

The year is 2341. For four decades Humanity has fought a losing war against a ruthless and imperialistic alien coalition. In a last ditch attempt to turn the tides, they open a portal to the past and offer a deal to the governments of yesterday. "Technology in exchange for human lives." And thus Folgore is born. A military division for past humans, kidnapped and forced to fight in a war three centuries after their time. As the war rages, untold dangers lurk hidden in the shadows, biding their time and sharpening their fangs.

SpacePenguin · sci-fi
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10 Chs

Prologue: Sins of the Father.

Geneva, 10 September 2008. CERN. In the control room of the Large Hadron Collider.

"Director, the first beam has successfully circulated. We have gathered dozens of terabytes of data per second!"

A group of scientists wearing lab coats cheered in unison. Their computer screens showed the various data gathered by the eight detectors throughout the twenty-seven kilometers of the LHC tunnels.

"Great job, everyone, but don't get conceited. This is just another page on the constantly updating book of science." Spoke Robert Aymar, Director of the Cern. His graying hair and slightly plump body made others subconsciously see him as an amiable person you could trust.

He regarded the people in the room with tenderness and respect. An all-star academician team composed of the top-most international experts in physics, all working together to write a new chapter in history. The search for the so-called god-particle.

Everyone reveled at the moment when a new breakthrough had been achieved. However, the atmosphere didn't last long. One of the technicians controlling the results noticed an anomaly.

"Sir. I need your attention here." He called to Robert, waving him forward.

"You see here? these readings make no sense, either one of the detectors is broken, or there must be an external influence that disrupted the test." On the screen, the simulated path of a positron along the circular tunnel appeared straight for 7/8 of the road. It then zigzagged between two fixed positions for the remaining three and a half kilometers.

"This is indeed strange. We will need to investigate. Send this data to the analysts and word to the engineers. They need to check and recalibrate the detectors."

Robert ordered with a frown, something about the oscillation of the particles felt off, but he shrugged it without much thought.


19 September 2008

"What do you mean dismissed?" Bellowed Robert Aymar, soon to be ex-director of the CERN. His cheeks had tinted red as he shook uncomfortably in his chair.

"Today, we will announce to the world that the LHC has undergone a catastrophic failure, following a magnet quench that caused extensive damages to over fifty superconducting magnets." Professor Eliezer Rabinovici, the president of the CERN Council, spoke slowly and decisively to his colleague. He took off his glasses and wiped them with a white handkerchief.

The two of them sat on opposite sides of Robert's desk. White walls covered in inspirational posters, scribbled whiteboards, and a single bookshelf, was all the decoration he had brought with him.

"But it's a lie! The LHC has worked perfectly, and there have been no such failures!" Vented indignantly, Robert. He stood up, towering over his esteemed superior.

"I'm going to give you two choices. Resign silently, and you'll continue your honorable career in physics. Resist, and not only will you be held accountable for the accident, but you will also be discredited and no longer welcome in a laboratory." Eliezer said without losing composure.

He looked impassively at Robert, waiting for his answer. However, what could Robert do? Take a useless stand for truth and ruin his career? Who would even believe him if he spoke against the CERN council? With a defeated nod, he sat back.

"Just tell me. Why?" Pleaded a deflated Robert. "Does it have to do with the anomalous readings? What have you discovered?"

"You simply don't have the right vision or leadership for the future challenges that await us. Trust me. You made the right choice in retiring like this." His tone softened, and Eliezer stood up, extending his right hand.

Robert didn't get up or accept the hand. His sunk eyes stared forward, unfocused.


2010, In a secret level built under the LHC.

The totality of the Cern council and the NATO security council members gathered in a remote bunker and watched through a screen as a massive circular portal powered on.

Vorticous energy spiraled, tugging at the fabric of existence. It tore a hole and connected two separate realities that would have never met had humanity held its hubris.

Blue light condensed into a surface smoother than a mirror, and after a few seconds, it turned transparent, revealing a whole different world than the basement of the Cern.

Two four-meter tall mechs marched through with heavy steps. The cockpits were in the middle of the vehicles, walking smoothly on two jointed legs and with anthropomorphic arms on either side. The spectators didn't know that the arms could retract at any moment in exchange for heaven-defying weaponry.

The machines' silvery azure bodies were so tall they scraped against the low ceiling, generating a shower of sparks.

Behind the two mechs, a tall man, almost two and a half meters, walked through. He wore a full-body jumpsuit hidden under a wide white coat. His long, blonde hair flowed like strings of gold behind him. His face was a mixture of western and oriental features.

