
Flow with the Water

The main character Jin finds his life boring after repeating the cycle of waking up and working. At work, he goes to the restroom accidentally hits his head on the sink, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere with only snow and an ice lake around him. Meeting an unknown creature to identify where he is he finds himself in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Follow him on his journey to find something exciting in life. (AN) Hello, this is my first time writing a story so I might suck at stuff like explanations. I’m already lamenting this synopsis and how bad it is. So if you have found any bad stuff about it tell me about it. Also, give me constructive criticism, not some random crap. Thanks for reading the synopsis at least if the story intrigued you, add it to your library. I don't have a schedule of when I'll update so I'll update when I feel like it.

NuclearHeart · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing media. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fan fiction.

Seeing the small bead of water in his hands Jin started to think deeply about his future 'I was a bit nervous there at not having any bending, but anyways what am I going to do now? The food Kya was making should be ready. Should I tell Hakoda about my ability. There is basically no cons except that I will be turned into a warrior or hunter. The pros are the fact that my status will rise because I'm not from the fire nation because of the water bending and I'm the only one here in this village who can bend. Alright I made up my choice.'

Getting up and ready to eat with the family, he walks out of the small room he was given. Once he left the room he saw Kya serving Hakoda lunch.

Seeing Jin walk out of his room Kya welcomed him, "You've arrived just in time Jin. The food is ready." Serving him his food on the table, she sits down after serving everyone.

Jin sat down ready to eat some food and tell Hakoda about his bending abilities. Nervous about the reaction Hakoda might have he decided to rip the band aid off while he can. "Sir, I have something to tell you. I can control the water around me or at least move a bit of it."

After hearing what Jin said, Hakoda instantly put on a serious face. "Are you sure about this. This is a pretty big deal for this village." Jin started to grow a bit nervous, even though it's only been a small amount of time, Jin has never seen Hakoda grow so serious. "Yes sir, i can control wate…" Hakoda stopped Jin from saying anything else when he said "Alright prove it."

Sweat started to come out of his face at being stared down by Hakoda. "I will sir." Entering the inner depths of his mind, Jin started to try to feel the water around him. Seeing the blue glow in his mindscape he did the same process he did earlier. Condense the blue light into something that could be used and try to control water with it.

Opening his eyes up, Jin saw a small water bead on his hand. 'This was way faster then the first time I did it.' Finishing his thoughts he looked to Hakoda and saw his eyes were widened a bit from the surprise.

After a small bit of time, Hakoda solidified whatever he was thinking about after seeing this bead. He looked towards Jin locking eyes with him. "Alright Jin, your duties as a personal servant are over. We'll be training you as a fighter or a hunter, but preferably a fighter."

The results he wanted have come true. Jin wanted to become a warrior to pursue some fun in the world. By being a fighter he could wander around the world and experience something new. He could fight strong people and enjoy the fight. He could also protect the people he loves. By being a warrior or somebody who could fight it would drastically increase the fun he would experience in this world. "I'll gladly become a warrior as long as you train me in becoming a water bender and somebody who could fight physically."

Jin's determination shown through and reached Hakoda. "Alright young man, you'll be training under me tomorrow at becoming a warrior. However you'll still help around in the village, but less until you finish training."

Being given the same conditions he was given earlier but more aligned to his goals, Jin gladly accepted it.

Time passed and the food was finished under the excited mood of everyone in the table including Kya. A new water bender will greatly aid the village in matters of when the fire nation will attack and means more food from hunting also. It was a great boost in the villages resources.

After finishing his food, Jin said his farewells and thanks to both Hakoda and Kya for the food. He went to his room and thought about his future.

'I'm the only water bender in the village so they'll do their best to give me some resources so that I could grow, however since I'm the only water bender they'll have few if any water bending scrolls around. Which means I'm going to have to train my water bending skills myself.' After finishing his thoughts, Jin set the bed ready to go to sleep and lied down.

'I wonder if I'll get a big tittied goth girlfriend along the way.'

'I wish.'


I'm baaaaaack. Finals are done but I'm probably not going to post more frequently because I'm just that lazy.

Anyways, unlike Jin I'm more of an ass guy myself. So I would want a big bootied Latina or goth girl. It's the best. However, I can get no girls so that's a future me problem right now.

If you have any critiques about the book go post them in the chapter comment because I might make an edit like I did today and lose some paragraph comments.

Have a good and safe day everybody. See you later.