauce itself. If the taste of the sauce itself is mainly light and sweet, the freshness of the sauce will increase exponentially in a short time, and the greasy feeling produced by frying will also decrease accordingly.

This is Shi Ke's strange way of cooking that subverts the tradition.

"This tofu meat is delicious!!!" Xingping praised silently in his heart.