He looked around and identified the camera in the corner of the room. An intercom buzzed and greeted him in a traditional western way.

"Identify yourself and don't try anything weird. Suppose any of your metal puppets show any signs of aggression. In that case, we are ready to detonate a miniaturized nuclear device and bury you here." A voice came from a speaker box next to the camera. It was Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the newly appointed CERN director, and delegated negotiator.

"Greetings, I'm Castor Nestling, RenDux of the ECP. For your ease of comprehension, I'm one of the three highest elected officials governing the human race in 2341." Ignoring the threat, he introduced himself in a language they had never heard before, mixing sounds of Chinese and English. However, the people on the other side of the camera could understand him thanks to a portable translator relaying his words in English.

(Ren from the Chinese for man and Dux from the Latin for leader.)

The group of international head-honchos rustled uneasily at the confirmation that the man was indeed a time traveler. When they decoded the hidden message in the readings from the LHC, they found schematics for this portal and a line of text, "We need your help."

In front of the blueprints, many engineers guessed its use and recognized the vast technological disparity between them.

"I'm Rolf-Dieter Heuer, appointed director of the CERN. To what do we owe this visit?" He introduced himself and officially started the talks.

"Where I'm from, we have made away with many formalities, so forgive me for being straightforward." He extended his right hand, and a holographic screen appeared in the air, exhibiting a futuristic city under a blue sky.

Suddenly various black objects emerged from the sky, blotting out the sun and casting the world in shadows. The audio cut as the intruders bombarded the city below, terrified civilians ran around seeking shelter as the buildings collapsed in fire and clouds of smoke rose to the sky.

Rolf and the rest of the officials looked in horror at the devastation brought by the mysterious attackers. Then Castor started narrating.

"In 2304, we made first contact with an alien empire. They claimed divine right for the unification of the universe. They gave us two choices, submit or be conquered. As the negotiations hit a stall, they launched surprise attacks on our territory, overwhelming our defenses and occupying a majority of our planets in a matter of years. The people there now live in a state of discrimination and forced servitude; many even disappeared used as lab rats for their sick experiments.

The reason we sent that message and came to the past is that we need manpower. While we are more or less matched technologically, the ECP population is 19 billion, and our military of 40 million is stretched as thin as it can be. Declining birthrates, self-imposed limitations, and considerable losses in the war have left our military understaffed." He sighed, and the image on the hologram changed to various high-tech gadgets and sleek-looking weapons.

"I want to propose a trading opportunity between our two worlds. In exchange for technology and exotic material, all we ask is manpower. We have no requirements for age, sex, race, medical state, or experience. As long as they are alive, we have use for them. Think it over carefully; you'll be able to save your planet and pull your countries ahead of the rest of the planet, centuries of technological advancements at the cost of a few people every year. We will even take off your hands the most problematic elements of society: criminals, homeless, jobless, mental patients, drug addicts, vegetative patients."

Castor concluded his speech with an open arm gesture encompassing the room.

The observation room fell into silence. The offer was incredibly enticing. However, selling citizens for tech? How would public opinion ever accept something like that! They felt like Jesus being tempted by the devil.

"Just in the USA, over six-hundred thousand people disappear every year, and many are never found again. What if..." One voice murmured under his breath. Other officials started making calculations in their heads.

It is reported that over two hundred thousand disappear every year without ever being found back. Would it be that hard to pump those numbers higher and get the media to play mummy?

Would anyone notice if an old man simply disappeared from a retirement house or a homeless stopped coming to a shelter?

"And what if we refused?" Rolf was a man of science but also someone that worked hard all his life to better humanity through research. How could he sacrifice so many innocents? Many in the room shook their heads, but a minority nodded.

"Then we will send a message to another nation. You are not the only particle accelerator we can communicate with." Castor said with a taunting smile.

With the added risk of seeing their adversaries dwarfing them technologically and the dangers that would follow, the choice became much easier for the western powers.

"Don't tell me you are really thinking about it. We are talking about tens of thousands of people we will send to their death." said the president of a European country.

"What's the difference between this and sending people to war? People die, but their sacrifice carries us forward. That's the reason your people choose you, to make tough decisions. Imagine what we could do with that tech. Curing terminal illnesses, fixing global warming, world hunger... I don't care if it costs my soul. We are taking this deal." The prime minister of another country declared with grim determination.

The two sides discussed, but ultimately the collaborationists won.

Decided, many heads of state nodded their heads to Rolf. With a sigh, he turned to the microphone and addressed Castor.

"How many people are we talking about?"


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