
Flow with the Water

The main character Jin finds his life boring after repeating the cycle of waking up and working. At work, he goes to the restroom accidentally hits his head on the sink, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere with only snow and an ice lake around him. Meeting an unknown creature to identify where he is he finds himself in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Follow him on his journey to find something exciting in life. (AN) Hello, this is my first time writing a story so I might suck at stuff like explanations. I’m already lamenting this synopsis and how bad it is. So if you have found any bad stuff about it tell me about it. Also, give me constructive criticism, not some random crap. Thanks for reading the synopsis at least if the story intrigued you, add it to your library. I don't have a schedule of when I'll update so I'll update when I feel like it.

NuclearHeart · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6


This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing media. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fan fiction.

While on his way to the promised location of the spar, Jin started to ponder on his current fighting experiences.

'This is my first time fighting somebody from this world. Also my first time fighting somebody trained to fight. All I can do right now is to keep him at a distance and when he gets tired hit him with the final move.' A little scene pops up in his mind where he just launches a hollow purple at fire lord Ozai. 'Dang, that would be sick.'

Jin finally arrived near the lake and saw Akita doing some warm up excercises near the lake. When Akita saw Jin approaching him, he stopped doing his warm ups and slowly got into a fighting stance. It was the common fighting stance he saw the rest of the fighters in the village take on when practicing however it looked to be mixed with something else.

"Hey Jin, this is the first time I'm fighting a water bender and I want this to be enjoyable so give it your all." As time continued to pass by excitement and tension started to grow each passing second. Finally when Jin couldn't take it any longer he quickly took a wide stance and put a finger gun in front of him and shot a water bullet.

'After practicing for a few months I finally managed to shoot high speed bullets of water quickly at the target. I doubt it will deal a sufficient amount of damage but that isnt what they are for in the beginning.'

Being surprised by the water bullets quickly approaching him Akita quickly dodged out of the bullets way out of pure incstinct. He quickly started to adapt to the pattern that the bullets were coming towards to him and started to advance. 'If this is all that Jin has I'm going to win this quickly.'

While quickly advancing towards Jin's location he started to closely observe his hands and saw a slight twitch in his hands when he shot the last bullet. Focusing on the last bullet, he failed to realize a bullet behind from the bullets previously shot out. Jin was controlling the previous bullets to hit Akita in the back of the head.

Dodging the bullet in his front Akita felt a strong blow in the back of his head he started to feel a little dizzy from the blow.

Once Jin saw that Akita was a little dazed, he immideately started to spray him with the water bullets to claim on this opportunity while also wetting the ground near him.

Akita just barely managed to put up a guard in front of him to decrease the strength of the water bullets.

'Due to the lack of water bending learning resources I don't know how to control the 'flow' of water, so I have to force it to go the way I want to. This requires more energy from me and having to do this constantly and quickly drains me at a quick pace.'

With the final pieces of the barrage finished, Akita had some time to recover and immediately rushed towards Jin in a quick manner.

Just when Akita was about to take the last step towards Jin a sudden burst of water from the ground latched onto Akita's foot and threw off his balance tripping him over. 'This is my opportunity to knock him out for good.'

Jin took a long step forwards turned his hips with the force up the punch behind him preparing the nastiest right hook he has ever done.

'Ahhhhh this is what I wanted when I came into this world. An exhillirating fight never seen before. It looks like this will be the end of it though. I wonder when I'll get to fight like this again.' When seeing Akita's eyes growing wider from the punch coming in towards his liver he closed his eyes at his assured victory. However, he failed to notice that Akita still hadn't given up. Being taught from a young age that as long as you could move take that punch and hit him back. A slight green glow came into Akita's eyes in this moment.


Feeling the impact Jin knew he hit Akita in the liver by then but it felt weaker than he expected. Opening his eyes, he saw Akita with the widest grin on his face. 'He managed to weaken the blow by dashing intk the punch and taking the hit it when was starting to build! I'm in trouble. BODY MOVE!!'

Jin saw Akita take on an awkward position due to the awkward step forward he had to take to take the punch directly. But what he saw wasn't what expected. He saw Akita starting to bend his hips and his fist grazing the ground taking a piece of the ground with it. In Jin's final second what he saw was Akita with an excited smile on his face and the glow in his eyes not fading. 'Looks like I lost. But at the least I'll get to fight him in the future, learn, and fight even more exciting battles.'



Jin fell to the ground.

Akita stood over Jin with a permanent grin on his face with his clothes torn and wet from the water bullets. 'This fight was fun Jin. I'll hope you'll continue to pressure me into growing stronger.' Slowly the green glow from Akita's eyes started to dim and he also fell. Right next to Jin on the ground.


Maaaaaaan during the beginning of this chapter I was doubting what I was starting to right and even contemplated starting over again. But near the finish line, I started to cook (or at least I think so). Thanks to Hajime No Ippo. I got inspired by the scene where they almost every fight just bust out the most solid fights and hits ever seen to mankind. Every time during those critical moments I would just have the Jjk ost pop up and give me the best climax ever known to mankind. I almost lost my edging streak honestly.

Anyways if you liked the chapter make sure to give me some kisses in the comments. If you have any critiques also post them onto the comments.

Also for that guy who asked if Katara or Soka was born yet, the answer is no. However they're going to be born soon since Kya died in 94 AG (After Air Nomad Genocide) and 99 AG is when Aang wakes up. So like in a few years or so.

Finally, thanks for reading. Byeeeeeeeeee