
Flames of the Phoenix by Pastelwolfi_xX

'Is she human or something else' Ava Johnson, a girl in her late teens is a silent girl, people know nothing but her name...... and that she has the tattoo of a red fire on her arm.... Warning: mention of depression, slight blood

Pastelwolfiie_xX · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Madern University

Ava's POV

I woke up to the song 'kill this love by Blackpink' being played, it was my daily alarm as Blackpink is my favorite k-pop band. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, had a bath and got dressed, I was wearing a white top and a denim skirt with a large black belt in between with my hair left loose in wavy curls and I wore black boots, 'I look nice' I thought. I then made myself some pancakes and I sat down to eat, once I was done I got out of my apartment and drove in my car to Madern University, it was my first day ther and I have to admit I was quite excited.... okay I was extremely excited!!!

At the University

I walked inside the University, it sure was huge which was a problem for me since I liked to be alone, the main reason as to why I never had much friends. As I was walking lost in my own thought I didn't realize that someone was coming straight for me and we both collided into each other, I got up rubbing my head as I did so "I am so sorry, are you hurt?" I asked, worried "No, no, I am fine" she replied as she got up then I saw her, she was really beautiful with dark black hair and blue eyes "You are really pretty" I said still staring at her perfect facial features "oh... Thanks" she replied "What's your name?" She asked as I tried to leave, "Ava, Ava Johnson, yours?" I said "oh, I'm Olivia Smith" the girl who was apparently Olivia said, I smiled "Well Olivia I really should get going now" I said, trying not to sound rude "okay then see you later, bye" she said and then she walked away I sighed, I hate talking to people but I also hate being rude, I then started my search for the principal's office. I found the principal's office and walked inside, uhh... more talking "Hi, I am Ava Johnson" I said quickly, let's get this over with "Okay... Ava.. Ava... ah yes Ava Johnson, here let me print your schedule" the principal said and I stood their waiting and when it was printed I grabbed the sheet said thank you and ran out of the office, I don't at all like to talk to people, for some reason when I talk to people I feel weird and uncomfortable... like I shouldn't talk at all.

Since this was our first day at this university we were given a free day to check our books, lockers and our dorms, I walked towards the my dorm I had left this for the last as I didn't want to know who my roommate is, like I said I hate people, I opened the door walked there seemed to be nobody in there so I decided to unpack, there were two bedrooms, I chose one and entered, it was plain and empty so it probably wasn't used by anyone so I got to work unpacking my stuff and arranging them in it's places and once I was done it looked quite decent.

Once I was done I went to the living room and decided to watch some Netflix on TV, I scrolled through the different movies trying to pick which one to watch "Well... I have always wanted to watch Princess Switch" A voice behind me said, I turned around to see a girl with blonde hair and silver eyes "Hey" I said as polite as I could "Hey, I suppose your new here my name is Keira" she said "Hey, I am Ava" I said "Well... do you want to see my room?" She asked "Sure" I said curious on how it would look. It looked beautiful with dark blue bed and white walls, my pastel coloured room was nothing compared to this beauty.

"This is beautiful!!" I said, talking more than necessary, "Thanks" she replied smiling, I smiled back she was an extremely kind person by the looks of it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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