
Chapter 6: It’s Just a Dream

I noticed that I screamed that out in class cuz everyone was looking at me. I looked up at the teacher and he was fuming in madness. "I am trying to teach I want you out of my class." Said the chemistry teacher very annoyed. "Huh? Why?" I said confused. "Sleeping is not allowed in my classroom, Miss.Dawson." He said pointing outside so I sighed in disbelief and collected my stuff. Everyone was laughing that I got in trouble but I'm not bothered by it like before. Teacher finally came outside to talk to me. "Miss.Dawson I'll be giving you an F for sleeping, it's unacceptable in my classroom." Said the teacher. "An F? But it's not a big deal I won't do it again." I Said. "Should of thought of about that before sleeping. It's only your second day and you're causing Trouble already." He Complained so I put my bag on my shoulder and started walking towards the up stairs. "Miss.Dawson where do you think you're going? You know what forget it, I'll see you in detention." Said the teacher. "Sorry but I already have detention for the whole week." I said going up the stairs. I didn't know where i was going until i was on the roof of the school. The cities view was amazing like nothing before. I lived here my whole life correction half of my life. There was five new buildings but nothing else, everything was the same, I died to leave this town but almost died from a car accident. people would say that this town was cursed so I started to believe them. But that changed once my Aunt introduced LA to my parents. I met so many people. Girls being friends with, guys confessing to me. Me and Jackson got along there beside the part where we always argue every single day. Sabrina and Jasmine grew up there while Matthew was born there. Mia and Evan found their love ones there. Everything was perfect in la until our parents informed us we would be moving. I sighed in sadness then started walking around until something caught my eye. In a far corner there was a bench and a sleeping Zachary. I walked toward him admiring his beauty. "He sure looks like an angel yet he's a devil." I said in my head. Without thinking I reached to fix his hair but before touching him, his eyes opened really quickly. "At first i thought it was fangirls but its just you blocking my light, Move." He said. His voice was so husky as if he was drunk I mean he could be. "Sorry...." I mumbled blushing hard and moving out of his way. i started walking away from him but he grabbed my waist. "Where do you think you're going?" He said pulling me down. "I need to head back to class." I Said nervously. My heart was pounding so hard that I knew he could hear it. "Well stay, you woke me up so you're gonna help me go to sleep." He demanded he pushed me on top of him. For a while we were looking into each other's eyes, to be honest I love his eyes. I mean I used to have a crush on him but I never had a chance. He was dating a cheerleader for God's sake. While thinking I didn't know Zachary was watching me, until I looked at him. "What?" I Said nervously, blushing. "..." He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer so he could kiss me. While our tongues were playing together he would bite my bottom lip a few times. Without thinking I started grinding on him earning a groan from him. "So fucking hot!" He Growled unbuttoning his shirt. I looked at his chest still not familiar to his tattoos. He pushed me closer to his body causing me to feel his boner. My mind was going blank while my body was calling for him. I've never experienced this type of thing with anyone. Once he broke off our kiss I was panting like crazy noticing blood from my lip. He licked two of his fingers and put them inside my pants, well it's his but whatever. He started doing circles and I was starting to moan. "S..Stop..." I Said hiding my face in his chest. "I know you want me Little Ev, all you have to do is say it and I'll fuck so much that you will never be able to leave." He whispered in my right ear. His voice was so low that it scared me. He pushed his fingers deeper causing me to gasped so I started hitting him. "Stop Zachary take it out." I whimpered. Suddenly we heard the door opening so he took out his fingers licking the juice. I got off him when I saw it was Mason and his friends. "What are you doing with her? She's a slut meaning she has a disease." Said Mason smirking while his friends snickered. "Sorry I don't get what's funny and I'm not a slut cuz it's not like we ever did it." I Said crossing my arms. "So? I could take your virginity anytime, virgin hoe." Said Mason clenching his teeth. "You can't take something that's already taken." Smirked Zachary buttoning his shirt. "What the fuck are you talking about Zachary?" Said Mason confused and trying to stay calm. Jealousy was all over his face. "It's nothing me and Zachary were doing a project to do so-" I was cut off by Zachary. "No we don't so go away slut this is our spot." Said Zachary glaring at me. "Oh wow... wasn't him who wanted me to stay. Such a fake ass oh well." I Said in my head. I grabbed my bag and walked inside the school. Walking down the halls I bumped into someone and it was Daisy. "Oh hey..." Said Daisy nervous. "Hey Daisy. Where you heading to? Maybe