
Chapter 4: First Day Of School

I was walking down the empty street cuz I just finished my shift at work and was on my way home. Suddenly the street lights turned off and I heard a high-pitched feminist scream which sounded somehow familiar just couldn't tell who it was. I followed the scream and almost fell on my owe feet cuz there was a man wearing all black holding a lady that looked so familiar. She was screaming for help and apologizing to the man. The man was surrounded with dark magic and he raised his hand causing the lady to scream louder. She was very pretty with long light brown hair, and green eyes which were glowing. They were all the way in the end of the street while a little girl with long light brown hair entered the dream and she was crying holding onto a similar teddy bear. The little girl was crying and screaming for help. She was scared that's for sure even I was becoming scared as well. "Stop it daddy! Daddy don't do it please.. Mommy!!!!!" The little girl screamed her lungs and heart out all together. Which caused me crying for the little girl, I knew she was gonna get killed next I wish I can do something about it.


"Evanna! Evanna? Wake up." I heard mother'a stiffening so I opened my eyes noticing tears down my face and I was sweating a lot. "Mom." I cried out. "It was that dream, wasn't it?" She said hugging me. "What does it mean? Why do I keep getting the dream?" I cried in her shoulder. "Shhh it's okay I'll find out." She said. "Wait what time is it?" I looked at my watch and I started panicking when I noticed it was 7:54. "Mom! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I said speeding to the bathroom. "I tried but you wouldn't wake up." She said. "Damn! I'm going to be late for my first day." I Said then got ready. I went to school with my glasses, a cute outfit and my hair was in a high ponytail. When I entered the classroom everyone was looking at me. "You must be Ms.Dawson?" Said the teacher. I nodded shyly. "Okay sit in the back with Eric Jones and Frankie Millers." Said the teacher and pointed to the back. I sat next to the boy with brown curly hair. He was wearing something that showed most of his muscles. Next to him was a pretty girl with dark black hair and the ends were green. She was wearing a lot of dark makeup and black clothes. "Hey cutie." Smirked Eric Jones showing shiny white teeth. "Close your mouth your blinding her with those fake teeth." Said Frankie Millers annoyed "I know you're into me frank-bear" grinned Eric. "Shut up before I cut your lips into pieces" she hissed in anger. "Eric as in the geek one?" I said shocked. "H..How do you know about that?" He nervously laughed. "You used to be a geek?" Smirked Frankie. "You don't remember me?" I Said then took out my phone and showed him the nerd I used to be. I heard him gasped in shockness and looked at the picture then to me. His reaction was the best thing ever to see. "You're the nerd? Damn even with glasses your hot. It sure been a while, huh bestfriend?" He smirked amazed of who I've become. "So you guys know each other?" Said Frankie. "Yeah we go way back to the day where we were just in kindergarten. Her family, William's, King's, my family, and few others know the real stories in this town. Our family line is known as the Historic Pack." Said Eric. "You still talk a lot?" I said annoyed. "Yes thank you there's someone who understands the pain I have to deal with for a year." Said Frankie. "So why did you change?" I asked him. "A hot ass bitch took me and since then I had a passion for fucking." He grinned giving me a wink. "Well then...." I said disgusted. "Have you seen Zach? If not try to stay away. He's the reason why you needed to leave." Said Eric. "That's not true and I've already met him." I Said remembering our meeting greet we had yesterday. "Why does she have to stay away from King?" Said Frankie curious. "None of your business." Growled Eric. Suddenly the door opened and the devil himself entered the room with Vanessa around his arm. I rolled my eyes at the couple knowing nothing changed since my leaving. I started working until the teacher said something. "Everyone we have another new student." And that's when Joshua Miller walked inside the class causing all the girls to pull down their shirts. I mean he is good looking with his tan skin, curly black hair, and blue eyes. "Sup, Name's Joshua Miller. I'm from LA, California." He gave all the girls a heart full smile. "Okay you can sit over there in the back. The table next to those three." Said the teacher. He sat at the table next to me. "Hey babygirl." He winked at me causing all the girls to glare at me. "You liar! Why didn't you tell me you were gonna move here?" I said