
Flirting With Fate: A sudden tryst

[ Mature Content. ] Daniel Sy, a wealthy playboy who has a one-night stand with a young woman named Aaliyah Mendoza. What was meant to be a fleeting encounter leaves Aaliyah with unexpected consequences and a life of hardship. Three years later, when fate brings them together again, Daniel discovers a shocking secret that Aaliyah has been keeping from him. As he tries to help her, his cousin falls in love with the young woman, leading to a dangerous love triangle that threatens to tear them all apart. This passionate and suspenseful tale explores the complexities of love, family, and secrets in a world where money and status can't buy happiness.

mskyot_11 · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 18

Aaliyah's Pov

It's been a month since Vince left the Philippines. At first, I was very sad and felt like I couldn't get rid of the guilt in my heart, especially since we didn't say goodbye to each other very well.

But when I looked at his social media, I felt a little relieved because his Instagram was full of happy posts. He post wherever he go, eats with his new friends. Anyway, he has adjusted already.

I'm happy for him. :)

We went here in Palawan with Daniel and Liam. With us were Lyca and Nik, and their other friends and of course my whole family.

Liam is very happy because this is his first wander after his last chemotherapy. His natural color is returning from being pale, and her hair, which is a bit thin, is also returning to normal.

I'm really thankful because Nik's hospital did everything for my son to recover. Of course, I'm still worried about him and I'm not that complacent yet. I can only be reassured when I know that he is really good and okay.

'Baby here's your breakfast' I looked at the food that Daniel's brought in front of me. We are currently in the room and I just woke up. It turns out that we've been here for three days, and we plan to vacation here for one week so it's worth it.

'Thanks baby' I also tease him in return. He always calls me like that, especially when he's cuddling, or just the two of us. The same goes with Lyca and Nik, their call sign is babe, which I'm going to screw up, it's like a teenage!

But of course I will ride Daniel Sy's trip.

He just stared at me while I was eating. Omg it looks like he wants to do it again. He didn't score last night because he got drunk from drinking with Nik and his other friends.

Of course I didn't join because I have to take care of Liam and put him to bed early, Lyca is three months pregnant and is not allowed to drink.

'Are you not eating?' I asked

'Later after you. I want my breakfast in bed' he said seriously.

See? Told you.

'Is Liam awake?' I changed our topic.

'Still sleeping, grandma is with him in the room'

'Uhmm, let's go swimming after?' I guess I'll change the topic.

'Yes, after my breakfast' he smiled again. He even touched my legs.

Oh this monster in bed.


I'm nervous and Liam might go in here no time. --___-

'Are you done baby? Can I eat now?' He asked when he was about to finish my meal.

I drank the juice and put the breakfast tray he prepared for me on the table.

I stood up and got off the bed then took off my nighties in front of him. I can see the brightness of his eyes while staring at my whole body.

I walked backwards towards the cr with my body naked while looking at him flirtatiously.

Smiling, he took off his boxer's shorts and quickly followed me.

'Spread you're legs baby,' he whispered.

The next thing I knew, I was moaning while Daniel was having his breakfast.

'Ooohhhh!!' I moaned.


'Bessy, look!' Bessy was next to me. I looked at the distance. Nik and their other friends as well as Daniel were talking with wine but I suddenly noticed something.

I stood on the sunlounger where Lyca and I were sunbathing.

'Oh oh, where are you going?!' Lyca stopped me.

I was going to go to the flirtatious woman who was still holding Daniel's chest. Damn her!

I closed my fist.

'Daniel seems to like it very much' Lyca teased me.

I just stared at him and turned my gaze to the front.

I think I tripped suddenly.

'Hey!' We both turned to the caller as she approached us.

'Hey! Jho?! Omg! Are you here too?' Lyca while welcoming our former classmates Jho.

She was our classmates in college, and apart from Lyca, she was also one of my good friends back then. But after graduation, her parents brought her to the US.

'Yes, I was surprised when I saw you.. Last week I was at Lyca's condo when I got here in the Philippines. We chatted. She said she was going to introduce me to someone," Jho said to me while happily hugging me.

'Where is Liam now? Your so sexy! Lyca said your husband is handsome and rich,' she added with a poke in my side. My best friend is dire straight without brakes. Restless. That's why they're even closer because they have the same attitude.

"He's in his room, with my grandma's, but think you're sexier, how are you?' I joked back to her.

'as usual, I'm now a liberated' she laughed and winked at me .

I just laughed at her.

'You're pregnant right?' she teased while stroking Lyca's stomach.

'Yes. And you're a godmother, right? Do not forget. It's 1m up' lyca said while laughing.

'Even 2m more' Jho joked back.

'Your boyfriend?' Lyca asked when we noticed that she was with someone.

' No, he's my best friend, he was my friend in the states.' Jho answered with a smile.

'Oh, my best friend almost melted because of the way he looks at her' Lyca teased while laughing and looking at me.

I almost blush..

'Ah, Ian, they are my college friends, Lyca and Aaliyah, and this is my best friend by the way, Ian' she introduced us to Ian.

'Hi, Nice to meet you ladies, ' he said smiling to us.

