
Chapter 159, Wuwei Pavilion's final taste, the taste of freedom, on.

On the fifth day of the Yuanyueyue Festival, which was also the last day, Shi Ke, Liang Cai, and Mao Li Kogoro got up early to open the shop in Wuwei Pavilion. As for Subaru Misaku, I will go to help Xinghei, because I want to catch up with Teruji Kuga, who has been hardworking after being hammered by Ishike, and is trying hard to improve. Mei went to help with it, and it took a lot of effort to win a little bit. Misaku Subaru really didn't believe this evil.

Back to Shi Ke, "Mr. Shi Ke, have you decided on today's recipe? What is the fifth flavor?" Mao Li Kogoro saw that Shi Ke was standing in front of the cooking table with his arms folded and hesitant to do anything. I can't help asking.

"I... now feel like I'm writing a novel." Shi Ke looked at the ceiling melancholy.

"Well, where's your fifth chapter? What's the smell?"

"I... got stuck." Shi Ke stared at the ceiling melancholy and said.

"Hey, hey, hey!! Didn't you think about it a long time ago?" Mori Kogoro looked confused.

"Misaku Subaru went to help Xinghei. I brought the later chapters to the front and used them. Now Chapter 5 is a bit undefined." Shi Ke smiled awkwardly.

"Then you take out the blindness you skipped and use it!"

"No, there are not enough people."

"Then what are we going to do today? We're not opening the store anymore?"

"Well... that's fine. Anyway, we made enough a few days ago to afford to lose."

"Hmm~~What a good idea~~It's no wonder!!" Mori Kogoro roared, and Shike's clothes were blown up.

"Why are you yelling? My earwax has been loosened by you." Shi Ke tapped his ears with his little finger.

"Hurry up and think of a way. Our good grades a few days ago, at least don't be anticlimactic. Work a little harder, and you will be fine. Don't lose money. Mr. Shike!" Maori Kogoro begged his grandfather to tell grandma.

"Well... Then I have to play freely. It's quite simple to guarantee that I won't lose money." Shi Ke touched his chin, walked to the refrigerator, and looked through the ingredients.

"I counted the refrigerator yesterday. Except for some basic onion, ginger, garlic and spices, there is still some meat, and there are no vegetables. And you didn't go shopping for vegetables today..." Liang Cai took a small bag The book said.

"There are still a lot of seasonings." Shi Ke turned his head to look at the cooking table, and smacked his mouth.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well... how about this. Let's be free today, let's sell pancakes and fruits!!" Shi Ke clapped his hands and announced a free idea.

Mori Kogoro looked confused, "What is pancake fruit?"

"It's just spread out a cake, smear sauce on it, put various ingredients on it, and then fold it into a package for customers to eat." Liang Cai explained.

"..., you are really free!!"

"That's it. The theme of today is the taste of freedom! There are a little less pancakes and fruits, so let's have a hot pot. You can eat whatever you want. The taste of freedom, let's be completely free!! Liang Cai, contact Tell uncle. Let him get me some cheap hot pot ingredients."

"Oh. I'll make a call right now." Liang Cai took out his mobile phone and went to bargain with his father.

"Okay! The ingredients are basically done. Maori, please help me with some work." Shike turned to look at Maori Kogoro.

"Just talk about the job, I'll get it done in one go!" Mouri Kogoro was full of enthusiasm.

"Ah... I'm relieved that you are so active." Shike took out three bags from the refrigerator that weighed several kilograms at first glance. The big purple onions, and the last bag of green twigs were all handed over to Mori Kogoro, who almost fell down.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the three bags in his hand that weighed almost 20 catties, and swallowed, "Why don't we rest today? I figured it out, anyway, we can't lose money. Mr. Shi Ke. "( ̄▽ ̄;)

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"Come on. We have to work hard to stand on the last shift." After Shi Ke finished speaking, he went to the refrigerator again, (`?′)?.

"Hey... that's good. Let's work hard." Mori Kogoro twitched the corners of his mouth, and walked to the lottery platform with three bags in his arms.