I'll join you." I smiled warmly. "Yeah sure, I'm going to lunch." She said grabbing my hand but then I noticed a big mark. So I stopped her. "What's that?" I said worried. "I..it's nothing." She mumbled trying to cover her arm. "Yeah no it's not nothing, come on let's go to the Nurse." I said grabbing her. "Iva it's no need." She said. "I just want to take care of it." I said softly. She sighed and looked at me. "Fine..." She said. We went to the nurse's office noticing she wasn't there but Zachary and Vanessa was fucking. "Oh my god! Have you never heard of knocking?" Yelled Vanessa jumping off Zachary and putting clothes on. "So now you're gonna follow me where ever I go?" Said Zachary hugging Vanessa. "No I wasn't so go back to what you were doing." I Said pissed closing the curtains around their bed. I felt a pain in my chest so I shook it off. "Iva we should just leave." Said Daisy softly, clearly scared. "No it's fine let's go inside and take care of your wound." I Said walking inside. We went to an empty bed which was near the nurses table. She sat down while I went through the medication. I grabbed lotion, bandage and paper towel. "Have you done this before?" Said Daisy. "Mmhm, when you're nearly dying from bullying it comes in handy." I nodded fixing her wound. "How do you know-" "your wound and also cuz you're a smart girl in school. Everyone's jealous aren't they?" I said. She nodded so I smiled. "Can I ask you about LA?" She said. "Sure, I mean there's nothing much to say except the fact that I found myself." I smiled. "Is that so?" She said. "Yup I met two amazing people who still has my back through everything. They know all my secrets even the ones about The nightmares that I had." I said softly. "Nightmares?" She said confused. "There was two different nightmares ones that I always get in this town the other includes a boy with tattoos." I Said. "A boy with tattoos? Like Zachary?" Said Daisy. "Yeah, like Zachary." I mumbled softly. "Iva is it true you and Mason were together?" Said Daisy. "Yes it's true.... I'm all done." I Said. "Okay thanks and sorry if I asked personal stuff." She said. "It's okay... the nightmares with the boy is gone just not the other." I Said. "Other? Is it scarier? Are you okay?" She said. "I'm fine let's stop talking about this." I Said. She nodded and then we left. Forgetting about Zachary and Vanessa. I mean we talked so low so they couldn't hear. The lunch bell rang and we headed to the cafeteria. We went to our table and saw Joshua, Eric, and Violet in line while Roger and Brandon joined us. "Hello Girls." Smiled Roger. "Hey Roger." I said. "Daisy." Said Brandon hugging her. He nodded at me so I nodded back at him. Finally the others joined us with food. "Your food." Said Joshua placing a tray in front of me. "Thanks you punk." I Said. "Hey! What's with that?" Said Joshua sitting between me and Eric. "Hey Evie." Said Eric. "Hi Eric." I smiled. "Hey hey hey." Said Violet hugging me so I hugged her. "Hey and thanks for the hug." I giggled. She went to hug Daisy and Roger. "Hey Brandon." She smiled. "Hey." Said Brandon shyly while she sat next to him. Roger sat with Daisy while she was next to me. I started eating my fries. "So I'm inviting you two at my house tonight if that's Okay." Said Eric. "Yeah that's okay." I smiled. "I'm cool with that." Smirked Joshua getting closer to Eric. "You need to push over to Evie not me." Said Eric grossed out. So Joshua pouted. I laughed at the both of them. Suddenly I felt something Pouring on me. I turned around seeing Vanessa. "Oops my bad the food was disgusting so I discussed to put it in the trash. I guess I put it in the wrong trash or maybe not. FYI you look fab." She Smirked evilly. "Why you bitch, you just don't give up so you?" Said Joshua. I grabbed my hamburger and opened. "That's okay cuz this would make you look amazingly cute." I Said pissed off and placing the burger on her face. "Oops I thought you were the trash." I mocked. The stuff we're going down on her clothes so I Smirked in satisfaction. "Why Bitch! This right here is designer it costed more than you!" She screamed and smacked me. I was shocked at first but then I came to my senses and smacked her ten times harder. "Don't fucking hit me you were the one who started it. I'm not your toy anymore." I Said full of anger. But someone smacked me so hard that I fell on the ground. Once I looked up it was Zachary. "You dare to hit my girlfriend? Just because you came with different attitude doesn't mean you're above us. Know your place." He Growled. I wanted to cry so hard, how could one person be so bipolar? One minutes he's touching me the other he's hating on me. "I think she needs to know her place!" Said Vanessa. "Shut the fuck up! And you better not touch her King! I know what you did to her so don't think I won't kill you." Growled Joshua standing in front of me while Daisy was helping me up. I was too shocked to do anything, I could tell my eyes were red and puffy. "Come on Evie." Said Eric hugging me. Mason came and Vanessa faked-cried. "Mason she smacked for no reason." She said holding her cheek which was red. "You did what?" Growled Mason looking at me. "I think we need to bring her to the closet like the old days, what do you