
Chapter 3: Meeting Once Again

Evanna Dawson's POV:

"Aaliyah..." I Said nervously.  "What happened? He's there isn't he?" She said seriously. "Yeah I'm scared. What if he knows it's me?" I said biting my finger. "Stop biting your finger before it bleeds. Anyway He won't recognize you since you look so different now." She said sighing. "Okay okay that's true, I mean even my siblings didn't know it was me and I'm their own sister." I Said calming down. "Good cuz I have some bad news and good news." Said Aaliyah knowing she's kinda smiling in excitement. "Really? What is it?" I said smiling as well. "Which one do you want to hear?" She Squealed. "The good news." I Said. "Alright, so I asked my Mom and Dad if I could move to Folksville. At first they were in denial since the history with my family and Folksville. They really think it's cursed or something, but I told them that you needed me there. My parents love you like you're their own daughter so they said yes." Said Aaliyah talking a little bit fast. "Okay slow down Aaliyah before you lose your breathe, so what's the bad news?" I Said. "The bad news is that I have to go when it's school vacation so in about three or four weeks but I have no place to stay." She said. "Well I can ask mom if you can stay, she loves you but no magic. They're gonna be strict than before since it Folksville, The So-Called-Cursed-Town." I Said causing the both of us to laugh. "I miss you Ev." She said. "Me too." I Said. "Well I have to go." She Said. "Kay see ya." I Said then she hang up. I looked up at the sky knowing it's night and all the stars are glowing. "God Why did I need to come back here?" I Said to myself. "Hello there little Ev." I heard a deep husky voice whisper in my ear. I turned around to face Zachary King. "How do you know?" I Said shocked. I was about to stand up but he sat me back down. "You know I was shocked about how you look now. I'm very impressed, but you're better off like before." He said almost growling. "Please don't hurt me." I Said trying to get out of his grip. He put his on around my neck and squeezed a little hard. "It sure been a while, huh? Can't believe you're trying to be a thirty ass slut looking to be fucked." He growled in my right ear and trailing his right hand all over my body. "S...stop, please Zach." I said letting tears fall down my cheeks. "My question is who give you permission to leave town? What should I do with you little witch?" He said lifting my chin so I can see his eyes which were turning red. He grabbed my arm and we went five blocks away from the city hall. When I saw where we were, it was a very dark ally. "Don't!" I yelled and started running but he caught me putting against the cold wall harshly. Probably causing a bruise to appear on my back. I felt his leg going between my legs rubbing against my underwear since I'm wearing a dress. I gasped when I felt his fingers inside. I was surprised of how I'm not freaking out like the first time. "Why so quiet? I want to hear your voice or are you enjoying this?" He said putting his fingers deeper causing me to grab onto his back. Our body was so close and it felt so weird and disgusting. How could he be doing this to me when he's dating Vanessa? "S...stop." I bit my bottom lip so I wouldn't make any noise in order to please him. When he noticed I wasn't going to cooperate he digged much deeper causing me to yelp in pain because I felt his nails which hurted. "Happy now?" I hissed in anger and in pain. I regret talking back cuz it made him to growl dangerously. "Watch the way you talk to me, I could break you any time I want." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. "L...let go of me!" I kicked him off me and ran away. I went inside and fixed my hair and dress. "Where were you? We're leaving." Said Jasmine. "Why?" Said Sabrina behind me. "Dad got into a argument with Mr.Williams. You know how much dad hates the dude." Said Jasmine. "Okay, let's go. I don't wanna stay any longer." I Said. Someone's arm snaked their way on my shoulder, so I looked up and it was Jackson correction a hot mess Jackson. He had a messy hair and red lips, while his shirt was half unbuttoned meaning he was having sex. "Hey where have you been?" Grinned Jackson. I threw his arm off me roughly. "You smell go away." I snapped at him. "But you don't?" He raised an eyebrow. Evan walked toward us. "We're going home?" Said Evan. "Yeah." Said Mia appearing behind me. "God Mia you scared the shit out of me." Said Jackson. "Oh my bad your majesty." She said rolling her eyes which caused me to laugh and Jackson to glare at the both of us. "Zach! You still live here, man I missed you." Said Evan fist bumping him. "Yea I live with the Williams, My place's all away to the other side." Said Zachary in the corner of his eyes he was watching me and Jackson hitting each other. To be honest he doesn't know that Jackson's my brother cuz Jackson was homeschooled. "Punk." Said Jackson playful. "Shut it man whore." I said hitting him across the head. "Hey not in the face!" He said covering his face. I rolled my eyes and started to have a glaring content with him. "Come on kids, we're leaving." Said Father and we left.

Once we got home, I went to bed thinking about all my friends I left at LA. I honestly don't want to go to school tomorrow. A school full of fake people trying to be your friend.

To Be Continued!