He shook Lyca's hand and then mine, but I was surprised when he didn't immediately let go of my hand, he suddenly lifted it up and kissed the back of my palm.

The man looked at me deeply. I almost want to strip my entire being.

I'm still wearing a bikini very boldly and my healthy breasts are almost spitting out.

It's really boys..

Suddenly I turned to my side.

Daniel while giving us a bad look.


I distanced myself a little from them as he approached.

When he got close, he put something like a towel on my body, walking with me.

'Hey, Daniel she's our college friends, it's Jho and she's with her best friend Ian, Jho, Ian, he's Aaliyah's fiance, Daniel. ' Lyca introduced them. He must have also noticed the tension when Daniel arrived.

'Oh hey, nice to meet you!' Jho shook hands with him and so did Daniel, but Jho's best friend was staring at him.

'Ah, let's go inside first' I said while pulling Daniel away.

I don't know but I feel that he is very angry at this time.

'Ah ok, see you where we'll drink later okay' Jho chased after me.

'Okay' - me

'I'll follow later!' -lyca


'What's that!' He shouted at me when we entered the room.

'What what's that?!' I also shouted at him.

'That man staring at you, he wants to strip you! Does he still have a kiss on your hand? What the hell?!' He shouted angrily.

'And you! Who was the girl who grabbed your chest earlier?!' I shouted back. He thought he was the only one who was angry now!

His appearance suddenly changed. Oh what now Daniel Sy! Speak up!

'Who?! That girl?! Was it the one earlier? She owns the entire resort, Calvin introduced her to me a while ago' his tone is lowering a bit.

'What name?!'



'What the fuck?!'

'So you really remember her name?!' I shouted at him.

'Yes' he argued.


'Then go to her!' I said annoyed and was about to turn away from him but he stopped me.

'Hey, I was the one who was angry earlier. Why is it reversed?'

I didn't answer. I remembered that girl.

'She was introduced earlier, because that girl asked for it! Of course I'll give it because we're at her resort, and she's not my type, okay? If only I could remove her hand when she touched me, but I didn't want to embarrass her earlier so I made a way to say goodbye to them right away, that's it!' He explained.

But I still don't feel better.

'It's just you baby. You are the only woman in my life. You have nothing to be jealous of okay? don't ever compare yourself to them. You are too beautiful and sexy in my eyes for me to be interested in them..' he added so I looked at him.

He was very serious.

Suddenly, my anger disappeared earlier.

'Let's get married. Today. If you don't believe me.' He added so my eyes widened.

'You're crazy.' Suddenly it came out of my mouth and then I hit him slightly.

'I'm not joking. Let's go. Let's get married right here in Palawan' he said seriously.

'I believe it!' I said smiling at him. I suddenly got excited.


'Kiss me' he said and pulled me closer to him.

He never fails to make me smile and thrill like this. He always thrills me. But I suddenly thought, this must be the first LQ for the two of us since we became couple. He's cute to be jealous! ^__^

Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as much as he wanted.

We just finished the game this morning at the breakfast he requested.

But I feel like he will have his dinner early tonight.


While our lips were touching, he slowly laid me down on the bed while caressing my chest.

And of course because I was only wearing a two piece, he undressed me easily.

Maniac alert...

Even though we always do this, he never really gets bored. But of course I want it too..

He's really a monster in bed.

I fell more and more in love with him as time went on.

While kissing every part of my body, I looked at my ring finger.

I am wearing a very beautiful and shiny diamond ring today.

I suddenly remembered his proposal to me two weeks ago.


Flashback two weeks ago

I woke up early because today Daniel's dad is going to see his grandson today. He was obviously super excited even though we just talked on the phone.

At first I was a little scared of his voice, because it was very authoritative and I'm nervous, but as time went on, he was very kind. Maybe Daniel inherited from him.

'Baby are you done? Dad is coming" Daniel whispered while I prepared the dining table.

'Stop it, they'll hear you, they'll might laugh at you calling me like that.' I said to him.

'Baby I'll go outside, Dad's already here.' He teased me again and then went out.

I kept shaking my head laughing at him.

I'm really nervous because I'm going to face his daddy now. It's even more nerve-wracking than our previous exam and job interviews.

'Bessy! We're going to take liam', lyca shouted as she and Nik went up the stairs to bring Liam down here. , they cooked delicious food that we will serving to Daniel's dad.

'Iha, he is already there, get out of there first.' Grandma said to me and took what I was doing.

'Am I decent grandma?' I asked grandma while inspecting my appearance.

'Oh, you look so beautiful today, my grandchild' said grandma smiling. I hugged her

'Thanks Grandma' I caressed her.

'Oh it's alright fine, get out of there and go to see Daniel's father' she pushed me away.

I nervously walked outside.


'He's already there' Lyca whispered to me when I arrived.

When I looked, Daniel was with his Dad who was quite old but his handsomeness couldn't be hidden. His appearance is very respectable and he looks grumpy to look at.

I got even more nervous.

'Good evening..' -lyca

'Good evening uncle'- Nik

'Good evening' my mom.