hitting him across the head and smiling at the same time. "Ow okay chill Tiger, I wanted to surprise you." He mocked-whine which I gladly hit him again. "You two dating or something?" Said Frankie. "No." I said disgusted hearing all the girls sigh in relief. Like it ain't like you gonna get him. "Sorry hun but I rather date this cutie next to ya." Said Joshua getting Eric disgusted. "Josh back off him you cheating hoe, you have a boyfriend." I Said. "He's gay?" I heard a girl said. "No he's straight." I rolled my eyes. These girls are so air-headed that something so simple they can't figure it out. "Everyone quiet down and do your work." Said the teacher. "Pst sis help me." I heard Joshua whispered-yell at me. "Joshua stop being annoying. Maths you're favorite class and you know more than me." I whispered back. "Wish I'm bored." He said placing his feet on the table like he's the boss around, typical Joshua. I signaled him to put down his feet but like a stubborn boy he is, he kept them on the table. I checked if anyone was looking but they were too busy working or day dreaming. Zachary was making out with Vanessa so I raised my finger and made Joshua to sit correctly. In return it made a loud noise getting everyone's attention on us. I acted like nothing happened which got everyone going back to what they were doing, but Eric gave me "I know you used magic" look while Joshua was glaring at me. The bell rang and everyone rushed outside. "Evanna don't ever do that or I will tell your dad and mom." Said Eric seriously. "Okay okay sorry." I Said rolling my eyes. I walked outside and noticed Joshua was already surrounded by girls. "Well I gotta go to History." I Said to Frankie and Eric. "You're cool to hang with, see you around New girl." Said Frankie walking away. "Want me to walk you?" Said Eric. "Nah it's okay." I Said then he walked away. I was walking to my class knowing I'm late cuz the halls were empty. I was thinking about the dream getting a chill down my spine. I was snapped out of my thought from being slammed into the lockers. "What the fuck! -ohhh." I looked up to see Zachary with red eyes. "Let's finish what we started." "Uhhh can I say no and we both forget we ever met." I said seriously. "Not gonna happen but if you be a good witch I won't bother you for two days straight." He whispered in my ear making his voice huskier causing me to have chills. I was wearing a light blue shirt-sleeves shirt with ripped Dark blue jeans while he was wearing black jeans, and black and red short-sleeved shirt. You could see all of his tattoos. "Zach please stop I'm not in the mood." I Said. "Is that so?" He said placing both hands on my waist so I couldn't escape from him. He turned me around so my back was facing him. He pulled down my jeans and played with the fabric of my boxers. "Now you wear boxers? What happened to those cupcake panties?" He whispered in my ear causing me to blush. "Oh god!" I whispered-yelled cuz I felt a huge pain. I knew it was his d!ck but it felt like it grew bigger than last time. He was putting it all in at once which was very painful. I started crying when he was pushing and pulling but not pulling out. Every time he goes deep I have to hold onto the lockers and bite down my bottom lip. "Please stop, it hurts." I Said in pain. He covered my mouth while putting two fingers in my mouth and pushed deeper causing me to scream/ muffled. When he pulled out I sighed in relief but who knew he was going to forced it back in while playing with my breast. Once he touched them I started to melt like never before. "Who said you could cum?" Growled Zachary amused. I stayed quiet and closed my eyes when he pitched my nipples. "Stop!" I gasped causing him to chuckle. It was a deep husky chuckle which was a turn on but I switched back to being piss at him. I was going to be late for class because of him. He started stopping when we heard footsteps. He pulled out and put his pants back on while I pulled up my jeans and fixed my ponytails. I was disgusted with myself. When the footsteps got closer, I saw it was Mason and his friends. "Man what are you doing? We gotta bounce." Said Mason. "Yeah give me a sec." said Zachary then looked at me. "Don't miss me too much ev, cuz your master's gonna be back." He grinned kissing me then walked away with his gang. I touched my lips since it was tingling, knowing I just got myself in a deep hole of hell. I was replying the event over and over in my head during history class. When it was the middle of class someone walked in late and it was Mason Williams. There was empty seats next to me and in front of the class but of course he sat next to me. "Hey you must be new?" He said smirking at me. "I guess." I