
Flow with the Water

The main character Jin finds his life boring after repeating the cycle of waking up and working. At work, he goes to the restroom accidentally hits his head on the sink, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere with only snow and an ice lake around him. Meeting an unknown creature to identify where he is he finds himself in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Follow him on his journey to find something exciting in life. (AN) Hello, this is my first time writing a story so I might suck at stuff like explanations. I’m already lamenting this synopsis and how bad it is. So if you have found any bad stuff about it tell me about it. Also, give me constructive criticism, not some random crap. Thanks for reading the synopsis at least if the story intrigued you, add it to your library. I don't have a schedule of when I'll update so I'll update when I feel like it.

NuclearHeart · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing media. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fan fiction.


When Jin saw Sokka's dad his eyes shone with relief after being rescued from the cold of the South Pole.

"Alright young man, can you tell me why I found you out here in the middle of nowhere?" Sokka's dad has a questioning look on his face. After all, no one would expect a random bozo dressed in professional attire in the middle of the South Pole.

Jin had to think about his response now. Sokka's dad wouldn't think of him as a fire nation soldier because of his attire and the way he acts. However, that doesn't mean he's still not a bandit out to steal from the tribe. Even more so since Sokka's dad looks younger meaning that his wife has been killed by the fire nation or hasn't. It all depends on how old Katara or Sokka is.

Jin decided to complete the cliche and act like an amnesiac. It'll at least grant him access to the tribe, but it won't get trust but he can get that through hard work. That way he can see if he can Waterbend or not.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jin. To answer your question, I just woke up here and I have no recollection of how I got here. I don't know if I got attacked by a spirit or if I got beat up so bad that I just lost my memory." Jin starts to act as if he's thinking about his words before he actually says them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hakoda. For such a young man you suck at telling lies. If you had been attacked your clothes would have looked full of dirt and mangled from the fight." A confident grin came on his face after saying this.

"Although I'd like to play games. Tell me why you're seriously here." Hakoda pulls out his spear on Jin. "After all, I have good reason to suspect you after telling me such an obvious lie."

Anyone held at Spearpoint would obviously feel a bit threatened. Instead of starting to panic a little bit of enjoyment started to come out of him as he was starting to get excited. However, he didn't want to fight him as he would immediately lose.

A little bit of light came to Jin's soulless eyes as he said "Sorry sir, but I've just lost all my property and have nowhere to go. I'll do all your work if you can teach me how to fight." Jin said this full of determination. After being given a second chance he didn't want to be taken as a prisoner and be killed. He wanted to live this second life to the fullest.

Hakoda was surprised by how determined Jin was to get into the tribe. Seeing that Jin was no threat to the tribe he could enter it. After all, Jin looked like a twig at this point and looked like he had no battle experience by the way he stood.

"You can enter, as long as you work around the tribe either for hunting, cooking, whatever. When I say 'clean' you'll clean the whole tribe, when I say 'jump' you'll ask how many times. Is that a deal?" Hakoda puts out his arm for Jin to shake and accept the deal.

Seeing this opportunity to progress this adventure Jin shook the hand with no hesitation with no idea how bad Hakoda was going to make him work. "At your command sir."

Seeing Jin already keeping his part of the deal a smile grew on his face at seeing this young man being so determined. 'Phew I remember when I was this young. I was just as energetic as this young man, although I had more bitches *cough* I mean ladies pursuing me.'

Jin can only imagine that Hakoda was basically calling him maidens.

Hakoda woke up from his thoughts. "Alright men, arms down!!" Out of nowhere, a group of seven people came out of the snow and started to dust off.

Seeing all the people suddenly appearing around him had Jin surprised. "Did you think only I would come out at an unknown fire signal?" Hakoda patted Jin's arms as he started to laugh at him.

A look of disbelief came on his face at seeing all of these men that went under his radar. 'Looks like I have to take this seriously, after all this world isn't just a piece of fiction anymore. Each of these people is real, and so are those spears. They could have killed me without knowing. The world is still under attack by the fire nation.'

"What's got you so down? Is it that all of these men managed to sneak up on you? Don't worry these are professional hunters. They're meant to stay hidden." Hakoda continued to pat his back. "Soon, you'll be sneaker than them if you manage to keep your part of the deal."

Hakoda seeing the fire inside of Jin's eyes start to blaze started to feel joy. 'Looks like another talented warrior will be added to the tribe.' Hakoda did not realize this at the time but he would later be grateful in the future for having led this man to the tribe. Because this young man was single-handedly going to be the

Strongest Waterbender of the Modern Era


You could tell from the line above me that I am a gojo glazed. I bow down to the glorious, succulent, beautiful, amazing, handsome, cool, luscious, and wonderful Gojo Satoru.

Anyways, I fealt like I did way better on this chapter than on the last one because I was inspired by the other fanfics I read.

In the end, if you find any errors blame Grammarly or my phone. Comment them down on the chapter comments because if I make any edits I'll lose the paragraph comments. Any feedback will be appreciated as long as it is reasonable.

Thank you for reading this far, see you soon.