Daniel's father just nodded and smiled at them

'Good evening' I greet him respectfully and with a smile. I bowed a little to show my full respect to him.

'Good evening to you too, thank you very much for the warm welcome' he greeted us all kindly and sensitively.

'Wait, is this my grandson?' He pointed to liam.

'Good evening grandpa. I'm happy to meet you, I'm Liam, mommy and daddy's son.' Silent greeting and introduction of my son to his grandfather. It's obvious that he was so comforted by liam because of his smile.

'Ha.ha.ha.ha, it's true that you are very smart, and you are a very handsome boy, you look just like your daddy, Daniel look, you two are look alike . That's exactly your face when you were three years old' he said happily while looking at Liam.

We're laughing happily.

'Let's go inside and the food is already cold. We have prepared a lot for you.' Mom politely greeted him inside the house.

The others also tried to agree..

'Yea, it's better, if we're all go inside. My handsome grandson, come to grandpa' he smiled as he agreed and took Liam from Daniel.

It was so heartwarming to see this scene. I could hardly ask for anything more. My heart is very happy.

'Baby let's go' Daniel whispered. I smiled at him then we arm in arm followed them inside.


Everyone has finished eating, and we are currently in the garden while the others are sitting on outdoor chairs. Happy stories while Liam's father is happy with his grandson :)

I'm so happy as I watch them.

'Aaliya can you take my medicine ? I forgot to drink earlier, can you please take that from my room? The one in the very first drawer?' Grandma is begging me. Suddenly I was worried because of what time should she have taken her maintenance medicine.

'Alright grandma, just wait a minute and I'll just get it' I stood up and quickly entered the house.

After awhile I immediately saw grandma's medicine in the drawer and then I hurried downstairs to get water too.

Bringing a glass of water and grandma's medicine, I went out again to our place earlier.

But I was surprised when I went out, there was no light and it was dark.

But after a while it didn't take long and suddenly the lights are back.

But I was even more surprised by what I saw,..

Now playing...

All I want

By: Olivia Rodrigo

There are beautiful candlelights all around, in the middle there is a big white board that says....

Will you marry me?

Daniel who is on his knees one foot in front of me while holding a ring,

While my family was around, Daniel's Daddy and our son who were happily looking at us as well as our friend.

Grandma took from my hand the water and medicine she had given me.

I covered my mouth. I'm just stunned and I still can't absorb what's happening.

'Aaliyah, Our past was memorable, can our future be infinite?' He said while holding the ring in front of me.

Tears drip on my face while my hands on my mouth. I can not believe. I thought maybe it was just a dream.

'Baby' he got my attention as if he looked nervous.

I still didn't answer.

But I stood him up from kneeling and then hugged him tightly.

'Yes' I softly whispered. in his ear.

He looks like a child who can't believe his happiness.

He lifted me in the air while hugging my waist and then spun me around.

'Yes!' His cry was like winning the lottery.

I hear shouting and clapping around us.

After what he did, he put the diamond ring on my ring finger and then claimed my lips.

A very romantic kiss that makes everyone crazy. You can also hear my son's screams.

My heart has no place for joy.

If it's just a dream, I hope I don't wake up.


End of flashback...


We had six days in Palawan today and tomorrow we will all leave back to Manila.

I've been putting away our things with Liam because we're leaving early tomorrow.

Daniel was outside with Nik and their other friends. It looks like they're using up their vacation because they'll all be busy with work when they get home, especially my fiance. ^___^

Lyca just came out of our room a while ago and said she is going to rest. I became sleepy because I was pregnant.

I don't know about the others, maybe they are still touring the entire resort, especially mom because she also brought her boyfriend here.

I was about to go to the cr when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

'Sister!' I heard my sister scream outside.

I opened it right away.

'Sister! Liam is missing!!!!!' My sister was pale while panting, obviously from running.

But I suddenly got nervous.

'What?!' I was confused by what she said and went out to go to the room next to ours where Liam and grandma's room.

'We've been looking for a while because when grandma woke up, Liam wasn't in his bed! I just arrived because I'm from outside!!' My sister explained in a panic as I opened the door.

But my grandma was crying.

I was nervous.

Don't be..

'grandma?' I asked grandma. I'm already shaking.

'when I woke up he wasn't by my side, I just took a nap and the door was locked but---' grandma couldn't continue what she was going to say because she was crying.

My knees suddenly went weak.

I wasn't can speak

I turned to Lyca.

'Bessy, calm down, Liam is being searched for throughout the resort, which has already been paged and informed to all the security guards. The child might got lost' Lyca said worriedly.

'What time did liam disappear?!!' I asked my sister.

'It's been more than 20 minutes-----'

'Why didn't you tell me right away!!!!!' I yelled at my sister because I was in the room complacent that my son was just sleeping! I didn't hear her answer because I left their room.

'Wheres Daniel?!' I asked Lyca while following me.

'They are looking at all the cctv all over the place to find Liam. Daniel said not to tell you even though we were panicking earlier because you might be surprised---'

'Damn him!' I cut off what Lyca was going to say. I'm really nervous! My knees are weak.

I walked quickly to find my son myself.

My God. Please don't...


To be continued..