Said not looking at him. "Well I'm Mason Williams, U think u can give me your number?" He said smirking getting up my face. "Heh I know who you are and I'm not interested." I said disgusted so I pushed him away from me. "Dam I like feisty." He wolf whistled. "Miss.Dawson and Mr.Williams I insist for you two to stop talking also Miss.Dawson welcome back." Smiled the history teacher. "Yeah thanks." I Said. "Huh? Dawson, the only one who's that is...." Said Mason confused. "Yes idiot, I'm back." I Said smirking. "What,how?" He was dumbfounded and I was enjoying this. "You're suppose to be dead, what the fuck are u doing here?" He said in his threaten voice. Which would have scared me before but now not so much. "Hm, are you talking to me?" I Said faked confused. "No I'm talking to the fucking desk in front of you, yes I was talking to you. Answer me." Growled Mason which I rolled my eyes. "You know you're vampire sides taking over." I said low so only he could hear. The way I Said it got him shocked. "What you're not scared no more, cuz that's not what Zach said." He said in my ear placing his hand on my thigh. "What the fuck are you doing?" I hiss smacking his hand off. "I missed you Anna." He said softly. Suddenly I got a message from a unknown person saying to go to janitors closet. I raised my hand and the teacher let me go. I went to the location thinking it was Zachary but it was a man in my dream. Same icy grey eyes, and a scar under his chin. "I will find you." He said then disappeared. I got out of there and the bell rang. It was lunch time so I sat with Joshua, Eric, two other girls, and two other boys. "Hey." Said Joshua sitting down next to Eric. Eric cringed once their shoulders touched causing me to laugh. "What's the matter Eric?" I said eating a fry. "Nothing, guys this is Evanna Dawson, Evie this is Roger Thompson, the schools smartest computer-guy, Brandon Adams the Weridest kid but he's chill, Daisy Anderson you're replacement, and our Violet Bells, the funniest dork." Said Eric winking at the girl with blackish purple hair. "Hi guys." I smiled. "Hey we heard so much about you." Said Daisy Anderson with dirty blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, she had her own style that didn't seem like a nerd I mean even her glasses are cute. "You're pretty." I smiled causing her to blushed in embarrassment. "Such a pretty girl, I must say I agree with that hot stuff. I wish you were still like that." Joshua faked cried so I smacked him across the head. "Shut the fuck up." I Said. "Ohmygod Mason And Zachary are coming over here!" Squealed Violet. "Probably to pick on us again." Daisy said softly clearly scared. "What do you mean?" I Said "Every since I came here they started bothering me for no reason." Said Daisy. "Hey Werido's." Smirked Mason sitting next to me while Zachary next in the other side of me. "What do you want?" I said annoyed. "There's a party this Friday, I want you to come and you can bring your rats with you." Said Mason smirking. "And why should I come? Don't call them rats, you blood sucking fish." I snapped at him. "Ouch, also it's different now. I want you Anna, and I'm not gonna stop until you give me what I want." He said kissing my hand. "We'll definitely be there." Said Violet. "Good." Smirked Mason kissing my cheek. I wiped the kiss off me. He went back to his table without Zachary. "Aren't you going too? We don't want you here." Said Eric. "Nah im good." Said Zachary sharply while putting his hand on my thigh and squeezing it hard. "Ow.." I hissed in pain. "What happened?" Said Joshua concerned. "N...nothing, I'm going to the bathroom." I Said getting up which caused Zachary to drop his hand off me. He left the cafeteria before me. "Want me to go wit you hot stuff?" Said Joshua winking at me. "Are you two dating?" Said Roger. "No he's gay." I Said. Causing the boys to cringed I'm disgusted. The girls shrugged in boreness. "How rude, I'm not that bad." Said Joshua whining. I rolled my eyes and left the cafeteria. Once I left, Zachary was leaning against my locker on his phone. I have to honest, he looked really cool. When I approached him, he put his phone away. "Took you long enough, let's go." He said putting my hand in his. "Where are we going?" I Said. "Don't worry about it just shut the fuck up." He said while we walked to the parking lot. His hands are cold but they felt comfortable with my hands. "You're always gotta be rude." I mumbled to myself. Then we went inside his car and drove away.

~To Be Continued~


I wonder where they're going, and what are they gonna do???

Also who's Mason? Why does he want Anna? Also can anyone send me ship names for Zachary and Evanna?

Until next time ~Lovely🌹🌸