After dawdling for an hour, Shi Ke had already prepared his own unique recipe of hot pot spices. By the way, he also chopped the spare onion, ginger and garlic. Kogoro Moori finally put down the kitchen knife and came to Shi Ke with the chopped vegetables. Oh, that blushing one, tsk tsk tsk, "Shi... Mr. Shike, I'm done cutting!! You have to cook it better! Otherwise, my face will be white!" (????ω? ???)

"How did you smoke like this? Why don't you wear a mask? If you don't have a mask, you can use a plastic bag with two holes to cover your face." Shi Ke tilted his head.

"..., you didn't say it earlier!!!" Mori Kogoro blushed with anger, just like Guan Gong.

"You didn't ask, I thought you had a solution." Shi Ke grinned.

"I hate you~~I went to wash my face. I asked for leave in the morning, and I will come back to work after the swelling subsides! It hurts me so much!!" Mori Kogoro covered his face and planned to leave.

"Well. Go ahead. This time it's a work-related injury. It's medical expenses. If it's too much, it's condolence money." Shi Ke took out his wallet and handed him a dozen dollars.

"Hey, hello! Isn't this too much?! A chili allergy, the medical expenses are not so much! I am not a serious illness, just find a place to apply ice, and it will only take an hour or two. Take it back, take it back." Mori Kogoro refused.

"Oh. Then, when I get back, I'll treat you to a big meal."

"I like this! That's it. We'll have a meal together when the time comes. I'll go to the infirmary now, and I'll definitely come before noon." Mori Kogoro covered his face and ran away.

"Hmm~~ Am I so short of money? Really." Shi Ke muttered, and found a flat iron pan with a diameter of about 1.2 meters and a depth of about 10 centimeters from the corner of the kitchen. The bottom of the big iron pan is flat, and the real pan is not so big.

"Liang Cai, soak Maori's chopped dried peppers in hot water, and nothing else will happen to you. Just go out and wait." Shi Ke instructed Liang Cai while washing the pot.

"Okay. No problem." Liang Cai put the chopped dried peppers into the iron basin, then added boiling water to it, and hurriedly went outside the kitchen to look at the store.

Shi Ke washed the pot and put it aside to dry.

Holding two handles, Shi Ke put the big iron pot on the stove and heated it up. When the temperature is about the same, turn off the heat, take out two complete pieces of super large butter from the refrigerator, tear off the packaging and put them into the pot whole, and slowly melt them with a wooden spatula. After a while, the strong aroma of butter spread in Wuwei Pavilion. Shi Ke looked at the pot, and saw that the butter had almost melted, spreading in the pot about a knuckle deep. Turn the heat to medium heat, adjust the ratio of shallots, coriander, green onions, and ginger, and put them in the pan in order, deep-fry until golden, remove, and leave the top-notch scallion oil with a compelling aroma. When frying, take out the soaked dried chili and chop it into rice cake chili. Be quick, and you can also crush it with a stone mortar or a juicer.

Pour the glutinous rice cake chili into the scallion oil fired on medium-low heat and stir-fry, stir the chili to ensure that there is no sticking. Add the sliced ​​onion and the two vitex sections. After the two vitex leaves are slightly soft, add a large pot of exclusive spice recipe prepared by Shi Ke in advance, boil on medium heat until the aroma is overflowing, and wait for the color of the hot pot bottom to change. When it is clear, turn off the heat, pour it out into a large soup pot, and set it aside to cool. After it is completely cooled, a red and bright spicy hot pot base that can be taken at any time is done.

The second hot pot base, pork rib clear soup base, is simple, just cook a fresh and elegant base soup. Cut the last pork ribs in the refrigerator into pieces, deep-fry them in an oil pan, season with seasonings, and deep-fry until the crispy skin on the surface is removed. Onion, ginger and garlic are essential, and a small bowl of light vegetable oil. Fry the onion, ginger, and garlic in the wok until it is lightly browned, and take it out to prevent the onion oil from leaving a bitter taste. Add fragrant leaves, star anise, and cumin to the pot, add more than half of the water, add the fried ribs, add water starch, add chicken essence, sugar, and salt, and simmer on low heat for more than half an hour. The soup is whitish and slightly brown, and the smell is light. Put the soup into a large kettle, add a small handful of rock sugar, stir well, and let it cool naturally in a cool place.

Take out the ribs and add to lunch.

Before noon, Kogoro Mori and Shi Keding's hot pot ingredients arrived.