say Mas?" Smirked Zachary. He knew I hated that place, I hate him so much now. I pushed off Eric grabbing my bag and ran out. "Ivanna!!" I heard Eric and Joshua call for me. I just went to the basement where my hideout was, a place which only I could go to. After school, I went to detention. I saw Frankie, Jake,Vanessa, Mason and of course Zachary was there. I didn't see Joshua no where until I felt someone tapped my shoulder. "Hey hot stuff, I was looking for you." He said. "Well Sorry I left school." I Said. "How?" He said shocked. "I've been here almost my life so I know all the secrets and shortcuts out of here." I Said smirking at his reaction. "Alright alright." Said Joshua pushing me inside the room. "Oh hey New girl." Said Frankie fist bumping me which I returned. "Hey Frankie." I smiled sitting next to her while Joshua sat behind me. "Hey Names Joshua, what's a hot girl like you're self doing here." Said Joshua smirking at Frankie. "I was caught making out with Jake but whatever, it's not the first time." She shrugged which got Joshua laughing. "Shut up Josh." I said glaring at him playfully. So he blowed a kiss at me which I was sending a disgusted face back at him. "I know you love me Hot stuff, don't decline it." Said Joshua. "Hey new kid." Said Vanessa walking towards us with Mason and Zachary behind her. "What do you want?" Said Joshua annoyed. "Your names Joshua right?" She said twirling her hair flirty so I rolled my eyes. I mean isn't she dating Zachary. "Yeah I just Said it was a few minutes ago, the hell you want?" Said Joshua getting pissed off. "You should come to this party that's this Friday, it'll be at Jackson Bennett's Place." Said Vanessa. "Nah Im good, I wouldn't want your disease plus I'm unavailable right now." Said Joshua looking at me. "Oh really and who are you dating?" Said Vanessa curious. "She's right here, isn't that right babe." Said Joshua placing an arm around me. Soon noticing Zachary and Mason's attention is with us, cuz me and Zachary's eyes connected. So I looked at Joshua. "Well of course, she should have saw that once you were picking a fight for me earlier today." I Said smiling. "Unbelievable, you guys said you were Bestfriend's nothing else." Said Vanessa pissed off so she stomped her feet like a 5 year old going back to her seat. "Well just know this Ivanna you'll be mine again even if I have to kill him." Said Mason glaring at Joshua then walked to his sister. Zachary just stared at me then Smirked when he saw a fear in my eyes so he went back to his slutty ass girlfriend. "That was intense, are you two really dating?" Whispered Frankie so Joshua shooked his head no while I sighed in relief. "You have no idea how much intense it could be with just them and me." I Said. "You got beef or something? I mean it's your first day well actually your second but that's crazy right there." Said Frankie. "Well actually I've been here two years ago." I Said sadly. "Oh...." Said Frankie understanding. "Oh yeah I almost forgot! I have a return gift for you Ivanna." Smiled Vanessa walking back to us. "Really? That's nice, what is it? Rats, bugs?" Said Joshua rolling his eyes. "No we have this her favorite." Smirked Mason pulling out a cup and handing it to Vanessa. She grabbed it opening the cap. Soon seeing it's ice and juice, which it's their favorite thing to do. "Great they still do this type of shit?" I cursed under my breathe. They were grinning so proudly and so they poured it on me. Luckily the ice didn't touched my eyes but I still screamed my lungs out. Which woke up the teacher so he looked at me. "What's going on here? Why is she wet?" Yelled the teacher. "It was self-defends, she was going to hit me so I needed to do something." Faked Cried Vanessa again. "Babe are you okay?" Said Zachary hugging her. "I'm leaving." I Said full of hatred, I wanted to break something so badly. "Wait for me, I'm going as well." Said Joshua walking behind me. We walked out the class and left the school. Joshua's phone rang so he answered it. "Hey, Okay! On our way. Thanks for reminding me." He Said grinning then hang up. "What? Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy." I Said. "Come on we're going to a party." He said and we went inside his car. We went to a nice house which didn't seem familiar at all. Standing out the door, I rang the bell. "So who's place is this?" I Said. "Eric's." Grinned Joshua. "You like him him already?" I said raising an eyebrow. He nodded cutely then the door opened. "Hey you guys made it!" Said Roger letting us in. We followed him downstairs noticing it was a movie and game room. "Hey!" Said Eric and Brandon with food in their mouth which got me to chuckle a little. "Let's Get this party STARTED!" Yelled Joshua. Violet gave us a bottle of beer and we drank away. Partying, eating, laughing, we were like wild animals that night. Maybe it won't be bad to be back, who knows?

~To Be Continued ~


So sorry for not updating lately, I've been super busy but I'll be updating three more chapters today.

Anyway what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Will Mason really make Ivanna his girl? Why is Vanessa jealous of Ivanna? And most importantly will there ever be Zacanna? Until next time my roses.

~ Lovely🌹🌸