
The Smiling Woman in My Dream

I'm in a chair, a white chair, in front of a long buffet table with all sorts of assorted dishes. I look around and see that I am in a huge gothic styled hall with white and wine, the only source of light where black scented candles with a dark decor, then I look at my body and see that I am wearing a beautiful red dress of silk and beautiful stones that was not mine from what I could remember.

The whole setting seems normal and sophisticated till I get curious and a take a closer look at the table and realize that the dishes on the table look foreign and…...bloody? I instinctively jump up in my sit in revulsion only to be held down by binds that weren't there a moment ago I let out a scream of terror and try to break the binds but they only seem to tighten the more I struggle, then I begin to panic which is horrible thing at this point in time because when I panic I don't breathe properly then I end up fainting and I can't faint right now, I'm stuck in some kind of weird insane dream

I look around searching for something or someone to help, then I spot a pretty woman in a beautiful white and black dress dining across the table whom I am sure was not there a moment ago, that should have probably rung some alarm bells in my head but I am in too much distress to think properly so I try to reach out to her, I am eventually able to push my wine glass of the table the woman goes still at the sound of glass shattering, then she slowly looks up and smiles at me there is something off and demonic about her smile and I feel a chill shoot up my spine

Then she stands up and begins to walk towards me and I know that this woman will do anything but help me, she stops at my side then raises her hand to touch my face and I know that I know in that moment that if she touches me something bad will happen, then a light appears behind her and I feel something like a thread of power latch onto me from the light and a burst of energy flows through me then I break free, I see a look of outrage on the woman's face before I wake up.

I shoot up in bed shaking and my roommates who are up look at me with worry on their faces, "Mira are you ok, you're shaking and you've got goosebumps all over" Anna the blue eyed, purple haired sweetheart walks to my bed half dressed for school from her bed across the room, raising her hand to touch my head, but I unconsciously flinch from her touch. Anna looks surprised " I'm ok guys, I'm just cold " I reassure my roommates with as smile.

"I'm ok" I say again but this time to reassure myself but I know that I am not ok...… I'm scared.