
Fleshcrafter in Tensura

Ishak was a normal high school student. There was nothing from the past to haunt him. But one day he suddenly collapsed and died of undiagnosed heart failure in the middle of the road. Then he met a being from a higher dimension and made a pact with him. Needless to say, the only thing about him that might be considered strange is that he idolized Fleshcrafters from fantasy works. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Don't expect regular updates. Once or Twice a week. English is my second language so except for some grammar mistakes Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

abazorus · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I was on my walk home on an ordinary school day. As I was walking home, I was looking out of the corner of my eye at the people I passed. but all of a sudden, when I was looking at those people, I felt my eyes glaze over and I felt a pressure in the center of my chest, which had never happened before, and I could see people passing by me clearly before, but now I was seeing them completely blurry. Before long, I could feel the coldness of the concrete I was lying on, the coldness spread throughout my body...I had come to a dark place, as if I had died? What I just experienced, how can I think if I'm dead... after a few seconds I started to open my eyes as if nothing had just happened, was I in the hospital? But no, it's too quiet for a hospital what is this place my eyes are still blurry so I raised my arms and rubbed my eyes...finally I could see my surroundings clearly it wasn't a hospital as I thought but when I lifted my body and looked in front of me I was startled I couldn't identify the being in front of me what was it.before I even tried to talk, he would start talking, like he knew what I was going to do, like he could see the future.

"welcome ıshak you don't need to be afraid of me...oh sorry for calling you ıshak I'm afraid you won't need this name anymore...by the way my name is sanjar"

what was he talking about, why didn't I need my name, I was confused, a little uneasy.

"w-why don't I need my name?"

"because you died and you will come back to life in a different body...in a different world...with a different name...logically no one needs a dead name, right?"

said sanjar...I was getting more and more confused...the world...the body...what was this nonsense my earlier uneasiness seemed to give way to a little anger, was this being kidding me?

"Don't fuck with me, you fucking vague thing!"

"No, ıshak, I'm not making fun of you. Look at yourself. I guess your body wasn't really like this."

As I was listening to sanjar, what he said inevitably caught my attention, as he said, when I looked at myself, I was white, I had a different form instead of my usual form, at that moment I started to believe sanjar, was I really dead...I think it looked like that but when I saw my body I didn't show any signs of fear, instead I accepted that it was dead. After accepting death, I asked the question when I was in front of Sanjar:

"You just said I'm going to be born again or something...well I want to say what I want to be born as, if there is such a thing."

"hm hm that's what you should have said from the beginning...remember that's what sanjar is for"

"Before I died I was obsessed with fleshcrafters and stuff, I was interested in them, so I want to be reborn as a fleshcrafter."

"Well, well, well, but you know you have to be in a universe that you choose."

I never really thought about it, what could have happened...at that moment I decided to say the first thing that came to my mind


When I said that, I suddenly found myself on a stone floor as if I had fallen at a very high speed, there seemed to be something like moss or grass between the stones, obviously this was an old place, when I fully regained consciousness, I heard the echo of the sound of water droplets falling to the ground. After listening to the sound of the water hitting the floor for a while, I got up and sat cross-legged, and then I started to look around...it was a majestic place, there were no windows around, but there was a dim light from a candle...it was time to take a look around...I got up...I took the dimly lit candle and walked around the inside of the room I was in, and finally! A wooden door looks old, but it doesn't matter...after slowly opening the door, I was greeted by a large hallway...a majestic hallway, just like the houses where rich people live This made me feel special for a moment. After I left the door, I turned to the left. In fact, it seemed like I needed to wash my face for a while. I hadn't even recovered yet. Accompanied by the echo of my footsteps in the corridor, I entered a room that I assumed was a restroom, but it looked more like a storage room than a restroom. After closing the door and leaving, I actually found the restroom after walking around for a long time. When I arrived in front of the restroom, I opened the door without looking at the details on the door, it opened more quietly than the other doors I had opened, and when I entered, it smelled better than the restrooms I was used to. Without looking around too much, I approached the sink, turned on the water and hit my face with the hard running water. ...who was this... "oh of course I wanted a different body" I said inwardly...my new body was a white skinned person with long blonde hair, he(I) actually looked cool.After looking at myself in the mirror for a long time, I took the towel hanging on the wall with a piece of iron and dried my face, then I went to the door and went out into the corridor I had just walked through. As I was walking, I was thinking about who owned this mansion, in fact, this was not a mansion but a castle, but I did not know that. If there was an owner and he saw me, he would probably either kick me out of here or try to kill me, and if so, I would stay in any room I found until that person came.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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